basement flooded

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basement flooded
« on: 13 Jan 2006, 06:34 pm »
In a great start to the New Year my basement flooded when a tree root blocked the drainpipe running from my house. Fortunately I got the Avalons and the rest of my gear out of the way before the tide of sewage, toilet paper and lord knows what else came flowing across the carpet. I'm lucky that the only damage was to the carpet which I didn't really like in the first place. The downside, other than losing $3k to a new carpet, is my system will now be disassembled for about 3 weeks. Do any of my fellow gassers want to play with my ARC150.2 or my ARC CD3. You can have them for a couple of weeks as long as you treat them like they are your own. pm me , first come basis. No you can't have the Avalons. I also have an 8ft pair of Acoustic Zen Hologram speaker cable and a 3ft pair of AQ Sky interconnect.


basement flooded
« Reply #1 on: 13 Jan 2006, 06:53 pm »
I feel for you. My home is under major renovations. I put all the good stuff, i.e. stereo, china, crystal, et al, in the basement where nothing was being done. Damn plumbers drained the house pipes and left the valve open ... dripping slowly for 3 weeks. Well it soaked into the carpet under all of the stored precious things.

Bottom line, my speakers delaminated on the bottom. Thank gGod there's no damage to the MDF. They are now in the process of being relaminated in a nice Brazilian Cherry and will be finished in a dark reddish stain to show off the beautiful grain.

Oh well, at least it is repairable, and the plumber is paying for it.



basement flooded
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jan 2006, 07:49 pm »
   Just curious how much you are paying to have your speakers re-laminated?  I have a pair that i would like to have re-laminated? Also where are you having it done?


basement flooded
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jan 2006, 08:05 pm »
Typing this from my bLackberry - so I Don't know how it"js going to work out.

I have a local wood craftsman doing the laminating. I know outfits like Zalytron or perhaps Ellis Audio might also do this for you. My speakers are running beween 300 and 400 dollars to laminate, stain and finish.

Good luck toyou.


Scott F.

Re: basement flooded
« Reply #4 on: 13 Jan 2006, 10:10 pm »
Quote from: electricbear
In a great start to the New Year my basement flooded ......
Do any of my fellow gassers want to play with my ARC150.2 or my ARC CD3.... No you can't have the Avalons.

Dude, that sucks.
Been there, got two or three T-Shirts. I finally had Brinks install a water infiltration sensor. That way when water decides to find  its way into my listening room my alarm goes off and Brinks calls me where ever I am.

You know, when you offered up your ARC gear first thing I thought was Avalons  :mrgreen: ....drats


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 143
« Reply #5 on: 13 Jan 2006, 11:20 pm »
Man that sucks!!  I have a pump system in my basement that drains excess water away from the ground around the basement preventing saturation.  Last spring one of the connections from the pump located in the basement (design flaw--I purchased the home this way, no money for a re-work) came loose with resultant water spewing everywhere.  I run down to attempt to hold the two ends of the pipe together...mistake.  You know how you hold your thumb over the end of the water hose for that real forceful stream...yeah, that's me with this pipe.  As I stand there soaking wet, water rising, basically trying to put the proverbial finger in the dike, my wife walks over and turns off the pump.  And that my friends, is why I married her......I'm a shmuck, and she's not.

I hope everything gets back to normal for your soon,



« Reply #6 on: 13 Jan 2006, 11:59 pm »
Thanks for the condolences guys. Chris has you all beaten to the arc stuff. I wouldn't object to loaning out the Avalons but I'd be paranoid about the finish on the getting marred. I guess once I've repainted down there and got the new carpet in I'll need to have a listening/ christening party.

steve k

basement flooded
« Reply #7 on: 14 Jan 2006, 12:30 am »
My condolences Tim,
I can relate. The reason my basement is finished the way it is is because I had 8" of water in my basement during the floods of 93 when the creek made it up to my deck in back. With the insurance claim, I put in a perimeter drain system and sump pump and haven't had any problems since. Luckily my system was much smaller at the time and was spared any water damage.

A party with the Avalons sounds great when you get finished. Good luck with the cleanup and repairs.
steve k