2ch does your system sound better at certain times of the day/eve

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2ch does your system sound better at certain times of the day/evening :|

I have a SS amp and Tubed Pre. My system always seems to sound better in the dusk to night time period. Can this be a Power conditioning issue.

I keep hearing more and more about "Power Regeneration"


I'm sure power has something to do with it.  Also at night, the ambient noise level also seems to be a bit lower.

Haven't seen much on power regeneration since PS Audio made their big splash a few years ago...


Yes, could be the hash on the power lines, but I think it is more my mood and expectations.


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I definitely notice it. Could be some of the things already mentioned as well as the fact that the system has usually been on for a long time (in my case) and I've found that the longer it's had to warm up the better the sound.

Bill Baker

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 Yes, for all reasons mentioned above.

 You don't have the power consumption during the evening hours as you do during those peak working hours. Also, your brain is probably more at ease in the evening hours.

 I often have customers that will make evening or even late night appointments for just that reason. Music always seems to have more soul at night.


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The late night mood can also be "enhanced" by various things (i.e alcohol, drugs, etc...)   :lol:

Some of my best listening sessions have been late at night in enhanced and non-enhanced modes.

« Last Edit: 20 Jul 2006, 08:53 pm by zybar »


The late night mood can also be "enhanced" by various things (i.e alcohol, drugs, etc...)   :lol:

Some of my best listening sessions have been late at night in enhanced and non-enahnced modes.

These things can have an effect in the morning, too... 8)


Funny, I just tested my system voltage last night about 8PM. Normally it's about 122-123 volts. Last night it was 118V. I'm sure if I could check it about 1PM it would be lower.

Yes, all of the above has something to do with it:

(a) power levels higher at night and in the winter months (here in NY)
(b) power grunge is lower at night when the local industries shut down for the day
(c) the lights are dimmed and the stress levels are lower at night
(d) the kids are preoccupied elsewhere and not screaming around the house, no lawnmowers, blowers, etc. (lower ambient noise)
(e) there are adult beverages consumed after hours
(f) just because ...



My system sounds better late at night, just when the neighbors are going to bed.  At least it used to.


My system sounds better late at night, just when the neighbors are going to bed.  At least it used to.

Does that mean you no longer take the same amount of enjoyment in pissing off your neighbors or that you now like your neighbors and no longer play music after they go to bed  :lol:

In my case I live where the neighbors are far enough away that I can't get the extra pleasure of pissing them off with my music.


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   I have a PS Audio P600... yes that power regeneration thing in my system. The system sound great with it. No I have not really compare the sound during the day againts during the night.

I do enjoy my system everytime I turn it on. :D But I still find myself enjoying music more during the evening. I usually like to listen to music around 6PM to 11PM. And I it even more enjoyable for me in the Winter... without the ac noise. And not to mention the warmth I get from listening to my SET during Winter :wink:

   Anyway, I agreed that it got something to do about the polution level on the main grid during the day versus the night. But I think it also had to do with the mood. With darken surrounding during the evening/night I think we feel more relaxed and calm.... make it easier for us to just lost oursleves in the sound of music. :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


Bill Gaw has written extensively about this.


I thought I was obsessive :) Great article. Thanks for the replies...Anyone have a Velocitor S I can demo?


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My system sounds better at night. I listen late in the evening from 10pm-12pm. I use a Sound Application XE-12 power conditioner and power outlet.

Midnite Mick

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I agree.  I find that the music sounds cleaner in the evening/night.  I often sit in the dark which elimnates other sensual stimulations.  Don't mean for that to sound dirty. :D


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Rich Carlson

I start almost every day with an hour of listening to classical music while I have coffee, read the paper, etc.  This is usually when my system sounds best to me - but this is very early in the morning, 5:30-6:30 or earlier, so the same power issues that apply at night may apply then.


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I find that the input voltage also makes a significant difference.   Out here in the hinterlands, we can be seeing anything from 104vac to 120vac.  The lower voltages occurs especially in the summer when usage is high...the power conditioner helps with the grundge, but does nothing for the voltage.


I agree that the music sounds the best at night, but for a bunch of different reasons. First the air is usually cooler, more dense in the evening and music travels better in this kind of air. Second, after a long day, your ears are tired of noise....traffic, airplanes, motorcycles, t.v.'s and kids being kids. It's almost like coming out of a rock concert and your ears are buzzing. After diner and into the evening hours, your ears have had a chance to "relax" abit, almost refreshing themselves. Third, with less noise  in the evening, it is easier to concentrate on the music, thus a more thrilling experience, hence, it sounds better. Give your ears some credit, they are the most perfect microphones on earth. For the power grid to have less noise....induction motors on the fridge and air conditioning units keep runnning, and many manufacturing plants run 24/7. If anything, the power grid should be more noisy with all the neighbors home runing all kinds of appliances, right next door. That's my take on it.


I think that the reason why most people think that their systems tend to sound better at night is because they are more relaxed at that time. 

I think that it was Ethan Winer who mentioned in one of his articles that whenever he is demoing his system for someone else he feels like it not sounding as good as it usually does.  I've noticed this, too.  It always seems like the system is sounding too bright or has weak bass etc.  Of course, the system is probably sounding the same as it always does, but I am stressed because even if I am pleased as punch with my system, I still want the person to be impressed with the sound and validate my choice of audio gear.