Summits I Discovered them...again...

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Summits I Discovered them...again...
« on: 13 Aug 2005, 11:33 pm »
Last week I was noticing that James Taylor had a "slight" sibilence when playing on my TT.

The Turntable has the highly resolving Symphonic Line RG8 (moddified VDH Grasshopper) cart and the SME IV arm was rewired with Ridge Street silver wire from the cartridge leads to the phono pre..uninterupted.

Anyway, I took the Bolder Summit IC's which ran from the Phono pre to the preamp and switched them for the Chris VH Pulsar's I had in my digital system.

There was still a bit of sibilence, but I also lost some sparkle.

Then I put the Summits between my P3a DAC and my pre-amp and put on Eva Cassidy.....I got goosebumps, literally.  Now I remembered why I liked the Summits so much.  They just free the music from the system in a way that's hard to describe.

In my system, two sets of Summits are one too many pairs in series, but one set for my analog, and one set for my digital setup, or one longer pair from my pre to my amp just works.

I currently use the CVH Pulsars between my amp and pre, and this combination works very well with the Summits.

I like the Summits so much I just worked out getting the pair that's floating around with the demo OPPO DVD player to go back on my analog system.  I'm not moving my Summits off my digital system for the forseable future.

For those that don't think IC's matter....good, more for me  :lol:

If you're in the market for IC's,  I can highly recomend you give these a try.


Re: Summits I Discovered them...again...
« Reply #1 on: 14 Aug 2005, 02:12 am »
Quote from: Marbles
I like the Summits so much I just worked out getting the pair that's floating around with the demo OPPO DVD player to go back on my analog system. I'm not moving my Summits off my digital system for the forseable future.

Well, at the moment there's more than one pair of Summits that are with the OPPO. There's 3 pair of them here. You pickin' up all of them? :mrgreen:

Anyway, I need to get them hooked up to my DVDP and take a listen at DVD-A. I've never had the analog outs hooked up. Hooking 'em up with Summits is probably as good as it's ever going to see. Should give me a damn good idea of how well the AX10 really does at DVD-A.

Then it'll be interesting to hook the OPPO up with the Summits then run DVD-A on that thing.

I don't have anything else around to compare to the Summits. But I'm sure they'll be really, really nice...


Re: Summits I Discovered them...again...
« Reply #2 on: 14 Aug 2005, 02:30 am »
Quote from: bubba966
Well, at the moment there's more than one pair of Summits that are with the OPPO. There's 3 pair of them here. You pickin' up all of them? :mrgreen:

Anyway, I need to get them hooked up to my DVDP and take a listen at DVD-A. I've never had the analog outs hooked up. Hooking 'em up with Summits is probably as good as it's ever going to see. Should give me a damn good idea of how well the AX10 really does at DVD-A.

Then it'll be interesting to hook the OPPO up with the Summits then run DVD-A on that th ...

I'm just picking up the one pair that was on Wayne's Clearance page.

He mentioned he shipped them with the OPPO and If I wanted them, I'd just have to wait.

Holy Crap, 6  Summits for SACD or DVD-A would be an AWESOME thing.

Let us know what you think...


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Summits I Discovered them...again...
« Reply #3 on: 14 Aug 2005, 07:31 pm »
Six Summits at $400/0.5M/pair would be $1,200.  Six VH Audio Pulsars (now apparently cryoed) at $150/0.5M/pair would be $450.  The Summits are almost three times as much.  Are they three times better?  Are they worth three times the price?

As for whether or not ICs matter, my theory is that even if ICs do matter, how much of an improvement would you get going from the VH Audio Pulsars to the Summits?  Especially when you could take the money you saved and buy five minitraps (side corners, first side reflection points, and one for the wall behind the speakers) from Real Traps.  I guarantee that the overwhelming majority of people will be much happier with the latter than the former.  

I'm not in any way saying that one should not buy Wayne's products -- as I have two digital interconnects (one with Bybees), one pair of summits unbalanced, one pair of summits balanced, RM40 bi-wire jumpers (with Bybees), and speaker cable from Wayne.  But I think that for many people, tackling room acoustics is going to provide more benefit than replacing wire.  

For instance, Wayne's products are smoother than the previous products I used (though I admit having not done any type of blind testing).  However, I have a very hard time quantifying and qualifying this smoothness -- it didn't jump out at me and took me time to listen to appreciate it.  Contrast that with when my dealer placed some Eighth Nerve stuff around the room, where we listened to a song, placed the 8th nerve stuff, and then listened to the same song.  The difference was immediately apparent -- I could tell with the first few beats of the song -- and quite dramatic.  Now, I ended up buying Real Traps because RT is in CT and I could drive to the factory, but I'm still thinking of buying some 8th Nerve stuff.  

For me, I believe that wire should be way done on the list of things to buy.


Summits I Discovered them...again...
« Reply #4 on: 14 Aug 2005, 11:31 pm »

I happen to agreee with you 100%

Room treatment is the most important thing you can do for your system.

You will most likely get the most bang for your buck by consulting with Eighth Nerve or Real Traps.

You really won't hear what your gear sounds like unless you get your room right.

AFTER room treatment, speakers and amps, THEN you should start to try different cables to hear what works with your gear in your room.

Both Marbles and Bubba have their listening rooms treated. I use the older Eighth Nerve treatments in my HT and office systems.