Hemptone 8, A8, M5..(sorry, loong)?

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Hemptone 8, A8, M5..(sorry, loong)?
« on: 24 Nov 2005, 03:39 am »
Hello everybody, I have been eyeing this forum occasionally with obsessive interest and would like to ask you for some input. I currently have a set of (beautiful red gum) Minuets. Yesterday I had my buddy bring his Grande 6 (again!) to investigate my chronic upgradeitis. My system: Rega Planet, Ack D'Ack DAC, 47 Labs Shigaraki Amp in a pretty large room with metal ceiling, sheetrock wall, suspended wood floor, industrial and not very furnished...I like acoustic guitars, some classic, some electronic dub and occasionally it has to rock... The Minuets sound great if I nail myself onto the exact middle of my sofa, once strolling around everything changes. Comparing the Grande 6 and the Minuets I felt the paper cones behave much better with the delicate stuff, female voices and acoustic guitar, lots of character and 'grain', more resolution in the 'restrained' stuff (sorry not too familiar with the lingo..) but with anything 'pop', electric guitars or plainly more complex music they are much flatter, less 'roomy' and not as fast as my Minuets, which make the room behind them deeper but in return are missing a tad of this 'magic' in the mids. Let me know if I am too greedy but..I want it all. The 'fine grain' mids of the Grande 6 and the spacious attitude of the Minuets,..er...possibly in a smallish speaker. Could the M5 be the ticket (But I can't have them more than 3-4ft from the backwall and the bass here tends to wobble..), Hemptone, A8..what are the characteristics? And do any of these have a less specific 'sweet spot'? cheers!

Louis O

Hemptone 8, A8, M5..(sorry, loong)?
« Reply #1 on: 27 Nov 2005, 01:45 am »
Hi schotter

You got to stop by for a listen to the M5s. I have a pair up and running and they are very easy to place in the room. The bonus is they can also be run sealed, so very close to wall placements are no problems at all.
They are very fast and bass is very articulate this way too.

Thanks again,


Hemptone 8, A8, M5..(sorry, loong)?
« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2005, 03:07 pm »
Thanks Louis,
I guess I will do exactly that this coming week. How about the A8 and Hemps, do you still have a pair of each, too?

