Looking for opinions on the Salk Mobw 1's ?

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Looking for opinions on the Salk Mobw 1's ?
« on: 7 Aug 2006, 04:06 am »
I know that the build quality on these is superb, bot I am looking for opinions and comparisons on their sound, I will be using a sub and a butler amp, thanks


Re: Looking for opinions on the Salk Mobw 1's ?
« Reply #1 on: 7 Aug 2006, 05:52 am »
They sound fantastic compared to typical mass market commercial offerings I have heard in terms of detail and transparency up close to the sub $2k range.  Of course, used speakers and particular products may better it here or there, especially in terms of dynamics.  The sound is sweet with highs that sound like they're missing until you hear something bright play like a trumpet leaping out of the darkness.  When you hear them, you may suddenly realize how bad most mass market offerings are in comparison, how bright they make everything sizzle to catch your attention.  Worth a listen to, to see if their sound is what you're looking for.  If you're looking for big dynamics, look elsewhere. 


Re: Looking for opinions on the Salk Mobw 1's ?
« Reply #2 on: 7 Aug 2006, 06:04 am »

I had the opportunity to hear the CAOW-1's and MBOW-1's on a few occasions. Ooheadso's comments are mostly on the mark - with the CAOW-1 offering a little quicker bass and a more open and extended high-end, at least per my experience. These Murphey design's are held in high regard by those who have tried the blue-prints. They are a fantastic way to enter the DIY world. Jim Salk has time and time again showed off his masterfull craftsmanship, so between the build/cosmetics and the sound, you got a real winner on your hands for an affordable compact monitor.

There are two particular speakers I have come across that I feel bests these designs around the same price range, namely the Dynaudio Focus 110's ($1400 retail) and the Stone Image Audio Rothschilde A2's ($1360~ retail). Both of those speakers do the audiophile mumbo jumbo VERY, well also doing the music justice without any discrimination. While their sonics are arguably a level beyond the mbow and caow's (with premium parts), their build/appearance wont even approach what Salk can put out.

All of the above is of course, my humble opinion..


Re: Looking for opinions on the Salk Mobw 1's ?
« Reply #3 on: 7 Aug 2006, 06:22 am »
Just as a general fyi, I've used the mbow1 daily for about 2 years, I guess.  Still have them, for now.  I don't have Salk made cabinets, though, just my own horribly finished cabinets.


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Re: Looking for opinions on the Salk Mobw 1's ?
« Reply #4 on: 7 Aug 2006, 05:26 pm »

"I had the opportunity to hear the CAOW-1's and MBOW-1's on a few occasions. Ooheadso's comments are mostly on the mark - with the CAOW-1 offering a little quicker bass and a more open and extended high-end, at least per my experience."       The MB0W1's and CA0W1's use the same tweeter and basically the same high-pass filter, so there shouldn't be any difference in the high frequency presentation.  The CA0W1 does, however, have a little dip above 1 kHz (it's just part of the Seas woofer's response) that the ear might interpret as a more spacious sound.  I haven't had the pleasure of hearing the Dynaudio or the A2's.  My experience with Dynaudio, however, is that they are one of the few companies that can pull off a low-order crossover.   I would also guess the woofer is more expensive than either the M130 (which is only $25), or the CA15 ($40 and change). 


Re: Looking for opinions on the Salk Mobw 1's ?
« Reply #5 on: 7 Aug 2006, 10:04 pm »

The OW1 is certainly a very formidable tweeter. I failed to mention that neither the mbow or the caow were from Salk Sound, and instead home build. There is a chance there was a bit more under the hood of the caow. I never checked on either occasion.

I am flirting with the idea of asking Jim if he would build some cabs for me to house these A2's in...  I am not sure if you would have an opportunity to hear them if that ever materializes. If you ever have the chance to check out the Focus series - do so. Their first loss-leader line and I must say, its a home-run with all things considered. You are correct, both speakers sport drivers that nearly double the price of the M130 and OW1. Both the A2 and Focus 110 share nearly the same woofer.

edit: I simply wanted to apologize for taking this thread slightly off track. Murphy's Mbow and Caow's are fantastic speakers that I have absolute respect for! There's not many other compact monitors that will be able to dance toe to toe with them in their range. Your Butler amp will be more than up for the task and aside from the two aforementioned speakers, not much else comes to mind in terms of fair comparisons.


« Last Edit: 8 Aug 2006, 01:05 am by A6M-ZERO »


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Re: Looking for opinions on the Salk Mobw 1's ?
« Reply #6 on: 8 Aug 2006, 02:24 am »
No apologies needed here.  It's very much on-topic to bring up other alternatives in the same price range.  I appreciate the feedback on what else is available.  It's difficult for me to hear a lot of speakers, and I'm always interested in knowing what to focus on when I do get a chance to audition other designs.