A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff

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I've owned AVA gear since 2009, which makes me experienced, but not the longest going on this board by a long shot. I've been very happy with it over the years, and I've done a combination of ordering new from Frank, also taking advantage of his "quick ship"/used pieces on hand, and I've bought several pieces from the normal online used markets.

For anyone who is new and checking out AVA as a brand, the only thing I can say is just jump in at where ever you feel comfortable. I've bought things that were top of the line at the time, and also from his lower end, and they all sound fabulously good. I've bought old pieces guys had in their basement and weren't using as much, and it still sounded great. Overall the equipment has been bulletproof. Don't feel like this is a brand where if you can't buy the top range of current production you are selling yourself short, there is a huge amount of value in anything this company has produced in the last 40 or so years. Some of my most treasured equipment is among the lowest priced he makes, the T10 RB and the SET120 Control Amp.

With that in mind, I did have a hankering to upgrade my 2 channel system attached my main system in my living room, but I didn't have a ton of money to blow. This system pulls double duty as a tv and audiophile system, and was a brand new Insight stack (EC pre w/phono, DAC, and 440 double die amp) a decade or more ago. I chose to go solid state because between my kids playing video games, the wife or I blasting music as we do our chores, or just regular tv/movie time, this system sees a TON of use. I didn't want to have to change tubes all the time. Enter the Vision RB.

I'm aware that the Vision RB is probably several years old now in 2022, but its also several years newer than the Insight I had purchase back in the day. I was expecting it to be worth the money, but I was actually astounded how much different it sounded. The overwhelming impression that I got as a "casual audiophile" was the sound was just more open and enveloping with more clarity and dynamic punch. Needless to say, I felt immediately it was worth the money that I had spent on the upgrade. I pretty much regarded that system as "done" using a decade old amp/dac, with a very nice new preamp.

About a week or two ago, Frank posted a DAC MK 5 on his used page, and somehow it wasn't magically taken. I know I have a better chance of buying authentic dinosaur eggs at present than that particular piece, so I quickly rationalized the instant purchase as "it has a USB input" and it also accepts TOSLINK so I could do away with the converter I had hanging off my Insight DAC. And it will probably sound a bit better than my Insight DAC. A bit better was underselling it. This was also a very substantial upgrade, and I feel very fortunate to have gotten it at a used price. The sound out of my main system which I had considered "done" only a couple of months ago with the upgrade to Vision RB was even more lifelike and smooth, no detail lost, and just overall plain fun to listen to. Functionally I enjoyed the upgrade because now I have several possible inputs on a selector, I have no cheap TOSLINK converters in my chain, and I can now plug my Macbook Air straight into the thing and pump up the jams from my Foobar2000 playlists that I use everywhere else so I don't even have to seek out a streaming solution or manage 2 sets of playlists.

Within the last year or so I have bought several pieces from Frank: a T10 RB, a Vision Phono, a Vision RB, and a SET 120 control amp. All of these pieces are within the ~$1000 price range (the phono half that) and can often be found for less on his quick ship page. These are a tremendous value for the "everyday guy" who enjoys the audio hobby. I have three kids and not an unlimited budget, but I can swing gear like this and it sounds awesome. AVA powers my headphone listening at work, my workout room at home, my wife's tv/vinyl setup in her sewing studio, and my main home theater and I'm glad there's a company like this that produces quality gear for me. Maybe someday when I have 3 grand, I'll decide my system isn't as done as I thought and upgrade to a pair of monoblocks. :)



Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #1 on: 6 Jun 2022, 01:26 am »
Over the years, I've come to really appreciate the sound, value, service and reliability of AVA equipment. My first piece was a modified Hafler DH-100 preamp in (I think) 1989. I remember going to a high fidelity shop in the early 90's and listening to a very expensive ARC system playing through a top of the line B&W speakers and thinking it sounded as good as my basic AVA and Frank recommended B&W speakers at a 10th of the price.


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Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #2 on: 7 Jun 2022, 03:58 am »
Much the same here although I’ve made do with an Omegastar amp and preamp for the last 20 years. Jumped on this past Feb one night and there was the T7 preamp I couldn’t justify back then. Couldn’t pass it up and man, this preamp has given my system new life.  I’m spinning more vinyl than I have in years😊


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Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #3 on: 8 Jun 2022, 07:16 pm »
Floresjc you were very lucky to have snapped up that DAC MK5. We don't see these units back here and I had just updated the used equipment page on our website.

If you are loving the DAC MK5, you will be astonished with the DVA Digital preamplifier. This paired with our M225's is the best sounding system we have ever produced. I haven't seen Frank enjoy his system as much as he does with these pieces. The best part is we have caught up on our backlog of orders for this unit and can now ship immediately.


Mike B.

Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #4 on: 9 Jun 2022, 02:10 pm »
I don't own any of their current offerings. I did own a modified Stereo 70 back in the 1970's. I think it was modified by someone with the same last name. Perhaps the father of the current owner?


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Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #5 on: 9 Jun 2022, 03:46 pm »
Mary in responce to your post. I just recently got the M225's and the DVA digital preamp and I am enjoying my system more than ever also! The sound is just so much more musical and just fun to listen to.


Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #6 on: 9 Jun 2022, 04:25 pm »
No, my father did not do audio design.  He was a educator and college administrator and teacher.

The AVA audio equipment was all my work (with LOTS of help from my friends and employees).



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Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #7 on: 9 Jun 2022, 05:38 pm »
Mary in responce to your post. I just recently got the M225's and the DVA digital preamp and I am enjoying my system more than ever also! The sound is just so much more musical and just fun to listen to.

 :dance: :dance: :dance:


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Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #8 on: 9 Jun 2022, 06:36 pm »
My first "esoteric" piece of gear was a PAS preamp I sent to Van Alstine for mods.  It sounded great and was the heart of my system for 5 years or so.  I even made a "longhorn" cartridge. I also took his newsletter at one time and it was great - except for his prediction at the time that there would be no supply of vacuum tubes in the future.


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Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #9 on: 9 Jun 2022, 08:41 pm »
After building an SCA 80Q, a PAT4, ST400, then ST120 in the 70s, I started in 83 with a super fet upgrade for the PAT4 then a MOSFET 120D for the ST120. In the 00s I upgraded to an Insight preamp, Ultra DAC, and am now wondering what to do as I am radically downsized and no longer have a dedicated room. This SET control amp and Maggie LRS idea has me thinking. The MOSFET 120 didn't survive the move and now has a bad hum from the right channel so have to do something. Currently running Mission 727 loudspeakers.


Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #10 on: 10 Jun 2022, 12:08 pm »
We can probably fix that old Mosfet 120 amplifier.



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Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #11 on: 11 Jul 2022, 07:33 pm »
im the 2nd owner of a stil-under-warranty fet valve RB. it sounds fantastic. first thing i did after plugging it in was turn everything up, all the way up, and...dead quiet. what a thrill. at lisetening levels nothing gets in the way of the music.

likely ill buy the vision q next, and my dream amps are ultravalve and a fet valve 600R.


Re: A few comments on my history with AVA and my new stuff
« Reply #12 on: 22 Jul 2022, 12:47 pm »
I’ve not heard a 600R but I have a Fet Valve 550 and it’s killer