Wilson Audio Duette / Crossover Upgrade

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Re: Wilson Audio Duette / Crossover Upgrade
« Reply #60 on: 28 Jun 2024, 03:32 pm »
The first 2 of 4 total Rythmik F8 subs have arrived... this should sound OK.  I think.

So, what about the Wilson Audio Sasha?...  :thumb:

Denton J

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Re: Wilson Audio Duette / Crossover Upgrade
« Reply #61 on: 29 Jun 2024, 12:40 am »
So, originally I planned to put the crossover board on the base of the stand.  Well, the board is just slightly too big for that, and the wires from the board are just a little too short.  Plus, I didn't really like the way it looked.  Then it occurred to me... Where is the Novel crossover going to be?  On a shelf?  In a closet?  "Lost"?  That unit needs to stay right there, in a safe spot.  So, the current plan is to cut some clear acrylic and mount a right angle piece to the backside of the column with double-sided, adhesive velcro, hidden from view and able to support the front of the board.  The back of the board will be supported by another piece of right angle acrylic.  To support that?  Well, we have a ton of fasteners on the back of the Novel crossover to help with that!  If there's one thing I have extras of here it's high mass binding posts and fasteners!  It will keep it all as one unit-ish... 

The wires coming out of the crossover to the Duette will have heat shrink, to tidy them up a bit.  The colors will be Tan and White.



The OEM Wilson umbilical has one of the umbilicals in Brown, and I think it looks good... different.  So I think this will work out pretty well.

Everything I'm doing is non-permanent... so if one day these find a new home, the owner can have the flavor they wish.  At this point, it is highly unlikely they will be leaving my possession, even though other speakers will pass thru.

Well, that's the plan for mounting the crossover... so far... today... This picture has the board spaced up with the books covered so I can see if it looks "right". 

This just gave me a freaking fantastic idea and a solution to an issue.  My your system be blessed with great sound for many years to come!