Bolder Mensa and Nixon TubeDac comparison

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Jay S

Bolder Mensa and Nixon TubeDac comparison
« Reply #60 on: 24 Apr 2003, 12:55 am »
Quote from: Tyson
In comparison, the tubedac (to ME) sounds a little too relaxed and slightly muted.

I will say that listening to the TubeDac on it's own without the comparison, it sounds GREAT.  It does almost everything very very well.  Even in the dynamics department, when not directly compared to something like the Mensa (which is insanely good in this area), it sounds fine.


How does the tubedac sound in comparison with the CD-1?  Have you compared them by any chance?


Bolder Mensa and Nixon TubeDac comparison
« Reply #61 on: 24 Apr 2003, 01:57 am »
The problem with tube gears is that they take on different characteristics depending on the tubes in them.  And they continually change their sound as the tubes age.  I'm guessing that there's a window or a sweet spot where the tubes sound their best.  But how do we know where that window is?  It makes it really tough to compare tube gears, imho.

I can understand comments about the thin sound of Mensa DAC (or SS in general) when compared to tubes.  Two words: room treatment.   :D

brad b

Scott Nixon Tube Dac, Mensa, Channel Islands
« Reply #62 on: 27 Apr 2003, 11:57 am »
Tyson was kind enough to bring over both the Mensa and the SN Tube DAC for a little listening yesterday, and I found all three units had distinct characteristics that were audible.  In a nutshell, the Mensa provided the best clarity and dynamics hooked up to the AVA amp, preamp combo.  The SN DAC sounded great on vocals, providing a slightly hazy, or additional tube sound to the presentation, not quite providing dynamics or upper end detail the way the Mensa did.  Finally, my Channel Islands was somewhere inbetween, providing good high end detail, but giving me a little softer sound in the lower frequencies.  I would like to hear the SN DAC on Solid State, where it may provide better synergies.

I believe we are all lucky that we have choices at this price point, because all 3 of these units really do provide a nice step up from a normal Rebook player...


Re: Scott Nixon Tube Dac, Mensa, Channel Islands
« Reply #63 on: 27 Apr 2003, 01:23 pm »
Quote from: brad b
Finally, my Channel Islands was somewhere inbetween, providing good high end detail, but giving me a little softer sound in the lower frequencies.

FWIW, I have the CI-Audio VDA-1, and with just a couple of the upgrades that are usually put into the ART DI/O, it will take a *major* leap from it's already very good performance. Most notably, much better control and composure while playing complex music (eg. orchestral), smoother, yet more detailed top end, and better soundstage. Too bad I can't offer my CI for comparison... I'd be most eager to hear it next to these two other excellent DACs.

brad b

Channel Islands upgrades
« Reply #64 on: 27 Apr 2003, 08:00 pm »
You should bounce your ideas off Dusty, as he could offer an upgrade path if he felt compelled similar to what Wayne has accomplished with the Mensa


Re: Channel Islands upgrades
« Reply #65 on: 28 Apr 2003, 02:31 am »
Quote from: brad b
You should bounce your ideas off Dusty, as he could offer an upgrade path if he felt compelled similar to what Wayne has accomplished with the Mensa

Modwright had done mods on the CI DAC, I'd like to hear how that compares to the mensa.

brad b

CI Modwright mods
« Reply #66 on: 28 Apr 2003, 12:05 pm »
Can you tell me the price range for the mods, as I like the Channel Islands DAC and it syncs great with universal players, dedicated Redbook, and DVD, so for me It's a keeper


Re: CI Modwright mods
« Reply #67 on: 28 Apr 2003, 01:24 pm »
Quote from: brad b
Can you tell me the price range for the mods, as I like the Channel Islands DAC and it syncs great with universal players, dedicated Redbook, and DVD, so for me It's a keeper

  i don't know the prices.  i just remember modwright mentioning he had modded a CIAudio DAC, he had even had the unit cryoed.  he sold the one unit on audiogon for dirt cheap, but that was a one time deal since it was the first unit he had done the mods on.  i had been watching audiogon for weeks looking for a good deal on the DAC, so I was kind of pissed that I miss this piece (it sold immediatley).  
  Is the DAC a significant improvement over your universal player?

brad b

Channel Islands and Sony 7700
« Reply #68 on: 28 Apr 2003, 01:46 pm »
Duff:  yes, the Channel Islands DAC gives you a quieter, wider, deeper, more detailed soundstage, and you can tell a significant difference between player without, and DAC hooked in.  If your gear is less resolving, the power supply may be not the ticket first pass, but after you have upgraded, power supplies will affect the sound quite a bit.  As Tyson said, the Scott Nixon DAC with standard supply almost sounds constrained, but when coupled with an upgraded unit, really bloomed.  The Sony 7700 is a dual laser unit, so it is not bad, just not as good as an outboard DAC.  It is a tank for trasport, which is why I use it!


Bolder Mensa and Nixon TubeDac comparison
« Reply #69 on: 28 Apr 2003, 03:11 pm »
Tyson's findings on how the power supply affected the sounds of the Nixon DAC correlates to my findings in how the bybee'd nitro power supply (same one used on the MENSA, more or less) affected the sound of my McCormack MID amp that I am using as a preamp.  It added many things, most noticeably in slam and extention in both extremes.