Up coming review at 6moons

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Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #40 on: 20 Dec 2006, 02:36 pm »
...The benefit of a independent reviewer, as opposed to most of the members on here, is that the independent reviewer has put no money into the product and thus has no expectations when listening to it...
Geoff, just so it is clear, I had no money tied up in either the AKSA N+ or the LifeForce. I auditioned each in my system for a week or so with no commitment to buy and no reason to like them any better than any other amps. They were not bought unheard or on 'buy & return if unhappy' type deals. FWIW, I also tested another of Hugh's prototypes between the AKSA N+ and the LifeForce and rejected it.

Srajan, yes I agree with your remarks on professional/owner reviews. None of my comments were directed at 6Moons or intended to insinuate that I thought you or your staff held yourselves in higher regard than anyone else. I hope it didn't sound that way.

George... please stop and think for a minute before you post. Make sure you understand what the topic of the thread is and what circle you are in. Most of your posts are 'off topic', self serving and add little if any value to the thread. Sorry if this seems harsh, I could ignore one or two such posts and it is all well and good to play innocent and say "I'm sorry" when criticised for it later, but this is a habit with you. If you want to push your own amps then you need to get your own circle or use the 'Industry Ads' circle. Advertising your website in another manufacturer's circle is just plain rude. I'm sure you have a lot to offer, just drop the advertising.


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Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #41 on: 20 Dec 2006, 10:44 pm »
I realise there will be some people who have been loaned Hugh's amps to audition, and you're one of them.  There were also those that Hugh had his N+ shipped to whilst it was "on tour".  Which is great, because the money side of things doesn't come into the equation and that removes one major source of bias.  Forging a relationship as a tester, however, may create a bias.  Whether it does or not depends on your exact relationship with Hugh and to an outsider, that can only be guessed at via forum posts :)

Personally, I think the reviews already on here speak volumes.  Others who are outside the AKSA family, though, are somewhat more hesitant and cynical (I know I was).  The perception of a professional (sic) reviewer is that they're trustworthy, and for marketing reasons is more important than a forum full of devoted customers! (ok, so I'm still a cynic! :D).


Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #42 on: 20 Dec 2006, 11:26 pm »

That was an extremely perceptive post.  I doffs me cap, you are mature beyond your years - as well as articulate!

Darren and I get along very well, you are right, and such a relationship could affect perception and probably does.  However, one of the reasons I so admire his reviews is because of his rigorous, professional and elegant style;  no nonsense, beautifully expressed, straight to the point.  Furthermore,  Darren is extremely fastidious, has a magnificent listening environment he's worked on for years, and has carefully auditioned a LOT of very good equipment.  This is important to me, because I know almost nothing about the high end products in the marketplace.  I sheepishly admit I never look over my shoulder, as my competition is entirely with myself - other products don't much divert me unless they have some unique innovation.  Then I'm sure interested....




Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #43 on: 20 Dec 2006, 11:35 pm »
...The perception of a professional (sic) reviewer is that they're trustworthy, and for marketing reasons is more important than a forum full of devoted customers! (ok, so I'm still a cynic! :D).

Geoff, nothing wrong with being a cynic ... in fact I'm perhaps more cynical than most.

It's all very subjective I suppose. Personally, I'm not sure that professional reviewers are generally regarded as  trustworthy any more, and a forum full of devoted customers (especially those with real experience) means a great deal more to me than any single professional review.


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Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #44 on: 21 Dec 2006, 01:22 pm »
Thanks for the kind words, Hugh :)

I agree totally with both of you - but playing devil's advocate is sometimes useful, and often fun :D


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Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #45 on: 21 Dec 2006, 08:23 pm »
...I am the proud owner of a AKSA 55N+ and am considering buying the LifeForce, but unfortunately cannot audition it "in the flesh". I enjoy reading 6moons reviews, considering them fair and unbiased, so I for one would like to see a professional review of the LF.  If it betters the 55N+ (as many have reported) then it will make an upgrade decision a little easier.  My 2c worth  :thumb:...

Unanymous rave feedback/reviews of the LifeForce by AKSA owners, all suggesting it is superior to the AKSA by more than a small margin, don't sway you ... yet a single review from a 'professional' reviewer (who hasn't reviewed the AKSA as far as I know) would???

There are many enthusiasts on this forum and others who have spent many years in this hobby and compared a large number of components. Yet, because they don't write for a magazine their ears are less golden than a 'professional' reviewer and their observations less valid? I can understand newbies falling for the trap of believing all professional reviewers are demi Gods with superior auditory skills and who never make mistakes. But surely they grow out of this naievety.

I'm not suggesting for a moment that 'professional' reviewers' observations are more or less valid than those of experienced enthusiasts. Just that they are simply one more point of reference, no more no less. And, I wouldn't consider 'professional' reviewers less biased than enthusiasts who make their decisions based on their own ears and wallets.

BTW I am not pointing anything here specifically at 6Moons. I enjoy their reviews too and the hard work involved. It is always nice to read a positive review of a piece of kit you own, but a negative review certainly wouldn't change what 'I' hear in 'my' system in 'my' room and I wouldn't be perturbed by it.

I can undersand that it it not "sexy" to review a component from a (traditionally) kit supplier, especially one not in its final chassis (though this has no bearing on the sound). The fact that the LifeForce is not available, in a shiny gold chassis, for view and audition on B&M shelves in the US, also makes it difficult for Hugh to penetrate the market and even less interesting to 'professional' reviewers. Nor would it surprise me if a bland prototype chassis led to a negative bias in the reviewer's mind (consciously or not) against the quality and performance of the component.

Although it kind of hurt to lose names like Plinius, BAT etc from my system, the improvement in my system from these ordinary looking Aspen components made the decision easy... regardless of there being no 'professional' reviews available.... sure glad I didn't sit around waiting for them.

Just my 2c worth...  :D


Just read your rather sarcastic reply to my post.   I've read your review of the LF - nicely done, but as Geoff-AU pointed out 'professional' reviewers generally have had the benefit of reviewing many high-end products so forgive me if I rate a 6moons' review over yours.
I wouldn’t care if the amp was housed in a shoe-box as long as it sounded good. My only desire was to see a 6moons review for the LF as I rate their reviews - that’s my opinion and if that's naive then so be it. 



Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #46 on: 21 Dec 2006, 10:01 pm »
Hi Tim,

Thanks for your post.  Always remember emails and forum posts are inevitably read with every negative implication amplified.  If you knew Darren as I know him - face to face, with good coffee in a nice cafe - you would never describe him as sarcastic.

I agree with both of you, and certainly feel that a 6Moons review would be good for Aspen.   I think Darren feels this too!!




Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #47 on: 22 Dec 2006, 12:02 am »

Just read your rather sarcastic reply to my post.   I've read your review of the LF - nicely done, but as Geoff-AU pointed out 'professional' reviewers generally have had the benefit of reviewing many high-end products so forgive me if I rate a 6moons' review over yours.
I wouldn’t care if the amp was housed in a shoe-box as long as it sounded good. My only desire was to see a 6moons review for the LF as I rate their reviews - that’s my opinion and if that's naive then so be it. 

Hi Tim, sorry if any of my post sounded sarcastic, that was not what I felt or intended. Parts of it may be cynical, but even these were directed at our hobby, not at you or any individual. Nor was I implying that you were a newbie, as I don't know you or your background, and the 'naivety' remark was thus not directed at you. You could have a lifetime behind you in this hobby for all I know. However, there are newbies in this hobby and many of them view professional reviewers as infallable and believe every word they write.

Nor did I ever mention my review or what weight my review should be given. I certainly never suggested that my review should be given more credence than that of a professional reviewer. In fact, at the start of my review I clearly point out that I am not a professional reviewer and that the review should be taken with a large pinch of salt. The point I was trying to make was that a collection of positive reviews from happy auditioners/owners means far more to me than any single 'professional' review. However, I can certainly understand, and agree with, placing more weight on a single professional review than a single review from most auditioner/owners.

Yes, I do agree that a professional review (if positive) would be useful to Hugh and useful to those potential buyers who only buy products that have received professional reviews and who place more weight on a single professional review than on a collection of very satisfied auditioners/owners. It is up to each buyer to decide for him/herself what will convince them. I was simply raising the question as to why a potential buyer may make a purchasing decision based on a single professional review, but not on a larger collection of positive feedback from fellow enthusiasts who have deemed the component worthy of their hard earned dollars and are still very satisfied some months down the track. There is no right or wrong in this, I'm simply interested to know why some potential buyers would place all their faith in a single professional reviewer who may or may not be any more adept at accurately evaluating and reporting on their perceived performance of a component, than any or all of the non-professional auditioner/reviewers.

Tim, again, apologies for anything in my posts that you felt was attacking you in any way.



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Re: Up coming review at 6moons
« Reply #48 on: 23 Dec 2006, 01:53 am »
I agree with the point you were making.  For me, reviews are a shortcut or start point to find out what items are available, at what price and at what broad level of performance that may suit my needs.  I don’t take any reviews, be they professional or amateur, as gospel as my room, system and needs are unique.  However I do respect all of them with an open mind and find most reviews to be extremely valuable starting point for my considerations until or unless some clear bias is demonstrated.  I then listen extensively for myself before choosing.  So the more reviews the better as consistant views from a variety of people certainly hardens the probability that the comments are correct.  I certainly wouldn't make a decision based on one review alone, let alone without listening extensively myself though I know people that have done this.

A professional review rightly or wrongly becomes a yardstick for a product so I respect 6moons for taking on that responsibility and I admire Hugh immensly for putting his reputation on the line.  Having listened to many amps and with an order in for the LF100 based on my own ears and in my own system, further reviews are somewhat irrelevant to me regarding that decision.  However, like most other members of the human race, I feel particularly good about myself when someone else independantly agrees with my decision and so I would love to see 6moons feel the way I do about the LF100 and in print.  Regardless though, I know my own review process has found a stunning amp and your review only confirms my own thoughts.