Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!

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Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« on: 7 Mar 2006, 04:36 pm »
First, I will describe the current configuration of my system, in as much detail as I can, so as to clearly outline the context of my comments to come, as the unit breaks in.

Dedicated AC line for audio
Bolder Nitro 1.5m PC
Bolder Basic PS for SB3
Bolder modded SB3
Bolder Nitro 0.5m IC
DIY LM3875 Gainclone amp (true dual mono, dual rectified, 50wpc)
Bolder M-80 speaker cables
DIY open baffle Visaton b200 speakers
PC on 2nd floor in a bedroom, Linksys WRT54GS router, Version 15 firmware on the SB3, FLAC files only!

The room is my unfinished basement, approx 25x35x7.5, and the system is corner mounted – ie the rack is in the very corner, then there are bookcases on each side, then the speakers – minimizing reflections, and leaving the most room available for my little ones to run about etc.

I received the unit back from Wayne yesterday, and had it up and running in 30 minutes, after clarifying how to deal with the SB3’s desire to “update” the firmware.  I am running it 24/7 with music now, and will report back along the way.

I am electing to use the fully modded SB3 via the analog outputs, but I do have the option of using the modded digital output down the road, in order to act as my source/preamp.  I run a single source system in my basement, no vinyl (sorry lcrim!) or anything else at this point.

I did briefly try the SB3 feeding my preferred amp (the JVC EX A1) but since that is an integrated, I would prefer to use the GC to test the ultimate resolution capacity of the modded unit.  Down the road, I will experiment more with external DAC options etc, but at present, I am excited about having a short, simple signal path, through some excellent (though admittedly very cheap) components.

I will also use a different set of speakers at some point – my open baffle speakers are bass shy at the best of times, and so in order to best assess the modded SB3, I will swap in my DIY Cable/CSS KIT41 speakers – on my Atlantis Reference stands, they should give me another good “view” of the sound.

SO, day 1, what do I think?  Great workmanship, hefty piece, and works great out of the box.  I listened to some new music last night and this morning, and what really stood out for me is the clarity, transparency, and coherency – vocals, acoustic guitar are riveting so far.

Wayne can chime in with the details around what work he performed, etc, I will report my impressions along the way, through the proposed 30 day 24/7 break in of the Blackgates…


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #1 on: 9 Mar 2006, 02:44 pm »
I have had my fully modded SB3 running 24/7 for over 48 hours now, and I think it is time to share some preliminary thoughts around how it is going.

It is impossible for me to A/B at this point, so I cannot get into how the modded version sounds better, directly compared to the unmodded SB3, I will need to borrow my brother’s stock one to try and accomplish that.

First the good – I am hearing music as I never have before – there is dimensionality, and fullness to the sound of some FLAC tunes, that previously just sounded better than radio – some of the pop I have, when played on this system, staggers me, when I hear the instruments so well defined, the ambience of the recording venue etc – before, I was just hearing pop music on my stereo.

I am finding that there is additional depth to the soundstage, on things like Marley, he is recessed in the mix in ways that before did not stand out.

I am enjoying new levels of clarity, detail and sharpness of image at times, with this piece, as it breaks in.

Now the caveats – with any device I have had, that included Blackgates in it, there is always a long break in, and it tends to manifest itself, to my ears, with treble inconsistency.  I noted occasional sonic pleasure with respect to clarity, detail and sharpness – it is only fair to mention that there are also moments of grain, grit, and brightness to the treble, and a lack of bass definition – this comes and goes, with the same song, in the same room, on the same system.

In time, I expect the treble to smooth out, and the bass definition to stabilize.

I look forward to sharing more, but only time will tell!

So far, money well spent, for the glimpses of where this is likely going, even in a system such as mine, with a combined total value of less than $1200-$1500… I can only imagine how this would play in a better system, in a treated room!

Thanks again Wayne


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #2 on: 9 Mar 2006, 04:03 pm »
Thanks for your comments, Mark.

You statement about the variations in highs and lows changing within the course of one song are dead on.

Power supply capacitors can do some very funny things to the sound. The very frustating thing about it is the glimpse of the great sound it will become and then... the highs just disapear, or the bass becomes very boomy, or the treble gets harsh and drills through your brain.

Hang in there. It WILL get better.

I am glad that you are able to get at least a rough idea of what it will sound like in a month.


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #3 on: 9 Mar 2006, 05:58 pm »
The inside of the Gainclone, for those that like that sort of thing...


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #4 on: 10 Mar 2006, 03:06 pm »
Update - my Felicia can handle running both the gainclone, and the SB3 PS, so I am able to have the whole system running off balanced power.

I will likely post some more impressions after another 48 hours or so - see how they all sound, after 150hrs etc.


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #5 on: 11 Mar 2006, 03:03 am »
I'll suffer with you Mark, I just added some BG's as bypass caps in my Squeezebox, so I can share your pain.  :lol:

BTW, did you build the Gainclone? Looks very nicely done. :thumb:


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #6 on: 11 Mar 2006, 03:21 pm »
Hey Mike, welcome to the break in party!

As for the GC amp, come on now, you know I can barely solder a crossover together, let alone tackle a project involving AC power!

I bought it off eBay, from a guy who has built 9 or 10 gainclone amps - this was his dual mono, and for the $300 shipped, I figure I did just fine.

Oh, and put the KIT41 speakers into the system this AM, while looking after my two daughters (wife was shopping), and I can tell you, that any lack of bass with the OB b200's, is strictly due to the nature of those speakers.  The KIT41 are sounding better than ever - sure, they pale in comparison to the open, natural sound of the visatons on the OB, but the bass is really nice, even in my large room - these are 4.5 inch woofers, running in ported boxes around 0.5ft, and can be pushed hard.

Great control in what bass they do (they don't do below 50-60Hz, but compared to the OB at 80Hz...) and a consistent richness to the sound that I have not heard before using the stock SB, and gainclone combination.

Things are going well here in Burlington, any in the area are welcome to PM me, and stop in...

I will report, as things stabilize,


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #7 on: 20 Mar 2006, 01:55 pm »
300+ hours in now

Treble still not fully stable, but better, and bass, when it hits, is shocking.

I love how real things sound – in Dave Matthew’s Crash, there is a sax line near the opening (baritone I believe) that opened my eyes the other night – I just could not believe that this was not IN the room…

I have played around with the system quite a bit during the break in, just to sort out different things, and the conclusion that I am rapidly coming to, and that many of you likely already think, is that my front end is outclassing the balance of my system.

The gainclone is a good amp, and the speakers I have are decent, but I suspect this unit, and the PS, are capable of more than I own….

By this, I mean that every time I change other portions of the system, I hear new things, but none of my speakers can give me the whole spectrum, that the SB3 is capable of producing.  I have played around with my Boston Acoustic CD5’s, my KIT41 DIY Cable/CSS speakers, and listened extensively with my OB Visatons.

I will say this – the modded SB3, allows the Boston Acoustic CD5’s to do things that they should otherwise not – they are $60 speakers I bought off eBay for surround use, in a system that has yet to materialize.  They are old, small, sealed bookshelves, with a 5 inch woofer, and 1 inch metal dome.  I have heard them with my JVC mini unit, and they are not great, likely not even good.  Using the modded SB3, and the gainclone, it is silly how well they image, disappear, and throw an enormous stage.

I will say this of the KIT41 – I like these speakers, they are my daily 2 channel speakers on the main floor, in my 2 channel HT system.  My wife will not allow me to remove them from that system for longer than 1 day, so that is the highest praise I can offer!  When I can spirit them away, and use them with the SB3, and gainclone, on my Atlantis Reference stands, they are surprisingly good.  They do the best bass of any speaker I have, and are convincing in their ability to disappear, and flow real music out.  Better than I have heard them before.

I will say this of the open baffle Visatons – they frustrate me!  They offer, without a doubt, the best mids that I have ever heard, with excellent highs, and some bass.  It is the bass part that frustrates me… But, with the SB3, I am now finding that what bass there is to be exceptionally well textured, and controlled, and the mids and highs continue to delight me.

I have tried integrating a sub with the Visatons, but with their 96db efficiency, the sub amp is full volume, and it can STILL not keep up with the increase in volume with the mains.

So, at this point, I am very pleased with the SB3, it makes everything I listen to more enjoyable, in spite of some issues with my speakers.

Sometimes, I think I should sell off all my speakers, and just bite the bullet, and buy some RAW HT3’s… but I have not yet tried all sub tricks in my book as yet – there are plans for a pair of transmission line 10’s, that might be able to keep up with the b200’s!

I would say this, in general – the mods to the unit, to my ears, with my simple system, are well worth the $$.

I am told that a new PS is being created for me, so I will soon have the pleasure of even more break in, likely just as this round ends!


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #8 on: 20 Mar 2006, 08:12 pm »
Sounds like it's coming along nicely Mark.

I had a wild hair last night and too many small BG NP caps and now there are 6 more in my power supply. So I get to wait some more for it to settle in.  :roll:


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #9 on: 12 Apr 2006, 04:50 pm »
Just as the SB3 finished breaking in... my new PS arrives!

It is a Rev1, with the Jensen caps, and the Nitro DC cable.  Well built hefty creature, excellent connection from PS to DC cable, and nice feet too!

Right off the bat, it is the 3D portion increase that gets me.

Call me crazy, but this is starting to get really good...

Thanks again Wayne!

I can only imagine the fun that better heeled customers, with more resolving systems are having with the 3 new PS options!


Bolder Fully Modded SB3 arrives in Canada!
« Reply #10 on: 9 May 2006, 04:44 pm »
I have admitted before, that I thought that the Bolder SB3 was capable of far more than my system can showcase.

On this Sunday past, I gained some insight into how much more...

Fellow AC member markC brought over some of his 300wpc monoblock hybrid tube/fet amps, and we fed them with the SB3, and on to my DIY b200 Visaton speakers.

Oh baby, did this ever sing!  Bass to below 50Hz, from that open baffle driver, smooth sweet sound all the way around - glorious midrange, and fantastic open, enveloping soundstage.

Now, I just have to sell my car to afford the amps....