Omega/DarkStar Collaboration

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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« on: 10 Aug 2005, 03:31 am »
For those of you who may be interested, Louis and I have decided to collaborate on the development of an Omega dipole speaker project, using the now well known Visaton B200. In a move to lend some immediate brand recognition to this forthcoming product, on these Circles, the B200's in dipole configuration are known synonymously as "DarkStars," and we agreed it expedient to continue to use the name "DarkStar" for this future speaker product.

I am really looking forward to this, to working with Louis, and hope that our effort produces a product that comes to enjoy the level of respect in the audiophile community as the Omega TS Series do now. Stay tuned for more!!  :mrgreen:


Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #1 on: 10 Aug 2005, 08:06 am »
That's great D..I look forward to checking out the Darkstar at the nearest Omega dealer!


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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #2 on: 10 Aug 2005, 12:41 pm »

Keep up the good work.  I enjoy reading about your darkstar posts and have learned a great deal in the process.  I hope to compare your darkstar with the B200 in aperiodic cabinet as well as with my almost full range dipole stats.


« Reply #3 on: 10 Aug 2005, 02:24 pm »
Hurry up.  I'm gonna have some $$ to blow in a couple months.  I Can't think of anyone I'd rather throw it at than you people.


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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #4 on: 10 Aug 2005, 03:03 pm »
Hi Mike
  What a conflict for you. Definition or Darkstar, Definition or Darkstar! My oh my!


well. . .
« Reply #5 on: 10 Aug 2005, 03:10 pm »
Actually, if you boys can make 'em really pretty I might be able to convince the wifey to let me put them in the living room system.  The Def's ARE going in the man-cave.  That purchase has already cleared the Revenue Committee.  I've got some stuff I could sell, plus a little creative manipulation the RC might not pick up to make room for the DS bliss.  If I could get the Def's downstairs and the DarkStars upstairs, you might never hear from me again.  My wife might never hear from me again either, or the kids.  I might just take isolated introspection to a whole new level.


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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #6 on: 10 Aug 2005, 03:23 pm »

My friends  here, with their new full range DarkStar Systems find it abit hard to pry themselves away from the gravitational pull of the set up. It is a winner methinks. They look fantastic in veneered good wood.....JiffyBoob referred to his as a "career-wrecker." So, your comments about getting "lost," are not way out there, nor are they unique, it seems. Maybe if you have little kids then you have some of those nice terry cloth bibs to put on, the ones with the little green cats, to soak up the drool as the 3D Sonic Planetarium transports you to Planet Catatonia :lol:  :lol: it is very addictive.

To address the WAF, I envision a "scalable" system with differing baffles etc. It is a very maleable format, not rigid at all. I have built four different types of bass augmentation for example, and they all rip. There is probably a fairly large body of work already done in this regard, just based on the set ups already built and installed, and, -- kicking ASS.


Good stuff
« Reply #7 on: 10 Aug 2005, 03:56 pm »
These would need to be close-ish to the rear walls and not far from corners.  I really like the idea of the folded-wing baffles, either fixed or hinged.  I was seriously thinking about doing a homebrew DS rig but then realized I'm crazy to think I've got time  for a big project that the wife won't let me have in the living room.

Any ideas on timing and prices yet?  I know it's ridiculously early, but hey - the cat IS out of the bag.  And, I think he's about to go on a tear.


Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #8 on: 10 Aug 2005, 03:56 pm »
Dmason, Do you have any pic's of what these speakers will look like? Will you have a pair at the RMAF?




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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #9 on: 10 Aug 2005, 04:55 pm »

Too early for any of that. No pix of the future, with current technology. I would like to start with a fairly clean slate, and apply what I have learned to a new finished product, with the cross-pollination of ideas that Louis brings, with his immeasureable experience.

One thing I learned from watching 'War Of The Worlds,' was that those savvy Martians sure knew how to unveil a product. They put a whole new spin on the meaning of "market penetration" as well. I would like to develop a line of dipole Omega DarkStars, culminating in something along the lines of an M.H.R. model, or Martian Heat Ray. With a previously unattained level of price/performance, spool it up at an audio show, and aim it squarely at the so called high end audio biz. :mrgreen:  That movie showed me that Vinnie wasn't the only one in Boston with battery powered "products." Gave me ideas, ya know?


Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #10 on: 10 Aug 2005, 05:05 pm »
Dmason, I can appreciate your stance. Let me try another angle. Will they be floorstanders? Below 40hz? I hope answers to these question don't give to much away :D




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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #11 on: 10 Aug 2005, 06:36 pm »

This will be a freestanding design, yes. These dipoles use the floor-plane coupling as part of the overall design/effect. Beyond that, I really don't wish to discuss much, because there isn't that much to discuss, or speculate upon.

Louis O

Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #12 on: 11 Aug 2005, 01:21 am »
It’s about time I started to make some big speakers. This is a great way to go. Many thanks Dan and it’s great to be able to work together on the Darkstars.

I’ve got a lot of figuring to do. Between the look and material and also the packaging. It would take a little while to get a definite price, but just like all the speakers, I will try to keep the costs as low as I can.

The setup will most likely be a sealed box attached to the baffle. The box will also be the support of the baffle.

There are so many options in regards to the finish. I have a source of some amazing metallic laminates that I can’t even describe.

Talk to you soon,


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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #13 on: 11 Aug 2005, 04:07 pm »
Wow, there were alot of PM's today with many questions, and great interest in the future Omega DarkStar. Very flattering, and a real surprise. But please, all this stuff takes its own sweet time, and the universe unfolds as it will. DarkStars are very old cosmic entities, and therefore we must be abit patient :idea:

 Thank you so much for your interest, I had no expectation of that, and I speak also for Louis in that we promise something entirely new, which is sure to please, both technically, and aesthetically!

"Come inside, the show's about to start; guaranteed to blow your head apart."


Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #14 on: 8 Sep 2005, 02:01 am »
What's the good word on the DarkStar's?  

Any idea on pricing / release date, etc.?

I, for one, can't wait!!



Darkstars and the FORCE (Omega-style)
« Reply #15 on: 9 Sep 2005, 01:06 am »
I am really quite interested in  what Dan and Louis are collaborating on.I have to say the more the A8s are breaking the more Im impressed.It really has to be experienced.To me the investment is the easy part,the enjoyment is the SOOOOOO hard to fathom without being a those who will  get to listen'in the future,FASTEN your seatbelts...


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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #16 on: 12 Sep 2005, 03:37 am »
Just noticed this post and thought I would reply.

I have been away for a week working indirectly on behalf of the relief effort currently underway, for those whom deployment to the Gulf coast has left an understaffed situation here at home. Speaker development and audio in general has been The Last Thing on my mind lately.

I speak for Louis by saying that he is currently busy getting everything ready for the upcoming sojourn to Denver, as well as building and shipping orders for the new line of speakers we all are so excited about, in addition to the steady stream of orders for TS Series speakers. This makes Louis busy with some serious OT these days. I faxed him the other week, and he picked up the phone. This at 2300 EST, so that qualifies as a long day, without much time or inclination toward developing new speakers.

On both our behalf, we sincerely appreciate the high level of interest in the DarkStar dipole development, as evidenced by the daily trickle of PM's and emails coming in, and only ask that you be patient while all this other stuff is sorting itself out. I find the interest in the design so far as I have taken it to be very flattering, and again promise that whatever we come up with will absolutely exceed this level of sonic, will sparkle with wit and originality, Uber sonics, ValueKing status, and of course the craftsmanship that Louis is so well known for.

"You'll enjoy it all we know, come inside, come inside."

Louis O

Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #17 on: 15 Sep 2005, 01:35 am »
Hi Dan,

Many thanks and with the show coming up it's been very hectic. I have a few ideas on prices and styles and have to work things out to get them all in order. Everything will be right on target after the show and this is some pretty exiting times.

Thanks again,


Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #18 on: 15 Sep 2005, 02:25 am »
Sounds terrific guys!  I have no doubt that the final product(s) will be awesome!!



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Omega/DarkStar Collaboration
« Reply #19 on: 20 Oct 2005, 06:36 pm »
I thought I would bump this thread up to the top, because the small bit of news is good...

I had a phone visit with Dmason last night, discussing among other things, audio, and he mentioned that the Omega/Dark Star concept and design was in fact moving ahead, that Louis and he had been discussing Dark Matters, and were in complete agreement about certain concepts of implementation of the final design. I cannot discuss more, but I can say that I reeelly liked what I was hearing. I was left with the impression that this was going to be a streamlined, super high performance, high sensitivity system which likely would fit into many, if not most domestic settings, with attention to aesthetics and originality.

As the very happy owner of the V.1 DarkStars, I can say that this is an exciting bit of news, because these are seriously fine speakers, hatched by a seriously creative mind... Stay tuned.