A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam

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A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« on: 28 Aug 2005, 03:21 am »
Thanks for your hospitality today, I had a great time at the jam!

Lots of good people, food and gear.




A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #1 on: 28 Aug 2005, 03:47 am »
Thank you Lee, and everyone who lugged gear over and hung out.  It was great to meet and spend time with everyone.  I think all-in-all it was a terrific day of some really good gear.  We did so little damage we are pre-approved for future hosting at our house, wherever she buys it....go figure... :angel:

Thanks guys!


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A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #2 on: 28 Aug 2005, 04:23 am »
So guy's ...how'd it go today? Glad to see you got together...its always fun. Thanks !!! :beer:


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A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #3 on: 28 Aug 2005, 06:18 am »
thanks art, had a great time.



A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #4 on: 28 Aug 2005, 06:26 am »
Art was a fantastic host.  Again, thank you for letting more than 20 guys messing with your pad.  Also, the food was great and bountiful.



A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #5 on: 28 Aug 2005, 12:00 pm »
wow, you guys had 20 people show up?  That's great!

Any pictures?


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #6 on: 28 Aug 2005, 12:11 pm »
I took a few and I thought Marvin was taking some, I'll post them later today if I get a chance.  Thank you also for the gear you sent us Phil, really cool stuff that was a big part of the day.


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #7 on: 28 Aug 2005, 03:40 pm »
sounds like you had fun but where are the pics??? Throw us a bone here.....:D

Danny Richie

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A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #8 on: 28 Aug 2005, 03:50 pm »
Special thanks to Aurthur for hosting. This is a nice group of guys. I had a great time. Thanks also to all those that brought or sent gear. I really like A/Bing different gear and speakers and always learn a thing or two when doing so.

More later,


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #10 on: 29 Aug 2005, 12:00 am »
Wow, there was some really nice equipment at that jam! Are those amps the new Dodd 120 Watt per channel tube amps that were on sale for $2000 in the Spring? I haven't heard any reviews yet and I'm very curious.  How about some comments on the sound? How did the speakers match up and how about those amps? Are they the bargain they were hyped to be at there discounted price point?


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #11 on: 29 Aug 2005, 02:54 am »
Hello everyone!

It was a fantastic jam, with lots of great people, gear and food (boy, did those brats disappear fast!!).  Art, many, many thanks to you for stepping up to host and doing it in style!

A bunch of other "thank yous" are in order:

 - Phil at SonicSpirits for sending the Focus 688 monitors, BC integrated and Opus 21 CD player
 - Jim at SalkSound for allowing his demo HT1s to stay in the DFW for the Jam
 - Ken for arranging transport of the HT1s
 - Jason at NuForce for overnighting the prototype pair of Ref9 amps
 - Lee at Cryo-Parts for arranging transport of both the NuForce and SonicSpirts gear and bringing several cables
 - Danny at GR Research for bringing 3 sets of speakers and a pair of stands
 - Gary at Dodd Audio for bringing his amps and preamp
 - Brent at Media Design for bringing the Gallo Reference IIIs
 - Charlie (?) for bringing a pre-amp of his own design

I'm sure I've missed a few, as I never found out who brought the Halcro or PS audio gear, so thanks again to everyone else that helped out in any way!

As for comments... I took a few things away from the jam, but basically, I would say that we just had a lot of fun.  I wouldn't characterize anything I did as critical listening, as there was simply too much going on.  We had two rooms going, but they were connected via an open kitchen, so there was definitely some crosstalk happening - along with some strategic volume knob adjusting as a result! :)  In addition, we were swapping gear too often for any really extended listening or evaluation, and I was unfamiliar with all of it to begin with, not to mention the rooms themselves.  There were definitely a couple of room related issues, despite all of the "human acoustic absorbers" we had present! :lol:

In my opinion, there was no gear that wasn't worthy of more detailed in home auditions.  That said...


I would put the Salk HT1s and Raw Acoustics RA8 at the top of my in-home audition list.  (Full disclosure: I have a pair of Salk HT3s on order, but the HT1 performance reaffirmed my belief that I will enjoy the HT3s.)  Danny's now-discontinued Criterion has the same tweeter as the HT1s and sounded similar, but not quite as full.  The HT1 has a larger mid-range driver and bigger cabinet to help out in this regard.  I really did enjoy the HT1!

Since my gear will going in my living room, a line array would be a bit overwhelming, but the RA8s are probably the most livable line array I've seen thanks to their very narrow profile.  The only catch is that, with their rolloff in the 40s, I would definitely need a sub.  I really liked the RA8 ribbon tweeter, however, and the mids were impressive too.  The Focus 688s and Danny's small speakers were both very good, but my personal tastes run to full range speakers, so with everything else to experience, I didn't focus on them quite as much as I probably should have.  (I prefer satin finished veneer on speakers, but the burled oak finish on the 688s was fantastic!)  I will also add that the Gallo made a much better impression on me than the first time I heard it last year, and I think part of that was due to better gear upstream.  I'd like to hear it with the B.A.M. module, to see how that changes its behavior and frequency response.  With that 330 degree dispersion tweeter, however, you had better have some room treatment in place!

To sidestep for a moment - my most valuable realization of the afternoon resulted from a discussion with Danny about the HT1 G2 ribbon and RA8 G2Si derived ribbon.  Specifically, the RA8 ribbon might have been the slightest bit more revealing, and Danny commented that this was probably due - at least partially - to the fact that the effeciency of the line arrayed woofers meant that the tweeter didn't have to be padded down much at all.  (The 96dB G2 ribbon in the Salk has to be padded down to match the 86 dB woofer.)  The key here is that - for those that have or prefer lower efficiency speakers - this is yet another reason to consider going to a fully active setup, with amps connected to the drivers after the crossover.  No padding is required in this arrangement, and you can thus avoid any potential loss from having to match sensitivity between drivers.  Thanks for helping me to that realization, Danny!

Getting back to gear... amps:

I'd like to hear the Dodd 120s, NuForce Ref9s (or more probably 8s) and BC integrated at home in an extended listening session.  These amps cover quite a price range, but they all gave me enough hints to want more listening time - whether I could afford them or not.  I can't resist prodding Gary a bit since he so firmly believes nothing can compete with tubes, but his amps are impressive.  For reasons that have nothing to do with acoustics, I tend to lean away from tubes for an integrated 2 channel/HT system such as what I'm currently putting together, but if I ever get to build a dedicated 2 channel rig (in a separate room) and have the budget available, I'd definitely consider his amps.  (Yes, jermnd, Gary raised his prices recently in preparation for establishing a dealer network.  The 120W monos are now advertised at $5200 a pair, although you should probably check with Gary offline if you are really interested.)

Again, for a 2 channel only system, I thought the BC integrated was a great piece that I'd love to hear more of.  If only it had a remote when configured with the Shalco switches...

As for the NuForce, I think this amp probably got the worst deal of the night.  In the "small room" it was hooked up to my BPT 3.5 Signature power conditioner due to a lack of handy wall outlets within reach, and the standard view is that amps should be plugged directly into the wall.  I don't know what they were connected to in the big room.  In addition, the NuForce power cords didn't attend the jam with the amps, so two different cords were scratched up for each monoblock.  (They did look like decent power cords, however, and I think that at least one was furnished by Lee.)  In addition, these amps were pre-production units, and I don't know how much play time was on them before they showed up.  I know that the production units will have different cases and more capacitance.  I don't know that the NuForce series of amps would be my ultimate answer to amplication and more than any other amp, but I was impressed enough that I'd like to hear them at leasure in a few different system configurations, especially since their performance comes with a far more impressive $/Watt ratio than many.

Unfortunately, I missed the visiting Halco and PS Audio amps, as well as Art's Cary monoblocks.  I think they were only played in the large room.


I don't have much to say here.  I heard both the Opus 21 and Art's source, but both were in different systems with different gear.  They were never compared to my knowledge.

Cables and power cords:

Same as above - what was initially placed in each system stayed there throughout the afternoon.

Power Conditioners:

Same as above.

Again, take everything I've said with not just a grain of salt, but a whole block of it.  At least on my part, I was just having fun.  I played some tracks I'm familiar with on several systems, but there was no effort to identify "synergies" (how I hate that word!) between individual components and speakers, and any real attempts at critical listening were difficult due to the environment and enthusiasm of everyone there.

In short - we had a great time, and I'm looking forward to the next jam in 3 weeks!  Thanks again to all that made this jam possible!


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #12 on: 29 Aug 2005, 03:27 am »

Thank for the reviews and good to hear you all had a great time.
That is the best as far as I can comment.Having a get together in a home.
A more natural state of where speakers are listened to and not in a ball room. :mrgreen:
Well done to you all :D

As for the RA8 ribbon RA104.5 is is not a G2Si ribbon not the same motor at all.
This is a OEM G2 series we had modified for RAW Acoustics.
Just wanted to lay that out on the line :wink:

Good to get some pictures of you all around as well for those who can now but a name and face together.

All the best


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #13 on: 29 Aug 2005, 03:55 am »
I guess I'll pile a few thoughts on what Brian said....

Brent Huskins was the guy that brought the Gallo's and Halcro.  

It was a pretty full house, and as we had been warned, we probably had too much gear to have a "shootout" of any significance on anything.  That said, I think I actually enjoyed what we did more than critical listening and dissection of a few peices.  We had a bunch of good folks who share a passion for the hobby, great music, decent eats, several different combinations to hear, great conversation and several "volume knob skirmishes" between rooms, these were actually pretty funny.  I think we gave over to talking, laughing, and enjoying ourselves more than reviewer scrutiny, which I think is a good thing at the end of the day.

A few impressions from the day that I had...

The RA8's are serious stuff.  For the targeted price point this is a significant speaker.

The Gallo's and the BlueCircle were pretty cool sounding with the Opus21.  The Opus 21 is a great source.

The Salk's really surprised me for a smaller speaker they have a good sound.

Gary makes damn fine gear, that played well with everything we put on it.  My wife will grow to dislike him over time and pieces I buy.

The Halcro was the first digital I've heard that made me stop and listen.

The NuForce had a tough day in both rooms.

Brian is right, in general several things made me want to hear more from them.

When it is 105 out, you don't want grill duty....

I really enjoyed having everyone over, there are some cool people hanging out in this circle...

I'm sure I'll think of more, but I'm tired as I spent today kissing butt and doing chores due to my wife taking the boys out all day yesterday so we could play....it was great fun guys :mrgreen:


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #14 on: 29 Aug 2005, 04:13 am »
Quote from: RAW
A more natural state of where speakers are listened to and not in a ball room.


You should have seen our first jam at shooter's place!  He has a photography studio in an industrial building in Dallas, and "ballroom" was about right!

Quote from: RAW
As for the RA8 ribbon RA104.5 is is not a G2Si ribbon not the same motor at all.
This is a OEM G2 series we had modified for RAW Acoustics.
Just wanted to lay that out on the line :wink:

Oops, sorry about that.   The description I heard was that of an OEM Aurum Cantus G2si motor structure and aluminum ribbon with a custom faceplate that had a shorter and wider opening for better vertical and horizontal dispersion characteristics, respectively.  Is that description accurate if you substitute "G2" for "G2si"?

Quote from: arthurs
When it is 105 out, you don't want grill duty....

Yeah, but the results were good!  I must have spent just a minute or so to long listening to music, because I missed all the brats!

Quote from: arthurs
I'm sure I'll think of more, but I'm tired as I spent today kissing butt for and doing chores due to my wife taking the boys out all day yesterday so we could play....

Hey, as long as we didn't wear out the welcome, I'd call it a success! :)


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #15 on: 29 Aug 2005, 05:09 am »
Brian - there were more Brats, you gotta speak up buddy, I would've grilled some more....


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Thanks for Inviting Us!
« Reply #16 on: 29 Aug 2005, 04:08 pm »
Hello All -

I was one of the DFW Hornheads members that Art invited over via the Klipsch forum and our Yahoo group.  It was a great event and I enjoyed meeting everyone!

Below are my thoughts (from the Klipsch Board):

WOW is all I can say.  No Klipsch but still an impressive range of equipment!  The Dodd stuff was awesome.  There were numerous smaller speaker that were awesome for their size but of course it is unfair to compare those to a Cornwall system.  I came back from the meet and listened to much of the same material on my system and I have to say that in my opinion only the Dunlavy's/Dodd or Cary combo came close to beating it (and yes of course I am biased).  Those Dunlavy's were sweet for sure but I still like the Cornwall/horn sound.

I guess I am just a horn sound type of guy.  It is hard to describe but it is like the difference between a BMW/Benz/Lexus and a 60's or 70's muscle car with a built V8.  They both go fast and get you from point A to point B but one is much more fun and in your face then the other.  So don't get me wrong the Dunlavy's were AWESOME but I like the horns.

I was very intimated at the cost of some of the equipment too.  I mean I think I have a decent sounding system but with guys into $5200 pre-amps, $2600 amps, $500 interconnects, $200 power cords I would be embarrassed to host an event at my house (plain jane interconnects and zip cord speaker wire) even though it could be fun.  I enjoy the heck out of my system though so I guess that is all that counts.

Art thanks again for hosting the event and please keep us informed of the next one.  I have an AudioCircle account but I hardly go over there.  I will have to check more often.  It was a great time!

Danny Richie and Gary Dodd...they are some smart guys! It was great to meet them.  I certainly could have stayed much longer if I didn't have to get back up to Plano.  It was very relaxing and I enjoyed the event!

Did I mention that I got to play some Black Label Society (Awesome Metal band) using the Dodd tube amps and the Dunlavy's :D  That rocked!




A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #17 on: 29 Aug 2005, 06:00 pm »
Can you guys make some comments on what gear was hooked up with what?


A Big Thanks to "arthurs"--Today's Jam
« Reply #18 on: 29 Aug 2005, 06:49 pm »
Quote from: PhilNYC
Can you guys make some comments on what gear was hooked up with what?


I'll take the first shot.

Room 1 (small):
- Opus 21 >> BC integrated >> Focus 688, Salk HT1, Gallo Reference
- Opus 21 >> Nuforce Ref 9 >> Legacy Pre >> Salk HT1, Gallo Reference

Room 2 (large):
- Cary CDP >> Cary Preamp >> Cary monos >> Dunlavy, RAW RA8
- Cary CDP >> Dodd Ref Preamp >> Dodd 120 monos >> Dunlavy, Raw RA8, Salk HT1, GR Criterion
- Cary CDP >> Dodd Ref Preamp >> Nuforce Ref 9 >> Raw RA8
- Cary CDP >> Dodd Ref Preamp >> Halcro Class D >> Dunlavy, Raw RA8

I may have missed other combinations.



Stuff for Next Jam
« Reply #19 on: 29 Aug 2005, 08:52 pm »
What are you guys interested in keeping for the next jam?  

I have contacted Phil and Jason to see what they need back right away and what can stay.

Like I mentioned at the jam, I'll cover the shipping back on the stuff I have in my possession as my gift to the group.

