For a REAL LIMITED time, our valued AC customers have another opportunity to take advantage of some real cool deals NOT YET OFFERED to anyone else in the world! You'd better act fast though, because we're in the process of posting these on our Specials page @ (You have hours, not days, to order!)
Sapphire 25th Anniversary(Walnut)
Excellent condition. Used for local demo. These superb monitors sold regularly for $1400 pair (+ $50 S/H.) Your price, $1120 . . . Order before Christmas and we'll include a set of Sanus Steel Foundation Stands, (reg. $169.99 pr.), absolutely FREE!
Sapphire and Stands = $1120, NO Shipping/Handling!
Panorama (Rosewalnut)
Excellent condition. Used for local demo. These state-of-the-art
three-way monitors sells regularly for $2300 pair (+ $100 S/H.)
Your price, only $1999! . . . Order before Christmas and we
include a set of Atlantis Pro Stands (a great three-post stand valued at
$169 pair!) Free shipping saves you another $120!
Panorama and Stands = $1999 (Free S/H)
Titan Subwoofer (Mahogany)
Excellent condition. Used for local demo. This subwoofer has just received
the coveted's Best of 2005 Award. Regularly priced at
$1300 plus $60 S/H. Your price, only $1169! Again, shipping is FREE if ordered by Christmas!
Once these great deals hit our Specials page, they'll be gone FAST! ORDER NOW!
Happy Holidays from ACI!