GAS Organization Meeting

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Scott F.

GAS Organization Meeting
« on: 3 Nov 2005, 01:54 am »
Hiya Guys,

Looks as if most people are up for having the GAS organization meeting right after Blackmores concert at Keating Center at Kirkwood HS. The plan is to meet at Massa's right afterward to have pizzas, beers and set our future agenda.

St. Louis Wind Symphony is performing at Kirkwood High School on November 6th at 3:00 pm. We are featuring music for our Armed Forces and will be playing "Victory at Sea" with video clips, a Daniel Gillingham piece for Vietnam heroes and veterans and a disturbing piece by Bukvich about the firebombing of Dresden. We share the stage with the Scott Air Force Band. Price is $5 I think.

So consider this the formal announcement :D

Here is a link to a map to Keating Center.">Keating Center

Here is a link to a map for Massa's.">Massa's

Massas is in old town Kirkwood. Here is their address

131 W Argonne Dr, Kirkwood, MO
(314) 965-8050

Be there or be square!


GAS meeting
« Reply #1 on: 3 Nov 2005, 02:02 am »
I've got 8 free tickets for anyone attending.  I'll leave them at the front desk and label the envelope "Gateway Audio Society".  That has a snooty sound to it, doesn't it.  :)   Man, looks like I better practice a little harder this week if you guys are coming out to hear us.  See you all Sunday at 3:00 pm in the Keating Auditorium at Kirkwood High School.


GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #2 on: 3 Nov 2005, 03:27 am »
Well, I am planning on attending, except that I just got rearended at a stop sign. My back is pretty sore and my neck really hurts.
I will be there if I am feeling up to it.



GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #3 on: 3 Nov 2005, 03:50 am »
I won't be able to see the concert but will try and meet you guys after it's over. Anybody got a time for meeting after the concert?

Scott F.

GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #4 on: 3 Nov 2005, 04:16 am »
Just guessing, the concert should last about an hour. It will take us the best part of a half hour to load in our cars and drive over to Massa's. If I'm right about the concert time, fairly close to 4:30 should be the time we all show up.


concert and meeting
« Reply #5 on: 3 Nov 2005, 04:02 pm »
Count me in for both. I'll see you there.


GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #6 on: 4 Nov 2005, 12:41 am »
I'm planning on being there. 8)
See ya's there!

Mark, should we bring kazoos?


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 143
GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #7 on: 4 Nov 2005, 01:02 am »
Hold on, wait a second......I might actually make this one.  I'll know for sure tomorrow.   Hope to see you guys there.


Scott F.

GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #8 on: 4 Nov 2005, 01:25 am »
Quote from: bmed
Hold on, wait a second......I might actually make this one.  I'll know for sure tomorrow.   Hope to see you guys there.



Man, we haven't seen you down in this neck of the woods in almost a year! Should be fun to catch up!


GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #9 on: 5 Nov 2005, 01:02 am »
Looks as if I will be there too, catching a ride with deadfish!



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 143
GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #10 on: 5 Nov 2005, 09:28 pm »
Well, this is typical.  I can't read.  I was thinking that the concert/meeting was today.  I was at my brothers today in St Charles, so I thought I could slide over, given my wife had the kid at a wedding with her.   So I drive by Kirkwood High, only to find out that it was tomorrow.  Soooo, I don't think I can make another drive from Springfield, IL tomorrow.  You guys will have to give me the minutes of the meeting.




GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #11 on: 5 Nov 2005, 10:21 pm »
I thought it was today also, but then I thought today was Sunday.
These damn Midnight shifts really screw me up!


GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #12 on: 6 Nov 2005, 12:33 am »
We're not gonna let you fellas live this down for a while, you know.

At least not until *I* do something stupid. (again)


See ya TOMORROW, Jamie!


Scott F.

GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #13 on: 7 Nov 2005, 03:43 am »
Well, you guys that didn't show missed a great concert! Mark, you were right about that Bukvich piece. It was pretty disturbing, but in a strange way I liked it a lot. Maybe because it was so different. We had a nice dinner afterwards at Massa's.

The organization meeting was a sucess. I think we've got some direction now. We pretty much kept everything at the 10,000 foot level mainly talking about organizing the organization. Here's a quick synopsis of what we covered;

We elected a Commission. As much as I was hoping to pass the torch it looks as if I'm Capo di tutti Capi. Electricbear ended up being a Capo and Steve K got elected Shylock (in hose).

Regarding gatherings we decided to hold quarterly 'all hands' meetings. Those meetings will be on Sundays with the actual recurring date (or weekend of the month) to be determined. After the quarterly meetings, smaller, improptu gatherings will be held. If you want to post the gathering here and place a limit on the number of people, please go right ahead. That will help let people know that we are actively getting together rther than the GAS group being stagnet. Plus, it give the new guys a chance to hear some different pieces of cool gear. We all understand that anything more than four or five people might be too much for the average listening session.

We decided to shelve the idea of a non-for-profit organization due to multiple reasons (mainly because it sounds like it will be a PITA). We'll just fly under the radar if we decide to do any philanthropic work.

We did decide to do a static website for the GAS site. It's going to take a few months to get it up and going but it will be a place that people can find us if they do a Google search. Memebers be able to to use the site to host their pics for gear that they are selling rather than paying one of the image hosting sites. We'll have load smore stuff on the site like links to local shops, music venues, GAS events, bio's, stuff like that.

We also decided to have a $20 membership fee. There is discussion about the benefits that come with paid dues. Along with image hosting and free email service of the website, Tim is going to try to get the local shops to give a discount if you present your GAS card. If for some reason the local shops don't want to participate, we'll have some more discussion on the beneifts of a paid memebership.

Universally, I think everybody wants GAS gear. Whether its a coffee mug, pens, tee shirts, pull overs or even GAS brand vacuum tubes, we all want something with our logo in it. I think Steve (or shylock) is working on a logo or two. I'd like to suggest that if anybody has any ideas and is good either with a computor graphics program or happens to be an artist, come up with a design (or two). At one of our gatherings or even online here we'll have a poll and pick one.

We've got a long way to go before we actually get our act completely together but I think we're on our way. I think everybody was clear in having the meetings more focused on a given topic or piece of gear, maybe even some DIY sessions.

I know we covered more stuff but my fingers are tired now.


gas night
« Reply #14 on: 7 Nov 2005, 07:17 pm »
excellent concert Mr Blackmore. The Dresden piece was very stirring. Thanks to everyone who turned up for the meeting, I think we accomplished a lot.


GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #15 on: 7 Nov 2005, 10:11 pm »
Hi guys,

Sounds like everyone had a good time and you got a lot accomplished. I wish I could have been there. Hopefully next time. As for the membership benefits Scott, you could let all the dues paying members pick through your stash watcha think?  :wink: As for the logo I had an ider and made a sketch. Does anyone know how I can put it in my post here? Anyone? Anyone? Oh, it's a pdf.



GAS Organization Meeting
« Reply #16 on: 7 Nov 2005, 11:05 pm »
I'll have to chime in that I had a great day.
Music ran me the gamut from uplift to dismay and back again.
That Bukvich 'Symphony#1 In Memoriam Dresden - 1945' was something else, and 'haunting' only begins the descriptors.  The conductor was right that I wasn't whistling it today, but I didn't forget it either.
I truly hope to hear more of the SL Wind Symphony; I was really uplifted.

And of course, it is grand that we are moving forward in some direction with GAS and we now have official 'guides' along our way to help us maintain some sort of focus.  Certainly not *my* strong suit...but y'all know me, loving to watch others work.

Steve's 'running speech' was priceless, but he didn't run fast enough.... :wink:

Thanks from MY neck of the woods for the Symphony and get together.
I'm left with positive feelings and think that we as a group will profit from it.
...and thanks to our drafted officers for bearing the brunt of our convictions and being good sports.


PS can I hear Sting singing "I want my GAS T-shirt'?


GAS meeting
« Reply #17 on: 8 Nov 2005, 12:41 am »
Thanks for coming out for the concert.  It's great to play for people you know in the audience and it's always good for our hobby to take in live, unamplified music.  We don't play a regular concert again until January, but there is a set of Holiday concerts the Wind Symphony performs.
See you tomorrow night at Best Sound for the Classe demonstration.

P.S.  it does my music educator's heart good to know that the most modern, atonal, experimental piece stuck with you and moved you.


Re: GAS meeting
« Reply #18 on: 8 Nov 2005, 01:48 am »
Quote from: Blackmore
does my music educator's heart good to know that the most modern, atonal, experimental piece stuck with you and moved you.

I am still thinking about it tonight, do you know if anyone has recorded this and made it available for purchase?

Thanks again, the whole concert moved me.



Bukvich Symphony #1
« Reply #19 on: 8 Nov 2005, 03:08 am »
Try this one from St. Olaf's College.