Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!

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It's been a good 10 years or so since I purchased my Khartago Kismet from Klaus. Sold it a couple years later because of the speaker I later went with, Martin Logan SL3's. They needed more power than the poor Khartago Kismet could offer.

So today I just made a 430 mile round trip to pick up an absolutely mint pair of Stratos mono amps. Built new in 2019, set in an audio cabinet and never touched since, powering a pair of highly efficient Legacy Audio Whispers.

These amps do not have a mark on them, and they are now powering my Magnepan 1.7i's. One of my goals for this system has been to drop several 20amp dedicated lines in this room, and these amps are going to make that happen this coming fall. Reason being that I get some kind of "buzzing" coming through the speakers anytime I run an amp that uses an actual ground. An amp like the Emotiva I have been using is completely dead silent because it doesn't have a ground. So somewhere in this house there's some nasty noise back-feeding into the ground.

This is why you see the Stratos amps plugged into that heavy duty extension cable that my father made many many moons ago. I have it plugged into the same outlet on the sidewall where the source gear is. Definitely not optimal by any means, but that annoying buzzing has been reduced quite a bit in doing so.

It's not a ground loop because for one, it's not a hum, just a buzz coming through the tweeters. Secondly, I can disconnect the XLR's at the amp end, or at the preamp end, and the buzz remains. I have one single cheater plug in the house, and if I use that on either amp, the buzz goes anyway and the amps are dead silent, but that's not the correct way of fixing things, nor do I want to possibly damage the amps in the process.

I guess this old extension cable will hold me over until fall gets here in ol' crappy, sunny Florida (reached 102*F today). My electrician friend is retired and does small jobs like this on the side. I don't expect him to go climbing around in a 150* attic, not to mention he won't anyway.

Anyway, a few pics of the system, which has matured significantly since the last time I posted here, including a Pass Labs XP-20 preamp and Auralic Altar G1 streamer that I just picked up in the past couple of months as well as the Maggie 1.7i's that I purchased a little over a year ago.

Sir Bentley already approves of the new amps!


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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #1 on: 13 Aug 2023, 12:33 pm »
Very nice,

I have a pair of Stratos Mono Extreams that I bought used and love them. :thumb:

Wayne in Oregon


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #2 on: 13 Aug 2023, 03:00 pm »
Very nice,

I have a pair of Stratos Mono Extreams that I bought used and love them. :thumb:

Wayne in Oregon

Thank you!

Yeah, I called and spoke with Klaus last night about these amps just to get the ins and outs of this particular pair. He pretty much said what I have right now in these amps, there's not a whole lot extra to gain doing more upgrades to them. But knowing me, I'll probably end up sending them in for upgrades anyway in the future. And if Klaus reads this, he'll probably be shaking his head. LOL


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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #3 on: 13 Aug 2023, 04:26 pm »
When I talked to klaus he said I should send my amp's in to him for up grade's because I have the older parts in my amps. So I will do that next spring. I do need to talk to him about adjusting the bios myself.

Anyway enjoy your amps.

Wayne in Oregon.


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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #5 on: 14 Aug 2023, 05:04 am »
 I've owned a pair of Mono extrems and Symphonic Line tube preamp for so long I cant exactly remember when I bought the equipment. I think at least 15 years ago. The amps were updated with new boards and transformers at one time way back not too long after I bough them used. 

 Anyway, I'm on my fourth pair of speakers since then, but the amps and preamp always stayed. I see no reason to try and upgrade. They are pretty close to as good as you can get IMO.
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2023, 06:27 pm by Glady86 »


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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #6 on: 14 Aug 2023, 10:06 pm »
Gorgeous amps!  If you have a set of RCA cables long enough, give them a try.  The Odyssey’s aren’t balanced.

I’ve upgraded my monos about 3 times, and the RCA input has always been quieter and better sounding.

IMO, YMMV, etc


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #7 on: 14 Aug 2023, 10:51 pm »
Gorgeous amps!  If you have a set of RCA cables long enough, give them a try.  The Odyssey’s aren’t balanced.

I’ve upgraded my monos about 3 times, and the RCA input has always been quieter and better sounding.

IMO, YMMV, etc

Thanks for the compliments, but I don't think I'm going to try running 30 feet of unbalanced RCA cables from the preamp to the amps.


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #8 on: 16 Aug 2023, 12:07 am »
These Odyssey Stratos monoblock amps really bring "live" concert recordings alive! Mainly because of the immersiveness of the stage width, depth and height, and the fact that the natural acoustics of the venue as well as the crowd just surrounds you. Almost like being there! Man I love these amps!


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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #9 on: 16 Aug 2023, 10:38 am »
Thanks for the compliments, but I don't think I'm going to try running 30 feet of unbalanced RCA cables from the preamp to the amps.

The XLR input on the amp is unbalanced, so you are not getting the benefits of your "balanced" cables anyway.


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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #10 on: 16 Aug 2023, 10:54 pm »
Those are pretty. Tip, ask Klaus about Odyssey gear before you buy it, not after.  :wink:


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #11 on: 16 Aug 2023, 11:00 pm »
The XLR input on the amp is unbalanced, so you are not getting the benefits of your "balanced" cables anyway.

Yes, I know that.

What I meant to say in that post was that I'm pretty much "cashed out" at the moment, and the cables I'd really like to get are going to be a pretty penny, especially at 30 feet in length. It's something that's going to have to wait for a little bit.

Even though the amps are plugged into that old extension cord, at least the "buzz" is luckily at a minimum currently. It's inaudible at the listening position.

Maybe I'll look for some inexpensive but shielded RCA interconnects to try in the meantime. See if that helps with the noise and overall sound.


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #12 on: 16 Aug 2023, 11:04 pm »
Those are pretty. Tip, ask Klaus about Odyssey gear before you buy it, not after.  :wink:

Uh, pro tip...

I already knew what I was getting so no need to call Klaus first. I just wanted to get the details of the build from Klaus, nothing more.

Trust me, I'm already well aware of Odyssey gear.


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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #13 on: 17 Aug 2023, 06:16 pm »
Right on. I believe those are the ones I passed on based on a recommendation…. Thought maybe it was buzz related. I have Liquids and have considered Kismets. Enjoy.


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #14 on: 17 Aug 2023, 07:51 pm »
Right on. I believe those are the ones I passed on based on a recommendation…. Thought maybe it was buzz related. I have Liquids and have considered Kismets. Enjoy.

Very doubtful these were the same ones you were looking at as they were just posted, then I contacted the seller right after, all of which that took place on another forum.

The "buzz related" issue is with my house wiring only, not the amps. The amps are dead silent.


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #15 on: 21 Aug 2023, 10:16 pm »
Just a few updated pics with some make-shift amp racks, using a shelf from my old audio rack, and the white quartz slabs I had made years ago...

And Sir Bentley still approves!


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #16 on: 25 Aug 2023, 02:12 am »
Now running a 30ft pair of Blue Jeans Cables LC-1 interconnects. These eliminated some noise I was getting with the XLR cables, which allowed me to plug the amps back into the front wall, hence why they're moved back a little further.

Sounds a lot better now because of the new interconnects, no noise, and because the amps are plugged directly into the wall instead of that extension cable.

A slight invasion. LOL

Nick B

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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #17 on: 25 Aug 2023, 07:19 am »
Sure looks like a nice room and setup. Congrats!


Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #18 on: 26 Aug 2023, 04:43 am »
Sure looks like a nice room and setup. Congrats!

Thank you, sir.

I think one thing (two actually) that's going to improve this room at some point next year is tossing out the old nasty couch and love seat. They're big, bulky, ugly and have worn out their welcome. That throw rug will probably have the same destiny as the couch and love seat about the same time.

Nick B

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Re: Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Stratos monos!
« Reply #19 on: 26 Aug 2023, 07:28 am »
Thank you, sir.

I think one thing (two actually) that's going to improve this room at some point next year is tossing out the old nasty couch and love seat. They're big, bulky, ugly and have worn out their welcome. That throw rug will probably have the same destiny as the couch and love seat about the same time.

Change is good. Post some more pics once you're done. The cat is staying, though, right?? 😄