Wally's HT3's

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Wally's HT3's
« on: 20 Jun 2006, 10:09 pm »
Wally wanted HT3's done in cherry with black woofers and wood port trim.

I happened to have some very stunning figured cherry on hand, so that was no problem.  I also had one pair of black woofers left.  

Just before I had them completed, I ran across some spectacular cherry lumber and threw that in for the front baffles as well.

I could not get a photo that did the cherry justice, but here they are...

Here is a close up of the front baffle...

And the port trim...

Happy listening Wally!

- Jim

Wally King

Wally's HT3's
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jun 2006, 10:23 pm »

They certainly look great! But not as great as they'll look in my living room.

The CDs have been selected, the tubes are glowing, and I'm ready for a marathon listening session. Or, maybe several marathon sessions.



Wally's HT3's
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jun 2006, 10:31 pm »
Nice! I love Salk speakers. Beside the spectacular sound, each is a unique piece of art. I haven't ssen any photos of the HT3's in the standard finish yet. Are there any speakers without upgraded finishes?


Wally's HT3's
« Reply #3 on: 20 Jun 2006, 10:52 pm »
Joe -

Quote from: jermmd
Nice! I love Salk speakers. Beside the spectacular sound, each is a unique piece of art. I haven't ssen any photos of the HT3's in the standard finish yet. Are there any speakers without upgraded finishes?

Most people who order HT3's want to pull out all the stops.  But we will have a few pairs in the next few weeks that will be a little more "standard" - whatever that is.

Actually, I consider almost all speakers we build to be standard. In other words, we set our standards high.

- Jim

Wally King

Wally's HT3's
« Reply #4 on: 20 Jun 2006, 11:41 pm »
If I remember correctly, these speakers have the "standard" finish, do they not, Jim? I didn't select an exotic wood or request a special finish.  So, this is what you get when you go for the "standard" Salk.

The only visible upgrade I requested was the port trim; plus, I asked for the sonicaps upgrade.

Al Garay

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Wally's HT3's
« Reply #5 on: 21 Jun 2006, 12:05 am »


Wally's HT3's
« Reply #6 on: 21 Jun 2006, 02:49 am »
Quote from: Wally King
If I remember correctly, these speakers have the "standard" finish, do they not, Jim? I didn't select an exotic wood or request a special finish.  So, this is what you get when you go for the "standard" Salk.

That is correct.

- Jim


  • Jr. Member
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Wally's HT3's
« Reply #7 on: 21 Jun 2006, 06:36 pm »
Will this cherry gradually turn  brown over time or is there something you do to it to preserve the original natural color?


texas steve

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Wally's HT3's
« Reply #8 on: 21 Jun 2006, 09:03 pm »
Quote from: LAL
Will this cherry gradually turn  brown over time or is there something you do to it to preserve the original natural color?


Jim said in 3 weeks it rots and you have to keep buying new HT3s!!!   Only kidding - enjoy your new Babies!!


Wally's HT3's
« Reply #9 on: 21 Jun 2006, 09:03 pm »
Quote from: LAL
Will this cherry gradually turn  brown over time or is there something you do to it to preserve the original natural color?


It will turn slightly more red/brown over time, but will not get as dark as stained or dyed cherry.  This process will take about a year in most home environments or a matter of days if exposed to UV light. The difference is visible, but not that great.

While this cannot be prevented, you can use a finish with UV protection to delay the response.

- Jim

Wally King

Re: Wally's HT3's
« Reply #10 on: 27 Jun 2006, 05:30 pm »
My HT3s have arrived!

To repeat what others have said, photos do not do them justice.  To appreciate the fine workmanship, one must see these speakers in person.  They are beautiful.  A bump to the veneer was sustained in the bottom, right, rear corner of one of the speakers, but it’s not noticeable with the speaker set up in its normal position.

The HT3s are replacing Magnaplanar 1.6s, which I’m keeping and moving upstairs for a second system.  Fortunately, the HT3s are staying on the main floor, as they are heavy.  My living room seems larger now, as the HT3s do not dominate visually as did the Maggies.

First (very preliminary impressions): Turning on the 1st CD with the HT3s in place, I was reminded that however frequently one changes, and however much money one spends on, amps, sources, interconnects, power cords, etc., nothing has the profound impact, for better or worse, of changing speakers.  I love my old Maggies, they do many things very well, but … right from the start, the HT3s are amazing – holographic soundstage, detailed yet smooth, and incredible bass – deep, powerful, yet very clean.

I haven’t listened yet to the sampler CD Jim sends with the speakers, as I wanted to hear what some of my old favorites would sound like on the HT3s – on Dead Can Dance’s “Toward the Within,” the low end drone that kicks off the first cut shook the room; on “Blues for Fred,” a CD of solo guitar by Joe Pass, the guitar is absolutely beautiful; the notes just hung in the air. Through the HT3s, the guitar has a mellower tone than through the Maggies (this CD was in the CD player when the HT3s arrived, and so was the last thing I listened to on the Maggies and the first thing I listened to on the HT3s). Everything I played sounded wonderful, better than I’d ever heard them before – the solo voices and the massed chorus in the final movement of Beethoven’s 9th symphony, the Gladiator soundtrack (certainly one of the best discs to show what a speaker can do), “Clear Spot” by Captain Beefheart, “Let it Bleed” by the Stones; I could go on.

I’ll attempt to give a more complete assessment in a month or so.

Excellent work, Jim.


Re: Wally's HT3's
« Reply #11 on: 27 Jun 2006, 09:33 pm »
Wally -

Glad to hear you are enjoying your new HT3's.  When you get around to a more detailed review, please give us your impressions of the synergy with the AVA equipment. 

I have not spent much time with the new gear Fronk built for me, but so far I am quite impressed.  I too will post more on it down the road, but I wouldn't want to influence your impressions, so I will not do so until you do.

- Jim