Modwright modded Cambridge CXN V2 streamer dac question - mechanical hum...

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  • Posts: 776
Hi all, just thought I would poll other owners of this Dan Wright modded unit... I picked one up on US Audiomart, second hand.  Unit works great, and sounds very very nice, as one would expect, knowing Dan's work...

Question is, my unit has a quite noticeable mechanical hum that emanates from the unit when powered on.  Not a hum through the speakers, it is coming from the unit itself.  Not super loud, one can't hear it when music is playing of course, but certainly noticeable when no music is on.  I tried to open the unit, slid the top off, screwed down the boards and transformers a little tighter, to no avail.  Also tried the DC hum busters on the AC feed, no improvement from that either.

Wondering if anyone else has this issue with their modded units.  I know Dan does a mod to the power supply section, bypassing the OEM SWPS inside, in addition to adding his well known tubed output stage.

Thanks in advance for your input.


 I had a similar hum with my Modwright / Oppo Cd Player and after trying everything I could think of, I found it to be my ( After Market ) Power Cord. It seems it was too close to another Power Cord and once I moved it the Noise went away. May not have anything to do with yours, but worth a shot . Just make sure your Digital Cord is not too close to any other cord. Good Luck


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 776
Thanks for the response - I will check that...


jjss49, what was the result of moving power cables? Or did you have to try other solutions to the hummmm ? Curious as I have a standard CXN V2 and thinking about upgrading it with the ModWright fix.