Your top 10 Video Games of all time

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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« on: 25 Mar 2006, 04:51 pm »
List them, review them, critique them, improve them (PLEASE STATE PLATFORM)


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #1 on: 25 Mar 2006, 05:25 pm »
1) Super Mario Brothers NES
2) Soul Calibur Dreamcast
3) Final Fantasy 7- PS1
4) Super Mario 64- N64
5) Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time- N64
6) Super Street Fighter Turbo SNES
7) Halo- Xbox
8) Metroid Prime- GCN
9) Resident Evil 4- GCN/PS2
10) Starcraft

I forgot about #10- replaced Super Metroid


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #2 on: 25 Mar 2006, 05:34 pm »


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #3 on: 26 Mar 2006, 01:32 am »
1. WarCraft 2
2. Mario Cart
3.  Total Annihilation
4.  Donkey Kong
5. Asteroids
6.  Quake Series
7.  SuperMario Bros.
8.  PacMan
9.  Burnout3
10. Duke Nukem Forever  :wink:

David Ellis

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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #4 on: 26 Mar 2006, 02:17 am »
1.  Everquest (PC)
2.  Everquest (PC)
3.  Everquest (PC)
4.  World of War (PC) in my future
5.  Command & Conquer & Red Alert & Generals(PC)
6.  MidEvil Total War
7.  NFL Madden football (many)
8.  Master of Orion (PC)
9.  Asteriods ?? (Atari 2600) - great game for its time.

IMO, there are generally 2 types of gamers.  First are those who nay-say MMOG games like Everquest and World of Warcraft and have never played them.  The second group comprises those who have played MMOG games like Everquest and World of Warcraft and will never return to a lesser game.

I must admit that my gaming will remain in remission for a while.  I have more important/productive tasks to accomplish.



Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #5 on: 26 Mar 2006, 02:49 am »
1) Pokemon Blue GB
2) Diablo II PC
3) Zelda Ocarina of Time N64
4) Donkey Kong Country SNES
5) Super Mario World SNES
6) Metroid Prime GC
7) Final Fantasy VII PS1
8) Gran Turismo 3 PS2
9) Star Wars Rogue Squadron N64
10) Tetris GB


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #6 on: 26 Mar 2006, 02:52 am »
Well, I'm new to gaming but when I was younger...

1. Any pinball machine
2. Astroids
Kid influenced
1. Starwars - Legos  GC  (have you ever seen Vader with a mustache?)

I have RE4 but have not played it yet.


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #7 on: 26 Mar 2006, 03:43 am »
I don't play games but If I do I like the ff:

Pinball - arcade
Galaga - this one I can actually beat the game 99999 (arcade).
Extreme MTB - PS2
Medal of Honor - PC


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #8 on: 26 Mar 2006, 04:00 am »
In no chronological or ranking order, what I remember from the top of my head...

1-StarCraft (PC) and its expansion, BROOD WARS.
This is the KING of the Hill, under any category.  The original is circa 1998 and I still go back to it everytime I have a change.  Brood Wars is a bloody classic also.  Simple missions that train you and you go from there.  The Online version is free and if you think that you were good with the AI, go head to head in a simple game against a faceless competitor and you will see, the amazing nature of the human mind, when it is trying to outwit someone else.  For me, the closest it might get to in variables and attack moves would be CHESS.  The coolest or the scariest is when you are being targeted by a GHOST (a special Ops unit from the terran side that has a nuclear LASER lock on your complex) and you cannot seem to find here anywhere...In less than 5 seconds, KabOOM.  This is the THING.

2-Warcraft III and the Frozen Throne (PC)  Awesome storyline and execution, fun, fun to play.  Still seems fairly new.  

3-Civilization(the one and only, version I, PC)  Wow.  Wow.  Wow....took just about 2 HD 3.5" disks and you could also build nukes to take over empires, use diplomacy.  Amazing from back the days when we used 386 comps and MS-dos.  1990.

4-Donkey Kong with Mario (climbing the staircases) on Arcade (circa 1982)
Lets rescue the girl from DK, but watch the barrels!

5-Tetris (Gameboy circa 1987)...Remember the Russian tune?

6-Rygar (Atari Lynx)...gotta love the low end graphics and the great nature of gameplaying.  Sidescrolling adventure of a King against an army of demons.  

7-Tecmobowl (Atari Lynx)...a football game played with mechanical units.

8-Mario Kart Racing (Nintendo DS)...Race everywhere...0 minutes learning curve.

9-Golden Axe I and II (Sega Arcade)  Before P Jackson and Lords of the Ring, there was Golden Axe and all its members!

10-MKI (Midway, Arcade and Nintendo 16)  Who can forget "GET OVER HERE?"  with a upper hook?  What about the flying, kicking B Lee like character?

11-Space Invaders (arcade)

12-Smash TV (Williams Arcade)...Lets make money and get bloody.

13-Adams Family pinball (Williams arcade?) Fun, fun, and fun.

14-Metroid Prime Pinball (Nintendo DS) innovative game playing with great depth of design of an pinball concept with the Metroid Theme.  Kicks butt.

15-King of Fighters 1994, SNK ARCADE.  This and many of the King of the Fighters ininerations are a classic fighting style game with more options than most.

16-Samurai Showdown 1995, SNK ARCADE.

Rob Babcock

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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #9 on: 26 Mar 2006, 05:19 am »
Here's my personal top ten, in no particular order:

1.  Resident Evil (and the sequels)- PSX  This really invented a genre as far as I'm concerned.  And to this day, it's one of the only games I've ever played that has startled me so much I nearly dropped my controller! :o  :lol:  How would I improve it?  Well, I haven't got RE4 yet; according to the reviews it's among the greatest platform games ever made, so maybe they already did.

2.  MechWarrior 2-PSX Mech' 2 was one of the most incredible games I ever played.  One caveat- you must have the large dual analog joystick console to go with it.  Probably not everyones cup of tea, but the only thing I'd have done different would just be a few more missions and infinite "instant action" battles.

3.  Diablo- PSX  While I suppose most people here prefer the computer version, I'll take the PSX version any day of the week and twice on Sunday.  I'm in the minority I realize, but I like the controller better than the keyboard.  Plus, the infamous "belt pack cheat" only works on the PSX version.  I've logged thousands of hours on this game and have beat it probably 100 times.  Very few games have kept me playing for a decade.  To improve it?  Add-on disks with more dungeons.

4.  HALO- Xbox  One of the most incredible games I've ever seen.  Really the only FPS I've ever been able to get into real deeply.  It actually has more of a plot than you'd expect and the level design is really brilliant.  The absolute Gold Standard for FPS's.  The only way I could have improved it would be a little more Covenent and a bit less Flood.

5.  Knights of the Old Republic- Xbox  Hands down my favorite RPG ever.  Pretty good graphics, good game engine and a better story line than any of the six Star Wars films.  The only things I'd change would be to tweak the way commands are layered.  I'd already have an Xbox 360 if there was a KotOR III for it.

6.  Ace Combat 2- PSX Again, only with the large dual flightstick as per Mech' above.  This game had great graphics for the time, wonderful control that mimicked a real plane (pitch, yaw & roll- not just the "arcade joystick" controls).  There are a lot of missions and all are fun and well designed.  If I was to pick nits, I guess I'd have included a few more planes.

7.  SoulCalibre-  Dreamcast I'm not a very big fan of fighters, but this one was superb.  Great controls, cool characters and graphics ahead of their time.  Even thought SC2 for the 'Box and SC3 for the PS2 look a tad better, I keep my DC around just for this game.  If I had to "improve" it, just a few more backgrounds or something.

8.  Madden '92-  Sega Genesis  Even though the modern games blow it away for graphics, the AI and realism of '92-'93 are head and shoulders above the current crop with their 'money-plays'.  I'll take the old ones for accuracy & playability.  Improving it would involve grafting real AI onto the flashy looking new games.

9.  BattleZone -  Arcade If this post isnt' specifically asking for home videogames, I have to list this one right up there.  Okay, it doesn't hold up as well compared to new games, but for the time it was remarkable.  Sure, I was young, but my palms would sweat and my heart would race.  The "periscope/viewer" did an excellent job of blotting out the outside world and focusing your attention on the action.  Sadly, none of the console reissues really get the controls right, IMO.  Improve it?  Easy- not let the computer cheat!

10.  TIE- Tomb Raider (PSX), Shingen the Ruler (NES) & Risk (PSX)  Okay, this is maybe a cop-out way to get extras into my Top 10. :wink:   Tomb Raider was astonishing at the time:  it really kicked off a new genre.  It was amazing to explore in 3D environments like that, and no other game before offered what TR did.  Yeah, it had some problems with the camera angles and too many block puzzles, but it was still quite a game.  

Shingen the Ruler was a pretty deep and involved RTS, maybe the first RTS game.  I must have played it over 1000 hours and united Japan dozens of times.  In retrospect it was a bit simplistic, but hey- we're talkin' 3 bits here!  

The huge appeals of Risk for the PSX or PC was that you didn't need a bunch of buddies and you didn't need to spend an hour setting up the board.  Sure, the AI resorted to cheating much more than strategizing, but the addition of Super Weapons and Secret Mission Risk added depth to the game.


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #10 on: 26 Mar 2006, 05:41 am »


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #11 on: 26 Mar 2006, 06:00 am »
Arcades are my favorites:

1. Astro Blaster.  If I could find a working one of these I'd buy it, wife be damned.
2. Punch Out!
3. Ms. Pac Man
4. Space Invaders
5. (tie) Phoenix (I think this was the name, but not sure)
6. Pac Man
7. Galaga
8. Pole Position
9. Asteroids

I've had way to many ColecoVision, Atari 2600, 5200, Nintendo, and Sega Genesis games to remember them well enough to list favorites from those.


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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #12 on: 26 Mar 2006, 06:33 am »
Quake II
System Shock 2
Thief: The Dark Project
Half Life
(All PC)


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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #13 on: 26 Mar 2006, 07:35 am »
1.   Street Fighter II - Arcade
2.   Tournament Cyberball - Arcade
3.   Super Mario Kart 64 - N64
4.   Super Mario Bros - NES
5.   Street Fighter (Big Button) - Arcade
6.   Daytona USA - Arcade
7.   Marvel vs Street Fighter - Arcade
8.   Gran Turismo 3 - PS2
9.   Magic Sword - Arcade
10. Sidearms - Arcade

I grew up in arcades so that's where I get most of my favorites.  Never really got into playing on home consoles for some reason.


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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #14 on: 26 Mar 2006, 08:34 am »
1. Counter-Strike
2. Gran Turismo 3/4
3. Pokemon for GBA
4. Diablo 2
5. Age of Empires I/II
6. Starcraft
7. Battlefield 1942/II
8. Yahoo Pool
9. Flight Simulator 2004
10. Warcraft 3

David Ellis

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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #15 on: 26 Mar 2006, 12:36 pm »
I never played Civilization, but it did seem like an excellent game, and surely would be in my top 10 if I experienced it.

And, Age of Empires was/is also an excellent game.  I forgot about this one.


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #16 on: 26 Mar 2006, 03:09 pm »
Ms. Pacman
Team Fortress
Unreal Tournament 2004
Warcraft (I and III)
Pole Position (Old racing game that was a big deal when I was a kid)


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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #17 on: 26 Mar 2006, 05:34 pm »
Haven't played a lot of video games compared to most

1-Halo 2 Multiplayer (on XBox Live)
2-Halo (XBox)
3-Ghost Recon - Island Thunder (on XBox Live)
4-Carmageddon 2 & 3 (PC)
5-Descent II (PC)
6-MechWarrior (on XBox Live)
7-Sim City 1,2,3 (PC)


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Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #18 on: 26 Mar 2006, 05:42 pm »
I'm a little surprised to see that none of the PC Gamers listed DOOM.  I played DOOM and DOOM2 for nearly 5 years...  It pretty much kicked off the FPS revolution I think.


Your top 10 Video Games of all time
« Reply #19 on: 26 Mar 2006, 06:02 pm »
1. Star Control 2
2. Total Annihilation
3. Civilization (Pick one)
4. Master of Orion 2
5. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
6. Soul Calibur (Any in the series)
7. Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX)
8. Chronotrigger (SNES)
9. Diablo 2
10. and my latest addiction.. World of Warcraft