Esbjorn Svensson Trio in Chicago

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Scott F.

Esbjorn Svensson Trio in Chicago
« on: 20 Nov 2005, 12:02 am »
Hiya Guys,

By now you all know I'm an absolute fan of EST. Two years ago I drove up to Chicago to see these guys play at Hot House. Well, their coming back again in January, the 18th to be exact.

Needless to say, I'm going back up to see them. I've alread dropped an email to my boss I'm taking the 18th and 19th off. I plan on driving up Wednesday morning and coming back Thursday.

There is a strong chance that Jon VerHalen from Lowther America will go again also. Last time I went, tickets were $10. Hot House is down on Printers row, just south of the river. The club is on the 2nd floor. Its a nice lilttle venue that has maybe 30 tables and boothes. Acoustics aren't half bad. We'll probably grab dinner at the bar just down from the club (burgers and beer).

Anybody interested in going along?
(this includes any of the Chicago guys that happen to be reading this - Gonfishin?, Jammin Joe?, anybody else?)

If you aren't familiar with their music, heres a review or two of their albums that I did a while back.

For the rest of you guys around the country, here is their US tour schedule

Date   Country/City   Venue   
11.1.   USA - Oakland   Yoshi´s   
12.1.   USA - Oakland   Yoshi´s   
13.1.   USA - New York   IAJE Conference
14.1.   USA - Philadelphia   Zanzibar   
15.1.   USA - Minneapolis   Dakota Jazz Club   
17.1.   USA - Boulder   Boulder Theater   
18.1.   USA - Chicago   Hot House   
19.1.   USA - Ann Arbor   The Ark   
20.1.   USA - New York   Jazz Standard   
21.1.   USA - New York   Jazz Standard   
22.1.   USA - New York   Jazz Standard   
23.1.   USA - Washington   Blues Alley   
24.1.   USA - Boston   Sculler´s Jazz Club


Esbjorn Svensson Trio in Chicago
« Reply #1 on: 20 Nov 2005, 05:58 am »
 I may be interested in going, I need to read the reviews to see if it is something I would enjoy, but I have never been to CHI town and this would be the perfect excuse!



Esbjorn Svensson Trio in Chicago
« Reply #2 on: 20 Nov 2005, 03:04 pm »
Hi Scott :)

   Thanks for the invite...I'll check to see if we've got anything going on.  
