The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..

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Very nice review Scott!

I hope part II comes soon.

Scott F.

Re: The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..
« Reply #1 on: 6 May 2003, 12:24 pm »
Hiya Marbles,

Quote from: Marbles

Very nice review Scott!

I hope part II comes soon.

Thanks  :)  I had a great time hanging out with everybody. I missed the deadline a couple of weeks ago, thats why it's just going up this week  :oops:  Part Deux will get posted this coming weekend.

I really need to call Mike B. and see what his thoughts are for next year. If he's going to skip years, we should all try to put another show together for the spring/summer of next year.

I'll give him a buzz today and see whats up.


The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..
« Reply #2 on: 12 May 2003, 04:09 pm »
Part II is now up...

I got mentioned as "some guy"  :lol:   on the nOrh write up  8)

brotherman-5th floor

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The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..
« Reply #3 on: 12 May 2003, 05:52 pm »
nOrh moved to Tiawan? (I guess he meant Taiwan) :nono:

nature boy

The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..
« Reply #4 on: 12 May 2003, 09:56 pm »
Scott and Marbles,

This is the best coverage (and clear pictures to boot) of MAF I have seen.  Kudo's for the concise writing, completed coverage, and your insights.  

BTW, I ended up buying Mike Galusha's black vinyl copy of Soular Energy since he wanted the blue vinyl version - clean the record thoroughly, as mine had a lot of suff in the grooves.  Oh baby - absolutely one of the best pieces of vinyl these ears have ever listened to and worth the rather steep price of admission.  This album gets Nature Boys "Five Thumbs Up" award.



The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..
« Reply #5 on: 12 May 2003, 10:23 pm »
> Michael Barnes and a bunch of his staff from Tiawan flew in for the event.

   Micheal Barnes and his staff are from Thailand, not Tiawan :-)


The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..
« Reply #6 on: 12 May 2003, 10:23 pm »
Whew, that Norh display looks pretty low rent.  Could've used a nice table cloth at least! :wink: Heh!

I'm curious about what music those guys were playing with the horn subwoofer that made Klaus nauseas and the door move and such?

Anyone who was there care to comment on the low end response in the Omega room?  Kinda wondering about those Grandes.

Scott F.

The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..
« Reply #7 on: 13 May 2003, 03:58 am »
Quote from: F-100
Micheal Barnes and his staff are from Thailand, not Tiawan :-)

Marbles let me know  :oops: Oh well. What can you expect from free help  :D

Like I told him, Thailand, Taiwan, Tennesse....I knew it was one of those "T" countries  :lol:

Quote from: nature boy
BTW, I ended up buying Mike Galusha's black vinyl copy of Soular Energy since he wanted the blue vinyl version - clean the record thoroughly, as mine had a lot of suff in the grooves. Oh baby - absolutely one of the best pieces of vinyl these ears have ever listened to and worth the rather steep price of admission. This album gets Nature Boys "Five Thumbs Up" award.

Definately worth the money. Dennis's next release is out in about 4 weeks or so as I remember.


The TNT review of the MAF 2003 is now up on their site..
« Reply #8 on: 13 May 2003, 02:27 pm »
Regardless Scott, the report was excellant!

Now the world knows that MAF belongs at the TOP of the list of audio shows.  Not because it is the biggest, but because it is the BEST!

The venders offer the biggest bang for the $$$ , and the show goers are hospitable enough to offer anyone who really wants it the sweetspot.

It is one relaxed cool party.  

I think that it will only grow in popularity now that the word is getting out.