enclosed rack cooling

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Jason Nugent

enclosed rack cooling
« on: 28 Nov 2005, 07:30 pm »
I was wondering if anyone here had a suggestion for making sure an enclosed rack was kept cool.   Im toying with the idea of installing a Middle Atlantic rack at the front of my room, and my two amplifiers (a 4B and a 9B) at the bottom of it.  The rack would be enclosed, since Middle Atlantic racks are on rails and pull  out to get access to the back of the equipment.  My big concern is making sure the equipment stays cool, but at the same time the fans need to be very quiet because people will be sitting 4 or 5 feet from the equipment.    The ceiling is currently open, so there is an option to add ventilation, as long as it remains quiet.   Did I mention that it has to be quiet?  :)

If this isn't really viable, I can just go with the original plan to put an open Sound Anchors rack at the back of the room.  

Thanks, Jason

Phil A

enclosed rack cooling
« Reply #1 on: 29 Nov 2005, 07:18 pm »
I have a 14BSST that needs fans in an unenclosed area to play my Thiel 7.2s the way I like.  I had a 6BSST up front for a bit (now it powers the center and rears) and it does not get all that hot.  I've owned rack equipment many moons ago.  For an enclosed rack, I'd recommend rack spacers above and below each amp.  I'd use 5.25 inch blank panels above and below at a minimum.  If you can't have decent spacing around the amps, I'd go to plan B.

Jason Nugent

enclosed rack cooling
« Reply #2 on: 29 Nov 2005, 07:24 pm »
Thanks, Phil.  The Middle Atlantic Racks let the height be set to almost an infinite degree, because each shelf can be attached at different positions within the rack.   The 4B probably wouldn't get smoking hot, but the 9B, with all five channels going, would probably get up there.

I noticed that Bryston sells fan units to help keep things cool.  James, care to comment on how they work, what they look like, and what they might cost?  

It may also be possible to run my air exchanger vent right down to the bottom of the rack encloser, and have air flow coming out through that.


enclosed rack cooling
« Reply #3 on: 29 Nov 2005, 09:20 pm »
I have an enclosed rack as well. My amp runs rather cool (McCormack DNA .5) but my tubed phono stage (Hegerman Coronet) and tubed preamp (Audio Prism Mantissa) throw off some heat after a while.

I tried mounting a fan on the cabinet itself, but that actually made the thing sound fairly loud, and created vibrations running through the cabinet. Even after installing a dimmer switch on it to turn it down. I also collected lots of dust. Yes, I tried blowing in and blowing out.

It was better after suspending the fans above the top of the units, leaving about 4-6" of space between the top of the unit and the next shelf bottom. The fans could just purr along with enough energy to move the air. I also left the cabinet door ajar about an inch to help air flow.

Since my equipment runs fairly cool I just leave the door cracked now and turn on the fans full blast for 5 minutes every two hours or so to cool them down if I feel they need it.


Jason Nugent

enclosed rack cooling
« Reply #4 on: 30 Nov 2005, 12:08 pm »

Thanks for the note.  The Middle Atlantic racks don't have any doors to speak of, so maybe I'm worrying about nothing here.

Of course, it's not like I've been able to find a MA rack dealer here anyway, so I think it's going to be plan B.