DECAPO'S with Plinius SS amplification experience...

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 170
  • Consulting Structural Engineer
I used to power my DC's with a Transcendent Sound OTL amp and it's grounded grid preamplifier companion. I also used a Stevens & Billington transformer based preamp, both with the OTL and my present amplifier, which is a Plinius P8.  My source, for years has been a 47 Labs Shigaraki DAC hooked up to a Sony DVD 999ES as a transport.

I've read in these pages and in others that the DC's are not quite suited for SS electronics. That might be so in the context that it is far EASIER to get smooth sound from them using tube electronics. I have come to the conclusion that they are so reavealing that  it is difficult to pair them with SS electronics that can mate with them well.

During the past months I have made some changes and experiments that have truly transformed the system into a very transparent and musical one, even with SS amplification.

First, the Plinius is wired for 220V operation. This provided for an effortless sound from the amplifier. Also, you might ask why I am driving my speakers with 175 watts per channel, but hey, there is nothing like horsepower!

I also recently upgraded my Shigaraki DAC with 47 Labs Dumpty power supply, which is the supply module for their Flatfish and Progression transport and DAC.

The issue here is that the DC's have been tranformed to produce a very refined and transparent sound with this combination. Nothing like I heard using my tube equipment. It is smoother, liquid and analog sounding than before. Sibilants are very smooth and there is a soundstage with a cushion of air around all the instruments that I had not experienced before. The differences between digital cables are also very apparent now. So, I guess that you can get exceptional sound from them using SS, but you have to also have an appropriate source as well as the right SS amplification. I have read that Plinius is often refered to as the SS electronics for tube aficionados or burn-outs, maybe that's true..


DECAPO'S with Plinius SS amplification experience...
« Reply #1 on: 29 Mar 2006, 12:21 am »
I had good luck with the Plinius 9200 integrated and a modded SCD-C555ES player in a previous configuration with the de Capoi's.  This has been at least equalled, if not bettered, by a RWA-modded SB3 connected directly to a Meridian G55 amp.  So yes, solid-state can play with the de Capoi's.