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« on: 26 May 2006, 12:58 pm »
After  a  long  time,  at  last  I set  up  the  RM/X..The  one  and  only  in Australia  I   think..Well,  they  are  better  than  my  old  Studio  100..


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Re: RM/X
« Reply #1 on: 26 May 2006, 01:31 pm »
Quote from: ARAM
After  a  long  time,  at  last  I set  up  the  RM/X..The  one  and  only  in Australia  I   think..Well,  they  are  better  than  my  old  Studio  100..

Not exactly a ringing endorsement.  :o   What can we do to get you set up so that you will be yodeling enthusiastically?  :wink:

John Casler

« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2006, 10:18 pm »
Hi Aram,

Yes, I can only assume there is (or will be) more to this story.

Let us know if you need any assistance or ideas about placement or set up guidance or tips.


« Reply #3 on: 27 May 2006, 04:17 am »
Something needs to be helped here.  You should be bowled over in joy.  Even saying Studio 100's and RM/x in the same sentence makes me gag.  Please let us know if we can help.

If you have pics of your room and a description of what you're using in front of the speakers you'll be on the way of much better sound I think.


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« Reply #4 on: 27 May 2006, 10:43 am »
Allright..The  treble  and  midrange  is  very  good  but  the  bass  is  not  that  strong..I  don't  know  why..The  tuning  and  setup  things  are  not  easy  for  me  ..I  don't  know  how  to  tune  the  speaker..


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« Reply #5 on: 27 May 2006, 10:50 am »
Also   the  bases  are  not  on  the  speaker..well  the  speakers  are  so  heavy..I  could  not  put  them  on  myself  alone..I  am  thinking  of  putting  granite  under  the  speakers  instead  of  their  own bases..


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« Reply #6 on: 27 May 2006, 01:33 pm »
I have not head the RM/X but, the current version of the Studio 100 sounds excellent in my opinion.


« Reply #7 on: 27 May 2006, 02:07 pm »
i thought big b was personally setting up all the rmx systems?


« Reply #8 on: 27 May 2006, 03:21 pm »
glowing real world review so far...

John Casler

« Reply #9 on: 27 May 2006, 03:28 pm »
Quote from: ARAM
Also   the  bases  are  not  on  the  speaker..well  the  speakers  are  so  heavy..I  could  not  put  them  on  myself  alone..I  am  thinking  of  putting  granite  under  the  speakers  instead  of  their  own bases..

Hi Aram,

If by "bases" you mean the slot for the Passive Radiator chamber, then that is probably the problem.  

Also I received an e-mail from Scott Mayo, one of our dealers and owner of the RM/x in his system.

He has offered to give you "free" room consulting (his business is Room Design and Acoustics Consulting) since he is quite familiar with the RM/x and what it takes to get the bass.

In fact before he became a dealer, he auditioned the RM/x in NY at a former dealers demo room, and left complaining that there was absolutley "NO BASS".

Brian guaranteed him that the bass from the speaker could be phenomenal if set up well.  He got this RM/x, set them up properly, and has incredible bass (no sub).

Check the "owner agent" listing in the stickies for "Obsession Audio" and send him an e-mail.

Also don't go overboard on tuning just yet.  First we need to establish that you in fact have not held the PR captive.  If the slot/base is not on the speaker, it will not allow the PR to funtion and this will not allow the bass system to produce "any" low bass, and "all" bass will be reduced.


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« Reply #10 on: 27 May 2006, 04:00 pm »
I own RM/X's as well.  Feel free to PM me with any questions, or put them out here for all to respond.  The RM/X's produce great bass, but without all their pieces (bases in this example) and proper speaker setup I cannot imagine ANY speaker sounding its' best.


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« Reply #11 on: 28 May 2006, 02:46 pm »
By  base,I  mean  the  wood  bases  that  go  under  the  speakers..they  come  with bolts  or  screws..I  dont  think  I  can  put  them  on..Even  if  I  did  when  I  want  to  stand  the  speakers  up  how  will  they  carry  the  weight??I  mean  the  speakers  have  to  be  on  one  side  of  the  base  first..and  I  think  that  might  break  the  bolts..well  I  am  not  sure..
   The  bass  is  not  punchy..I  am  not  sure  how  low  it  goes  but  it  just  does  not  punch  hard..My  studio  100   used  to  shake  the  windows  on  some  tracks..well  RM/X    does  not  do  it..
    Well   this  speaker  has  to  sound  better  I  suppose..After  hearing  so  much  praises   about  it  I  bought  them  but  if  they  will  only sound  a  bit   better  than   the  Studio  100..hmm  something  must  be  wrong..


« Reply #12 on: 28 May 2006, 04:56 pm »
ARAM: Something must be wrong to say the least. The WCF 12's in your speakers will put out too much bass if you set them up wrong.  My brother has the same drivers in his speakers but he only has one 12" per side. They're not wanting for bass even for HT much less music. Those 12" drivers are excellent and very powerful.

You absolutely must put the bases on.  That's the biggest part of your problem. You'll no doubt need a friend to come over to help you stand them back up. After that then you can work on getting proper room position etc.

All you need is a screwdriver. The screws should have come with your speakers. If not ask whoever you bought them from where they put them.


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granite bases
« Reply #13 on: 15 Jun 2006, 04:03 am »
Hello  everybody  again

  Instead  of  their  own  bases  if  I  use  granite  will  that  be  ok??

John Casler

« Reply #14 on: 15 Jun 2006, 06:32 am »
Hi Aram,

I think what you are talking about is the "base plate" and I don't see any reason you couldn't use granite instead of the MDF plate, except for making convergence adjustments might be more (or less) difficult.

Also we VMPS'ers sometimes "assume" that everyone knows all the details of how to set up their speakers.  Generally a dealer, or the person you purchase them from, fills you in.

If you didn't get instructions from anyone, or from visiting this circle, look here  
http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=18067 for set up ideas and instruction.

The RM/x is a special speaker, and has the additional and "real" Free Swinging Tweeter to allow for vertical firing angle toward your listening height.

Also you mentioned a "lack of" or limited bass response.  Do know that the RM/x "LOVES" power and the woofer system particualrly needs high amperage, high power amplification to cause the cones to do their magic.

What amp are you using?  Are you biamping?

Not to worry, soon you'll be exploring the VMPS Magic, but to be sure, the RM/x is not a "plug and play" speaker. :mrgreen:


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« Reply #15 on: 15 Jun 2006, 11:35 am »
  Ok..I  am  really  thinking  of  putting  a  nice  granite  base  under  the  speakers  instead  of  the  wood  ones..they  are  not  cheap  but  it  is  worth..the  speakers    will  look  much  better  with  granite  base..
 well  it  looks  like  RM/X  is  not  a  plug  and  play  speaker...I  mean..the  bass  is  not  that  punchy  at  the  moment..I   am  not  into  the  bass  going  really  low  but  I  want  a  punchy  bass..
 Amplification  wise,  I  am  using  a  yamaha  MX-1  which  gives  out  240  watts  at  8  ohms..the  technical  manual  is  a  bit different  for  MX_1  but  i  am  sure  it  is  giving  out  much  more  than  200  watts  at  8  ohms..At  the  moment  that  is  all  I  got..I  would  like  to  have  an  amp  with  350  watts  at  8  ohms  but at  the  moment  I  cant  afford  anything..


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« Reply #16 on: 15 Jun 2006, 01:28 pm »
Although you sent me a PM I'd like to respond publicly.  I sold my RM/X's this past weekend.  They were put up for sale not because they are poor speakers, or even becuase I don;t like them!!  They were put up because I can't take full advantage of the slam and dynamics they offer, due to the poor placement options I have in my HT room (video screen viewing angles, etc.).  I realized there were a few folks out there that were looking, and thought timing was good.  The RM/X's are very good speakers (of course, you need all the parts..... :D   ).  Granite bases would work fine, I believe, but they aren't exactly voiced that way, so John's comments about adjustments are likely accurate.  Net/net, the PR needs to fire down on the hard surface and not be buried in carpeting.

John Casler

« Reply #17 on: 15 Jun 2006, 03:16 pm »
Quote from: ARAM
  Ok..I  am  really  thinking  of  putting  a  nice  granite  base  under  the  speakers  instead  of  the  wood  ones..they  are  not  cheap  but  it  is  worth..the  speakers    will  look  much  better  with  granite  base..
 well  it  looks  like  RM/X  is  not  a  plug  and  play  speaker...I  mean..the  bass  is  not  that  punchy  at  the  moment..I   am  not  into  the  bass  going  really  low  but  I  want  a  punchy  bass..
 Amplification  wise,  I  am  using  a  yamaha  MX-1  which  giv ...

Hi Aram,

Yes, in looking over the "posted specs" of the Yammie
http://www.yamaha.co.jp/english/product/av/products/hf/mx1.html it appears to not be a "high current" amp since it goes from 200wpc @ 8 ohms to 260wpc @ 4 ohms.

This might indicate a smaller power supply.

As budget allows, keep your eye open for a nice amp that either could run the whole speaker or the bass system only. (biamp)

Also, if you have the ability, maybe you could send us a picture of the base as you have it now.

Also, as an after thought; I don't know how the speakers were shipped, but you sould get a flashlight and check the FST ribbon.  It should have had tape put over the outside to keep the ribbon from stretching.

If this was done, make sure and remove the tape (or else your highs won't sparkle), and if it was not done, just take a flashlight and look to see if the ribbon is not "stretched" or "torn".


« Reply #18 on: 16 Jun 2006, 02:27 am »
Hi Aram,

You should check out the aksa forum and as you live in melbourne perhaps a die hard could bring their amp along for you to listen to.  It is a good quality amp with spades of dynamics, bass and is a really musical.

It will at least give you an idea what direction you need to go in.




« Reply #19 on: 16 Jun 2006, 04:35 am »
I can assure you your Yammie amp won't cut it except at low levels. You need an amp with a good power supply. An amp that is rated at only 20% more power into 4 ohms definitely has a weak power supply and those speakers need a better power amp.

For little money a used Rotel that delivers 200wpc into 8 ohms and 350 into 4 ohms is a much better bet and is inexpensive. Used ones run 5-700 depending on the model.

Your speakers have the ability to have excellent bass. They are not turnkey ready though. They take some adjustment to get them to sound best in your acoustical environment. That's why those adjustments are there.

Please read the instructions John posted above thoroughly and take your time. If you're not patient you'll end up possibly making things worse. If you take your time you'll be able to match your speakers to your room/gear better than most any other speaker.