Any ETA on the Sabai?

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Rob Babcock

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Any ETA on the Sabai?
« on: 31 May 2003, 02:10 am »
I'm pretty interested in this one.  Will you be offering it (hopefully) in the beautiful black case you show for the Purist online?

The Sabai seems like a winner; I'm really getting antsy waiting for some news.  I'm thinking of mating it to my Le Amp IIs- that is if they ever ship! :cry:


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Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #1 on: 3 Jun 2003, 06:14 pm »
eagerly waiting a response to rob's question...


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #2 on: 3 Jun 2003, 06:43 pm »
Me waiting too.  Curt, could you also describe the volume control on the Sabai?


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #3 on: 4 Jun 2003, 05:46 pm »
Hi Guys,

Everyone seems to like the black faceplates. Me too. That was my first design choice, the contrast with the polished machined SS knobs is nice.

The guys here at IRD took a vote and decided silver would be more popular so, that's what we showed at the website first.

Interesting though, the first Purist sold had a black faceplate.

Yes, all E1 series components will be offered in black or silver faceplates. Before we made 90% silver and 10% black but, now we will change to 50/50.

Sabai's volume control uses the same resistors as the Purist, it has no rotary switch on the front panel, it will use the same fine relays used in the Purist.

We are looking at push button up/dwn volume control for the front panel for when your at the unit and of course the IR remote can also control up/dwn, mute, and favorite listening level (user programable).


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #4 on: 4 Jun 2003, 06:31 pm »
It's mid-2003 - does that mean the Sabai will be shipping soon? :?:

j/k - hope the process is going well.   Can't wait to read some reviews on the Sabai.


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #5 on: 9 Jun 2003, 04:12 pm »
Can we start placing our orders for the Sabai seeing as you are so close?


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #6 on: 10 Jun 2003, 09:01 am »
Hi Guys,

No orders are being accepted yet, but you can e-mail me an "I want to be on Sabai's waiting list" and I'll hold an up-front shipping position for you.

It would help us better understand the demand for Sabai.

Sabai's circuit is done, the microprocessor firmware is finished, and we will be testing-debugging the firmware/hardware combo soon. The RIAA stage is designed but has not been tested yet.

Of course, Sabai is an E1 series component so the chassis, power supply, and look and feel is the same as the Purist. Just diff front and rear panels.

We are currently working on the PT-2 and the Audiophile after making a few pre-release changes. When we finish and release those components we will prepare Sabai for its release.

We are not in a real big hurry (although we are trying to get finished as fast as possible), we have a small staff, and we want everything correct when the products are released. We are taking the time needed to be careful.

Thanks for your patience  :D

Rob Babcock

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Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #7 on: 27 Jul 2003, 09:55 pm »
Well, it's been awhile, so I figures I'd better bump this thread up to nag about a release date again! :lol:   I'm very interested in the Sabai, just checking how it's going.


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #8 on: 28 Jul 2003, 09:04 am »
Hi Rob,

No release news yet but I can tell you something of what is going on.

I am looking to change to batteries to power the phono stage, this is the lowest noise solution possible. They would recharge in place after each listening session. The phono preamp might be optional which would save CD only guys some money.

That's all for now. Thanks for the bump and your interest.

Jay S

Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #9 on: 28 Jul 2003, 09:13 am »

I like the idea of making the phono stage optional.  

Btw, I'm looking forward to listening to the Purist that Guan received a few days ago!  


- Jay


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #10 on: 28 Jul 2003, 11:53 am »
I like the idea of making the phono stage optional, three.


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #11 on: 29 Jul 2003, 05:14 am »
Quote from: Jay S

Btw, I'm looking forward to listening to the Purist that Guan received a few days ago!  


- Jay

Methinks I need plenty more burn-in before I invite you over....the Purist is sounding a little diffident and shy at the moment :?

But soon...real soon  :wink:

Rob Babcock

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Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #12 on: 13 Aug 2003, 05:42 am »
Bump!  Thought I'd harrass a bit more!  What's been decided on the phono stage?  I don't need one, so I'd be in favor of omitting it.  Most vinyl junkies would probably prefer an external phono stage anyway unless the onboard one was totally killer.

Just seeing if there's an ETA yet.  Thanks.


Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #13 on: 13 Aug 2003, 06:19 am »
I guess I'll give the minority voice and say that I would like to have a phono stage built into the sabai even as an option.  



Any ETA on the Sabai?
« Reply #14 on: 27 Aug 2003, 04:10 pm »
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the input about the phono stage. We picked optional.