The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here

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Bill Baker

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The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here
« on: 24 May 2006, 01:15 am »
I have had my Adagio loudspeakers for about a week now throwing all types of music through them during the break-in cylcle. Being a dealer, I am not going to comment on their sonics as I know how much comsumers love to hear us dealers rave about a product. :lol:

 I just wanted to let those interested in auditioning them know we now have them up and running at both Response Audio NY as well as our Midwest affiliate Jam'n Audio. If you are in either of these areas, please feel free to contact us for your private listening session.

 Further information for the Adagio loudspeaker as well as contact information for Response Audio and Jam'n Audio can be found here.

nature boy

The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here
« Reply #1 on: 27 May 2006, 06:50 pm »

These speakers got a nice write up in Absolute Sound.  With the exception of the lower octave, the reviewer could find no shortcomings and an abundance of clarity and detail.

Have you tried out different amp combinations yet?  I am curious as to whether these speakers pair better with tubes or solid state.



JAMn Joe

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Tube or SS Amps
« Reply #2 on: 27 May 2006, 07:05 pm »
Hi Nature Boy,

I've had the pleasure of auditioning the amps with the setup they used at CES (Ice Amps) and with Tube using the same preamp from the show and a solid state amp from H-Cat. I've also paired it with the Luminance KST-150 SS amp and the Herron tube and solid state preamps.

The combinations are all good. This speaker seems to excel with either type of equipment but my favorite combination and the way I'm now showing them in my showroom is with the Grommes 360 tube amps with EL34's and the H-Cat preamp. This seems to bring out the most musical, holographic presentation I've been able to create with these speakers.

The Adagios seem to favor the glow of tubes more on the amp side than the preamp side but you can have too much of a good thing which is why I balance things out. The speakers reveal everything so some experimentation would be in order before you decide what works best for you ears.

The people that have auditioned the speakers here seem to concur with the current setup as providing the best sound, we experimented when they where here auditioning.

Hope that helps.

Bill Baker

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The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here
« Reply #3 on: 27 May 2006, 07:28 pm »
These speakers got a nice write up in Absolute Sound. With the exception of the lower octave, the reviewer could find no shortcomings and an abundance of clarity and detail.

 Hello NB,
I think you would find the lower octaves to be quite impressive for a 2 way six inch system. There is something to be said for a properly designed transmission line system. Very fast and dynamic.

Have you tried out different amp combinations yet? I am curious as to whether these speakers pair better with tubes or solid state.

 I have to admit that I have not had the opportunity to throw any solid state amplification into the mix but did get a chance today to experiment with a few different tube types. I have been running these for some time with my KT88 based Reference Jolida 801 and just this morning switched over to a Reference 3205 with EL34 tubes. Both the 801 and 3205 are designed as straight power amps which gives me the flexibility of trying different preamps. The two preamps I have been using in this system are the ModWright SWL 9.0SE and the upper end solid state Usher P-307.

 I cannot say with any certainty which tube type I prefer but the different types I have played with has proven that the Adagio speakers can be as romantic or precise as one wishes. I can tell you that the current vinyl setup (listed below) will make you melt in your listening chair.

Amp - Custom Reference 3205 (power amp only) with EL34s
(will swap back in the KT88s shortly)
Preamp - ModWright SWL 9.0SE
Phono amp - Jolida JD9
Table - Music Hall MMF-9
Interconnects - Eichmann eXpress 6

nature boy

The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here
« Reply #4 on: 28 May 2006, 01:48 pm »
Joe and Bill,

Thank you very much for the information and your listening observations of this new speaker.  Sounds like this is a truly must hear speaker.  Now for the wife schmoozing :wink:



The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here
« Reply #5 on: 28 May 2006, 04:09 pm »
I'm not a dealer, and will tell you these are one of the three best speakers I've ever heard - at any price.  I almost bought them on the spot when I auditioned them at Primus Audio in Kansas City a couple weeks ago.

The new ring-style ribbon tweeter is pure magic.  I've never heard such amazing decay and quickness.  The woofers are not as large as the manufacturer claims - we measured them and I seem to recall the cone itself is only about 51/4" rather than the 6 or 61/2" AZ claims.  As it turns out, the 51/4" woofers were clearly the way to go - they're fast enough to keep up with the ribbon tweeter, but put out surprising bass for such small drivers!  Not only was the decay, quickness, and pace the best of any speaker I've ever heard, the "cleanness" of the high end was astonishing.  I've heard several speakers that use "conventional" ribbon tweeters, and the Adagio's tweeters bested all the others.

The bass, in addition to being adequate in quantity, was very tight, as you'd expect in order to keep pace with the ribbon tweeter.  The Adagios are a very well-balanced speaker.  I would want a sub to mate with them for rock music, but for most everything else no sub would be required in my opinion.

The soundstage was presented behind the speakers with excellent depth.  I perceived a somewhat narrow soundstage, but Al (owner of Primus) said earlier in the day he was getting wall-to-wall soundstaging on some recordings.  YMMV, I guess.

The cabinets are furniture-grade quality, and will have a high WAF in most homes.  The transmission line opening is in the front of the speaker, which helps those who don't have much room to pull the speakers out from the wall behind the speaker.

All in all, I was amazed at what AZ was able to do for a sticker price of $3700 ($4300 now, I hear.)  The Adagios are a steal at either price.  

For those wondering why I didn't buy them on the spot, I had an audition the following weekend with the Ridge Street Audio Sason.  I now have the unenviable task of deciding which is the better value to me: the Sason at basically $6k (with stands) or the Adagios.  Sucks to be me, but I know this: whichever I decide on will be in my system for YEARS.  They're both that good.



The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here
« Reply #6 on: 28 May 2006, 04:28 pm »
Keep us posted!
Those are two very awesome speakers!


The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here
« Reply #7 on: 28 May 2006, 05:49 pm »
I am a dealer for these speakers in Washington State. Robert (from Acoustic Zen) said my pair will be the first ones in Western Washington. They should arrive next week some time. So if anyone in the Bellevue/Seattle area wants to audition this speaker let me know. gary at nevinsaudio dot com

Russell Dawkins

The Acoustic Zen Adagio are here
« Reply #8 on: 28 May 2006, 08:07 pm »
Quote from: aggielaw
The woofers are not as large as the manufacturer claims - we measured them and I seem to recall the cone itself is only about 51/4" rather than the 6 or 61/2" AZ claims.

The outside dimension of a driver is used to determine nominal "size". The cone diameter, especially to the inside of the surround, is usually substantially smaller, as you noticed.

This means that AZ is entirely in keeping with what has been convention in the industry for at least the last 40 years.