Candela Pictures...Finally!

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Candela Pictures...Finally!
« on: 23 Aug 2006, 02:08 pm »

OK Folks...a few new Candela pictures showing the current (new) production chassis as indicated earlier by Klaus! Sorry for the delay but we have been very busy...better late than never.  :thumb:



Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #1 on: 23 Aug 2006, 03:15 pm »
The front looks great.  How about a shot of the rear? 

Eduardo AAVM

Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #2 on: 23 Aug 2006, 11:59 pm »
Man oh man... the thing looks so lovely !!!!


Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #3 on: 24 Aug 2006, 12:18 am »

OK Folks...a few new Candela pictures showing the current (new) production chassis as indicated earlier by Klaus! Sorry for the delay but we have been very busy...better late than never.  :thumb:


Hey Alex, i had Klaus put me on the list for a Candela with a remote control and and it looks so sweet!i kind of wish that i didnt see the updated pictures because now i can barely wait until mine is finished and sitting in my audio rack playing thru my mono extreme SEs. thanks....WCW III


Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #4 on: 25 Aug 2006, 02:36 pm »
What a beauty.

The best looking Odyssey model if you ask me. I am sure this will be another winner.

Congrats to Klaus and the team.



Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #5 on: 26 Aug 2006, 12:19 pm »
What a beauty.

The best looking Odyssey model if you ask me. I am sure this will be another winner.

Congrats to Klaus and the team.


Yep, I always thought the Tempest looked a bit austere with that expanse of black and a those two big honkin' knobs...the tube window seriously brightens things up a bit.  Like the Luxman (hybrid) integrated amps of the late 80's..which were real nice.


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #6 on: 26 Aug 2006, 04:48 pm »
one thing I'd like to see as an option on this preamp is the color of the knobs. I'd love to have a gold plated option or even a silver ones.


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #7 on: 2 Sep 2006, 05:37 pm »
I will have my new preamp tonight!! YES!! Bet you all know what I'll be doing this long weekend!


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #8 on: 2 Sep 2006, 07:27 pm »
:thumb: Schweet!  Guess it's on you to do the first official production review...



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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #9 on: 3 Sep 2006, 09:59 pm »
I will have my new preamp tonight!! YES!! Bet you all know what I'll be doing this long weekend!

well the preamp is on it's sixth or eight CD driving a forty watt tube amp into a pair of Meadowlark hotrods. It already smoked the Quicksilver it replaced in everyway but the soundstage, and that's not a fair statement. It's much faster than the Quicksilver, and seems to have much more presence in the system already. Seems to be really compatable with the Jolida tubed cd player, and of course I knew the Marantz sacd player would work well. Have not used the turntable yet, but expect the same results.
I had to delete the use of my tuner (I listen to a couple jazz shows on the tuner a lot, so I'll really miss that), and of course we all know there's no tape loop in this unit. So the Nak goes upstairs. I think this preamp is going to be a good one.

             Here's what I've noticed right now:
*Bass! The bass presence is there in spades. An acoustic upright sounds about right, and is very tight.
No rumbleing, and the bow is near perfect.
*Piano.....Just sounds right. Maybe a touch distant right now, but seems tobe be moving forward as I write this. One of the few preamps that will do Red Garland right.
*Sax....have not listened to a lot of tenor, and it seems a little light. Expect it to only get better with more slam. The vibration of the body is already correct. Saprano sax was right there, but once again a little distant. This will only get better with age.
*drums are about right, brass may need to open up a bit. Snares are perfect, and hope they don't change on me
*Trumpet.....I think this preamp has it right from the get go. Plenty of heft, speed, and I know where the trumpet is all the time (even when he moves or turns his back to me). Miles would be happy.
     Now I didn't go into great detail for two reasons. One I don't make reviews, and two, I'm far from an expert. All I know todo is compare what I hear with what they really sound like. In my world I listen to musical instruments first, closely followed by the performance. J.J. Johnson taught me listen for musical presence of each individual piece in a quartet, and how it interacts with the others. I don't care about meter readings saying this can go down to 20Hz. What I care about is playing the tune right, and with the force it deserves.


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #10 on: 3 Sep 2006, 10:02 pm »
I'll keep you posted as to how things are comming into place. I'll probably keep it hooked up to the tube amp for another week or so as I want to see it all come together with the amp as a reference.
The monblocs are ready right now, but want to wait a couple weeks. Does this make sense?


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #11 on: 3 Sep 2006, 10:06 pm »
:thumb: Schweet!  Guess it's on you to do the first official production review...


don't close this thread out! I want to compare the Candella with the Quicksilver in depth, plus a couple other tubed preamps. Then we'll move into the big solid state monoblocs, and compare again.
Right now I trying to think of some selective material to use a reference. Will start making a list this weekend, and let all of you know.


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #12 on: 3 Sep 2006, 11:02 pm »

Thank you for your initial comments... :D

I don't know if Klaus mentioned this to you or not but the Candela based on the circuit topology "inverts phase". If  you have not done it so far, you should reverse the speaker connections at the speaker terminals (with the amp/amps off of course). Not that all recordings are recorded in phase but most of them are.

This should further increase the Candela soundstage and separation of instruments in spades...

There is not much to brake own experience tells me that out of the box the Candela sounds very good, but it will come alive and make its presence after 48 hours depending on volume and source material.



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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #13 on: 4 Sep 2006, 08:04 am »

Thank you for your initial comments... :D

I don't know if Klaus mentioned this to you or not but the Candela based on the circuit topology "inverts phase". If  you have not done it so far, you should reverse the speaker connections at the speaker terminals (with the amp/amps off of course). Not that all recordings are recorded in phase but most of them are.

This should further increase the Candela soundstage and separation of instruments in spades...

There is not much to brake own experience tells me that out of the box the Candela sounds very good, but it will come alive and make its presence after 48 hours depending on volume and source material.


I caught it right off the bat when the drums were on the wrong side of the sound stage! Have not corrected this yet. By the way for all that might be interested; after about eight back to back discs run thru it the piano has now moved forward where it should be, and it's presence is immediatly in your face as it should be. Stage is getting deeper by the hour. Played Steve Allee's New York In The Fifties, and the piano can't be told from the Kawii that it was recorded off of. Brass is still not quite there yet, but can already tell which one he's (Jacuba Griffen) hitting. (if you like old school jazz, this is a must have cd). Was going to play Frank Glover's "Politico" to see how airy the high end was getting tobe, but decided to wait till tomorrow. This is another good test cd, as a super quality clairinet can be a bear to duplicate right. And this performance is probably the finest clairinet I've ever heard live or recorded period (cept Alvin Batiste's "Late"). Lastly this preamp seems to really make those Miles Davis 24 bit masters really zing to a new level (assuming you have a 24 bit decoder). I thrilled if you can't tell by now.
     But  there is one thing I wish you guys would change ever so slightly. How about labeling the interconnects in the back? And maybe make the writeing on the face a little brighter for us oldies to see! I do most of my listening in low light conditions.
call me satisfied


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #14 on: 4 Sep 2006, 07:33 pm »

Thank you for your initial comments... :D

I don't know if Klaus mentioned this to you or not but the Candela based on the circuit topology "inverts phase". If  you have not done it so far, you should reverse the speaker connections at the speaker terminals (with the amp/amps off of course). Not that all recordings are recorded in phase but most of them are.

This should further increase the Candela soundstage and separation of instruments in spades...

There is not much to brake own experience tells me that out of the box the Candela sounds very good, but it will come alive and make its presence after 48 hours depending on volume and source material.


OK, I swapped the cables around, and it made a difference. Piano now is in the center stage (maybe slightly left of center). Upright bass has became more pronounced, and the drum set is a little more isolated as it should be. I lost something in the tenor sax area when I did this, but think it will come back in due time. Glover's clairinet is extremely transparent, and has that woodwind sound I expect. The metal bodied one he uses in the cd is also much more pronounced. He's also dead center in the stage mix like he was. Drums were off to the right about eight feet, and the piano was about four feet from him. It's all right there ready to "open up." I also played a Lynn Ayrall cd that is a good test for keyboard duplication. Very accurate, but still a tad distant (not by much). Steve Davis' drums were near perfect, and his brass work is perfect. I'm guessing that another forty hours will make this preamp into something worth setting in front of for hours at a time.
     As bad as I hate to say this, I bought two quad sets of tubes for a future swap (Brimars and Hammonds), but really don't know why (well maybe to make the tenor sax a little more pronounced). May do a cable swap next week (I have a set of Synergistics and a couple others gathering dust). Right now I'm using MIT's.


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #15 on: 5 Sep 2006, 02:53 pm »
As bad as I hate to say this, I bought two quad sets of tubes for a future swap (Brimars and Hammonds), but really don't know why

The JJ ECC82 is a very good tube and was specifically selected for the Candela as a "stock" tube as these new current production tubes are well made, reliable and very consistent from batch to batch. I have yet to see one fail on me! Of course there are many other good tubes new and old stock around that will match very well with the Candela.

We have secured a good lot (on our way soon) of matched pairs ECC82/12AU7 "EI PREMIUM-CRYOGENIC TREATED". These are the selected "low noise smooth plate" EI's!  I have listened to these tubes extensively in the Candela and to my ears they provide a lower noise floor, extended frequency response at the extremes and a further increase in resolution and transparency....they sound just superb! :D

We will be offering and including  (in addition to the stocked JJ's) these tubes at a discounted price, yet to be determine... only at the time of order placement of new Candelas.  Of course current Candela owners will be contacted when we received stock, and provide them with the offer.... :thumb:



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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #16 on: 5 Sep 2006, 05:41 pm »
As bad as I hate to say this, I bought two quad sets of tubes for a future swap (Brimars and Hammonds), but really don't know why

The JJ ECC82 is a very good tube and was specifically selected for the Candela as a "stock" tube as these new current production tubes are well made, reliable and very consistent from batch to batch. I have yet to see one fail on me! Of course there are many other good tubes new and old stock around that will match very well with the Candela.

We have secured a good lot (on our way soon) of matched pairs ECC82/12AU7 "EI PREMIUM-CRYOGENIC TREATED". These are the selected "low noise smooth plate" EI's!  I have listened to these tubes extensively in the Candela and to my ears they provide a lower noise floor, extended frequency response at the extremes and a further increase in resolution and transparency....they sound just superb! :D

We will be offering and including  (in addition to the stocked JJ's) these tubes at a discounted price, yet to be determine... only at the time of order placement of new Candelas.  Of course current Candela owners will be contacted when we received stock, and provide them with the offer.... :thumb:


was looking at what your listening to (always have an ear to the ground). How about posting the catalog number for that CD? Is it on vynil? Right now I buzzing thru Ray Brown's "A Very Tall Band". Vibes to die for!
Oscar's piano is so real it's like I'm ten feet from him on the left asile (trying to flag the waitress down for another beer).
    Lastly you might wanta take a listem to David Sanchez's Selmer 40K over at the Kitchen on the 22nd. This has tobe the best sound tenor I've ever heard.


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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #17 on: 5 Sep 2006, 06:22 pm »

Lastly you might wanta take a listem to David Sanchez's Selmer 40K over at the Kitchen on the 22nd.

I have heard David Sanchez's before...not the one you mentioned but agreed he is very good. Justin Time Records catalog number is "JR 6650-2". Overall the whole CD is very good....however, track 2 ...Blues in F ...that piano (Wray Downes) sounds very special (just right) to my ears through the Candela!



Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #18 on: 5 Sep 2006, 08:26 pm »
As bad as I hate to say this, I bought two quad sets of tubes for a future swap (Brimars and Hammonds), but really don't know why

The JJ ECC82 is a very good tube and was specifically selected for the Candela as a "stock" tube as these new current production tubes are well made, reliable and very consistent from batch to batch. I have yet to see one fail on me! Of course there are many other good tubes new and old stock around that will match very well with the Candela.

We have secured a good lot (on our way soon) of matched pairs ECC82/12AU7 "EI PREMIUM-CRYOGENIC TREATED". These are the selected "low noise smooth plate" EI's!  I have listened to these tubes extensively in the Candela and to my ears they provide a lower noise floor, extended frequency response at the extremes and a further increase in resolution and transparency....they sound just superb! :D

We will be offering and including  (in addition to the stocked JJ's) these tubes at a discounted price, yet to be determine... only at the time of order placement of new Candelas.  Of course current Candela owners will be contacted when we received stock, and provide them with the offer.... :thumb:


Hey Alex, i was talking to Klaus on the phone last week and he told me about the cryrogenic ECC82s and i have also been looking around at NOS tubes and have located a source for Amperex 7316s. they are $85 bucks a piece but they are a super premium version of the ECC82, kind of like the 7308s are to the 6DJ8/6922 family of 6v twin triode tubes.the Ei Elite goldpin tubes are a very good tube of new manufacture and sound even better than the premium Amperex 7308s in my BAT VK3i preamplifier. i cant wait to get my hands on my new Candela! thanks....WCW III
« Last Edit: 5 Sep 2006, 08:57 pm by bunky »

Dennis Gardner

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Re: Candela Pictures...Finally!
« Reply #19 on: 6 Sep 2006, 05:30 am »


I caught it right off the bat when the drums were on the wrong side of the sound stage!


Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't phase inversion indicate + and - swapped around, not L & R inverted? This should mean that the speakers are moving out instead of in like normal. This can't affect sides of the soundstage can it?