HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington

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HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #20 on: 19 Apr 2006, 03:00 pm »
Thought you might like that one Mr Wolf!

Here are some more pics of the speakers, in my sad room!

A beauty shot of the lovely veneer:

A closer look at that fine veneer:

Some insight into the SIZE of those HT6's!

The HT6's in place, sub in place but off:

And lastly my daughter Easton, and what happens when you leave the sweet spot around my house these days!

Looking forward to seeing some folks,


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #21 on: 19 Apr 2006, 03:05 pm »
Looks like we have a true audiophile in the house.BUBA BUBA ! :mrgreen:
I remember those days :wink:

Looks good Mark , for those who are going to ask or see something missing for the HT3's
Yes they have bases but for the demo pair we just send them as shown easy to package and ship with less parts to get missed when they are going from door to door.

The veneer is a figured Cherry on the HT3 as well as the HT2 not in the pictures.
Maple was a figured Maple as well.



HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #22 on: 19 Apr 2006, 11:10 pm »
To those who have contacted me in the recent past about this meet, would you please now reach out to me, if you are in the GTA, about a couple of times to meet?

I can do this coming Sunday, and the first Sunday in May.

PM your preferences please!


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #23 on: 24 Apr 2006, 02:40 am »
I'm interested in your opinion of the kit41's vs the HT3's. Not the bass, thats not a fair comparison,  but the full range mid plus tweeter vs the 2way xover. I have the kit41's and am thinking of an upgrade.
Thanks, Ryan


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #24 on: 24 Apr 2006, 12:01 pm »
It looks like the first Sunday in May will be a busy one, as most folks elected to come then.  Mumbles and his wife were over yesterday, and will share some thoughts soon.

Ryno - a good question, and a tough one to answer correctly I fear, but I will do my best.  Honestly, I think that the HT1 or HT2 would be a significant upgrade to the KIT41 - I have not heard the HT1, but since it is simply the single WR125 with the RA ribbon tweeter, vs the dual WR125's and RA ribbon in the HT2, I will assume that they sound similar...

The RA ribbon is a shocking upgrade over the KIT41 tweeter, which all admit is a cheap simple way to augment the 10K+ portion of the frequency range.  The RA ribbon brings a smooth, but detailed treble section to the party, that blends well with the WR125 underneath.

I think you are asking me what sounds better, the WR125 full range, plus the cheap tweeter up top, vs a two way using the WR125 and the RA tweeter.  Well, I don't know what Xover point Al is using, but it sounds very nice to me, in the mids and highs.

The bass is the same as the KIT41, but since there are two WR's in the HT2, it is more dynamic.

Does that help ryno?


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #25 on: 24 Apr 2006, 02:03 pm »
Thanks Mark
That tweeter has a reputation of being very nice.  Do you notice any degredation in midrange quality when the low pass xover is added to the WR125 with the HT line?
Thanks, Ryan


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #26 on: 24 Apr 2006, 05:03 pm »
Mark how did things go on Sunday?


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #27 on: 25 Apr 2006, 11:51 am »
8) hey Mark things look Ill be calling you  as i will be down there this week  :mrgreen:

The other Mark in Canada


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #28 on: 25 Apr 2006, 12:13 pm »
Ping me anytime, other Northern Mark!


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #29 on: 26 Apr 2006, 03:01 am »
Not ANOTHER Mark in Ontario! I'll be there too; just need a time and directions. Please PM me with the info.


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #30 on: 26 Apr 2006, 12:52 pm »
I have PM'd all that I recall were interested in coming, with directions, contact info etc.

Please let me know if you can join me on May 7th, between 12-5!


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Mark's listening session
« Reply #31 on: 28 Apr 2006, 08:02 pm »
I will post a detailed account of my session last Sunday very soon. I just want to say that anybody whose thinking of going this weekend that it is very worthwhile. My wife and I had a great time so Big Thankyou to Mark and to Al. The speakers are beautiful with excellent finish and choice of veneer. With three different speakers you can get a sense of what these drivers can do. I do suggest take your favourite cd spinner as Mark does not use one and I would extend this to interconnects and speaker cablesand even your amp. If you think they are right for you you can know for sure when you add some thig you know and love to the mix. When I added my best interconnects the HT3's kept on delivering we even got and danced a little.That was probably when I decided to buy. Since then I have decide to up grade to the HT8's. I have a lot of work ahead  as I am working on the ApexC now  but I am smiling.


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #32 on: 28 Apr 2006, 11:36 pm »
Just to clarify, the gathering is next weekend!

I am glad that mumbles and his wife had fun, and the HT3's did sound good with his Modright modded cd player.

I am open to gear, and I know that MarkC is bringing amps, and a pre I think, so if someone desires to hear a decent cd player, you can bring one - I exclusively use the modded SB3 I own, as front end, and pre!


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #33 on: 1 May 2006, 10:51 pm »
A little more teasing, for those attending this coming Sunday, and for those too far away to join us!

Here are the HT2's in my system...


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #34 on: 3 May 2006, 06:56 pm »
I suspect that I am not getting PM's at this point, so IF you are coming this Sunday between 12-5, please email me, and make sure I know.

I know the following:

MarkC + a few
Fredly - maybe
songforyou - maybe
several others I know - maybe

mark.mcgillicuddy AT



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HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #35 on: 3 May 2006, 07:33 pm »
Hi Mark, just curious if you or others have heard the FR (FR125 only) ? Interested in how it compares to WR125 w/tweeter models.
Take care, Don


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #36 on: 3 May 2006, 07:43 pm »
The FR does a nice job for well balanced smooth out put over the band width.
But no compairing it to the WR and tweeter.
The WR has a stronger low end response then add the tweeter.

Sorry could not get a pair of Koa RAW FR to him in time.If i could I would have.


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  • Posts: 37
Mark's first listening session
« Reply #37 on: 5 May 2006, 01:20 am »
My wife and I drove through the rain for an hour so it was pretty exciting to see the speakers in Mark's basement. I think that you can see quite easily that these are beautiful speakers. The design, the veneer choice , and the colour are all first class. This was very reassuring as they had just been pictures up till then. So we were excited to hear some music. We started with a few cuts through the HT2's from Love and Hate which is funky west coast jazz that is artfully played and it was good! The speakers definitely disappeared and there was lots of tasty midrange detail. I am new to hybrid ribbons so the high end was an adjustment in that it was more apparent than I was used too. The balance was fine though it was just new to me. Next we tried some Diana Krall ( of course ) and I was reassured because the  music is so familiar yet there was a new dimension to her sound  especially her voice very subtle very beautiful. Let me say this was not a scientific listening session but more like kids in a candy store so we jumped to the HT6's. Diana still sounded good. Next up some contemporary African rythmns with sample beats mixed in by Issa  Bagayogo . For my wife and I the music did not hold together.  The 6's did not seem to handle all those different drums at once so we move on to the HT3's. Wow they handled the African music beautifully. We  were smiling and even danced a little. Where as the HT2's had started to sound a little too driven (though pleasant ) the HT3's had the kind ease that we are used too. The sound was very balanced and I guess  the extra base was anchoring the rest of the music. We just enjoyed the music and sat back. Still a little tweaking helped as we switched the woofers to face each other and the fullness jumped a level. More smiling . I put in my pure silver interconnects which at times can be too revealing for a system but the Ht3's handled the increase in sound very nicely. My only observation at this point was that I would prefer more mid range to ground the dimension of the high end and consequently more base to ground that midrange. Well guess what  last week I bought the HT8's so I think I will have it all.
A final note is that these are definitely high end speakers all of them. Worth a listen. Not somehting I say about all speakers.
 Once again a big thanks to Al and Mark for the opportunity it was lots of fun.


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #38 on: 5 May 2006, 06:29 am »
We were smiling and even danced a little. Where as the HT2's had started to sound a little too driven (though pleasant ) the HT3's had the kind ease that we are used too. The sound was very balanced and I guess the extra base was anchoring the rest of the music. We just enjoyed the music and sat back. Still a little tweaking helped as we switched the woofers to face each other and the fullness jumped a level. More smiling . I put in my pure silver interconnects which at times can be too revealing for a system but the Ht3's handled the increase in sound very nicely. My only observation at this point was that I would prefer more mid range to ground the dimension of the high end and consequently more base to ground that midrange. Well guess what last week I bought the HT8's so I think I will have it all.
A final note is that these are definitely high end speakers all of them. Worth a listen. Not somehting I say about all speakers.

WEll Richard glad you liked the little HT3 well hardly little for sound output of them.

With the HT2 really ment hands down to run with a sub as they are tuned right at 70hz.

Knowing that what you think of the lower end you listened to out of the HT2

HT3 well :mrgreen:
Now the HT8 :o  :o  :o  :mrgreen:  :o


HT2's and HT3's coming to Burlington
« Reply #39 on: 8 May 2006, 03:42 am »
Had a very enjoyable aft. at Mark's with the RAW speaks and then some. I will post my thoughts within the next couple of days. Although it was not a large gathering; it was very enlightening and very much worth the drive!