Happy VMPS'er

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John Casler

Happy VMPS'er
« on: 25 Jan 2006, 08:32 pm »
I have many great customers and constantly receive nice comments about their systems and how much they enjoy them.

No all are AC members, so occasionally I might post their comments.

This particualr customer "inherited" my African Ebony 626Rs and mated them with a Powered LARGER Sub, to good effect.  

His comments below:

It's been a few months now since my 626/Larger combo was delivered. And I am *definitely* a
happy fellow!

The clarity of the 626R is just jaw-dropping. I have a number of friends who now hate
to turn on their home systems after listening to my set of VMPS speakers. Once I
managed to tune the Larger Subwoofer I found a extra "presence" in a number of
CD's that I never noticed before.

A couple of good albums to put the units through their paces.

Joe Satriani - Is There Love in Space
                       Strange Beautiful Music
                       Live in San Fransisco

                       Electric Guitar that tests definition.

Christopher Franke - Babylon 5, Vol. 2: Messages from Earth
                      Modern Symphonic/Electric with very strong bass notes.

Clanaad - Anam

                      Vocals from Enya for spacial.

I went through some surgery, and recoup in the late fall. Listening to good
music through Brian's units made the tough days a lot easier to cope
with. Thanks so much!!!