Subsonic's NX-Treme build (and an alternative to Heatlock Glue)

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Killian Smith

  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 80
Beautiful shop and amazing work. Look incredible!!!


Beautiful shop and amazing work. Look incredible!!!

Thanks Killian - much appreciated!

I got most of my components on Saturday. Unfortunately UPS decided to drop kick my boxes all over the place on the way. Both boxes were badly damaged, but one was so badly damaged that half of the components simply fell out of it in transit. Fortunately, despite the damage, the other box still had everything and seems to be ok. I spoke with Danny yesterday and as expected his customer service was fantastic. I emailed GR Research a bunch of pictures of the packaging and some damage. They are filing a claim with UPS but they are going to send me out replacement parts right away. With all the delays and unexpected issues in the world right now it is very nice to do business with a company that takes care of its customers.

I am missing a bunch of parts for the 2nd set of nxtremes, but fortunately I have everything I need for the first set. I got all the drivers installed and wired up. This was much easier than I expected. As long as you tin the terminals before installing the drivers it is not difficult to solder the wires inside the cabinet. You can even use the holes in the braces to your advantage when soldering.

I also got one of the crossovers done (just have to finish the 2nd tube connector), but I'm leaving for vacation for a week today and ran out of time to finish the 2nd one. As soon as I get back from vacation I'll have about 5 hours of work to get the first pair up and running. Can't wait to hear them! I plan to take measurements immediately and see if they change after break in. I couldn't believe the transformation on the x-statiks.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 493
Oh my god, nice work on those!


They look incredible! Looking forward to your listening impressions.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 399
Looking great!

Did you put the bypass cap in the middle of the 4 bigger caps? I was thinking about doing that, and it kinda looks like you did, but resolution is too low to tell


Thanks gentlemen- much appreciated!

Noah - yes, that's exactly what I did. The bypass cap was very slightly too large to fit perfectly, but I hot glued everything together and it worked great. The leads on that bypass cap are a little short, and putting it in the middle gave me the most wire to twist.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 399
Thanks for the info. I went through exactly the same thoughts on the leads, so it is great to know this works. My baffles just shipped, so excited to get to start soon myself!


Update: The 2nd pair of NX-Treme cabinets is nearing completion. I had some complications with the flat packs again due to movement in the MDF from when it was machined. Once again, I was able to fix the issues with epoxy to fill gaps as well as modifying some of the parts slightly so that they fit better. I let Jay know about it and he called me. He was great to deal with and once again told me he would try to get me a replacement if I couldn't fix what I had. These NX-Treme flat packs are really a challenge to manufacture, package, and ship. If you order a set of these please have patience with Jay as they are kind of a nightmare to deal with. I can post pictures if people are interested, but it's mostly just a repeat of the same process as the first set. I will post this one picture after paint as the fall colors are pretty.

I have spent a huge amount of time getting my pair dialed in. They now have around 80 hours of burn in time - they aren't done yet, but I feel comfortable sharing some impressions now. Similar to the X-Statik's, it seems that my experience with these is somewhat different than what others have experienced. First - the bad stuff. I had been hearing that these speakers were very forgiving when it came to placement. That is not my experience at all. I have messed with speaker placement to a degree that I have never before needed with other speakers. Even an inch of movement makes a difference as does a very small degree of "toe in" rotation.

As you may have seen from a different post, I also had some difficulties with tweeter height. In my opinion, they are too high. For my room and my ears, the speakers needed to be dropped about 4" to achieve the best sound and the best imaging. I was able to achieve this because I have stadium seating in my theater/listening room. Right now the speakers are sitting on some rubber bumper plates, but I'm building a special stand that will include spikes to the floor and isolation pads under the speakers for both coupling and decoupling. I suspect the reason why tweeter height was an issue for me is because I'm listening to these extremely near field. My room is small(ish) for these speakers at 14x19 and the stadium floors make it very difficult to get separation between the speakers and the listening position. With the tweeters at about 5.5" above my ear when sitting as designed, the sound was going over my head and it just didn't sound right. I suspect at normal listening distances the height is not a problem and apparently Danny intentionally designed them so that your ears were at the level of the lower NQ driver. Every ear and room is different, and for me they sound significantly better lowered. I suspect that for most people if you do experience a little of this phenomenon you could tilt them forward slightly to compensate - the speakers are already built with a 3 degree backwards tilt so you could easily bring them at least close to vertical (you just have to worry about them tipping forward as all the weight is in the front of the cabinets).

On to the good stuff - and it's almost ALL good stuff. These speakers sound phenomenal. Unlike the x-statik's, which sounded extremely bright and lacked midrange until they broke in (at which point they sounded magnificent) these speakers sounded great immediately. No brightness or harshness, beautiful midrange and an absolutely massive soundstage. These things just put out the biggest wall of sound I've ever heard. The issue I had in the beginning was a little bit of a lack of bass as well as the imaging was off. Vocals were just sort of "in front of you" with no real pinpoint location. After the aforementioned speaker placement revisions, the imaging is now excellent. Also, as they have broken in the bass has improved - it has been hitting harder, deeper, and with more tone and texture. I expect this to continue to improve as they break in. Interestingly, they do not have as much bass (at least in my room) as the X-statik's did. That sealed section of the x-statik's really allows them to play low and hard. Despite having 8 woofers each, these really do need subwoofers to get that low extension. The midrange is so silky smooth it is divine. Everything sounds good on these - vocals, string instruments, reed instruments, percussion - it's all there. The highs are crystal clear without being harsh.

I have tried these on 3 different amps, my Primaluna Evo 300, Lyngdorf TDAI-2170 and a Doge 10 that belongs to the guy who the 2nd pair are for. I haven't had a chance to hook up the Doge since I got the speaker placement dialed in but I can tell you that I much prefer the sound of the tubes over the solid state Lyngdorf. The Lyngdorf is slightly cleaner with a little bit more detail but the PrimaLuna is so intoxicating in the vocals and string instruments as well as producing just an overall really sweet sound. The Lyngdorf sounded amazing with my Maggie's, but on these it's a little too analytical for my tastes.

Another experience I've had which differs from what I've read from others - these speakers (for me) are actually very *forgiving* of poor recordings. Do they highlight the flaws? Yes, they do. You will absolutely hear the flaws, but they manage to do it in such a way that it still sounds good. It's like if you have a grainy picture of your wife - if you enhance that photo you may see some wrinkles, maybe some stretch marks, but damn if it doesn't look good and you appreciate having that detail over the grainy picture.

Here is a picture of the system as it sits now:

Lastly, I did get a MiniDSP SHD unit. I know people have different opinions about room correction, but for me it has worked wonders. The trick is to get everything dialed in as well as you can *before* room correction. You can't rely on it to fix a terrible room. I have treated my room extensively with absorption and diffusion all over the place. Below you'll see a picture of my room response measured at my listening position - that is measured before room correction and you can see the filter design overlayed on top of it. I intentionally have the bass a little elevated, and could achieve a +/- 5 dB across the entire frequency response if I dropped the bass on the subwoofers a little bit. This way, the software doesn't need to work very hard to iron out the last few wrinkles. In my room the difference is dramatic. It goes from sounding fantastic to sounding phenomenal. It clears up a bunch of the remaining muddiness that wasn't fixed by the room treatments. It is not a small improvement and it's very easy to hear with the push of a button that will turn the correction on or off.

That's my review of the NX-Treme's. They are an absolutely exquisite sounding speaker that is end game for me and I expect to enjoy these speakers for a long time to come.

Thank you to Danny and Hobbs for all your help in getting my parts situation straightened out after UPS damaged my shipping box so badly that half my parts were missing. It's been a long wait to get these but with excellent customer service like that as well as an amazing final product it was all very worth it. 


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  • Posts: 493
Lastly, I did get a MiniDSP SHD unit.
Interesting fact about this unit, Tom Christianson of Neurochrome designed the analog section and my guess is it sounds really good.


  • Industry Participant
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Heatlock glue is back in stock at I just ordered 3 gallons


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  • Audio - It's all a big fake.
subsonic, I think your review is pretty much spot on based on what I heard of these speakers at Danny's over several days. 


Thanks for sharing your impressions and kudos for the beautiful work on the speakers and room.

Danny Richie

The tweeter height is a little on the high side to get the center of the speaker more inline with the center of the room.

The vertical off axis doesn't change much at all over a wide range. So tilting the speaker forward or back will have little effect as it will only account for three to five degrees of rotation while the output is the same over a much wider vertical plane.

While a MiniDSP might balance out the amplitude issues of the room, it can really suck out the resolution, cause smearing, add noise floor, flatten out the sound stage, etc. They are not recommended.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 23
Would love to hear your reactions to the Doge 10 on the Xtremes. I'm considering tubes for my in-progress Oticas and the Doge has some interesting reviews. Your work is inspiring!


Hi Danny, thanks for your reply! I've been listening to your speakers some more and I'm blown away. I'm hearing subtle nuances in the music - mostly related to imaging and micro-details that I've never heard or experienced before. I now believe that the sound I'm getting is the very best sound I've ever heard - including some extremely high end systems that I've auditioned.

I knew you designed these speakers correctly for most rooms (I'm excited to get the 2nd pair set up in a much larger and better room in a few weeks). All I can say is that in my particular instance, lowering them a few inches made a big difference. Do you think this is related to me listening so near-field? I can also say, unequivocally that in my room the MiniDSP unit has done the opposite of what you describe. I haven't noticed much of a sound stage or noise floor difference but it has absolutely improved the resolution, nearly done away with any smearing and has improved detail dramatically. My room is not an ideal listening room - it is in a basement where 3 walls have concrete almost immediately behind the drywall. I've had to treat it extensively to tame the room and combined with the stadium seating style floor it's probably still a worse room than most normal rooms with just a little room treatment. Maybe this explains why Dirac has resulted in such a significant improvement for me while your experience is different.


Would love to hear your reactions to the Doge 10 on the Xtremes. I'm considering tubes for my in-progress Oticas and the Doge has some interesting reviews. Your work is inspiring!

I need to get that hooked back up again. Last time it was in the mix was before I had the speakers properly positioned. One of the downsides of using DSP is that it makes it difficult to simply make changes like swapping out an amp - I need to get the whole thing recalibrated. I'm going to do that though as my relative wanted to know my thoughts on the Doge vs the PrimaLuna I'm using.

I'm also now kicking around the idea of building a chip amp to try out as well (Thank you to mkrawcz for some info). I'm loving the sound I'm getting, but I've experimented with amps very little with these speakers (just the 3 I mentioned) and I've heard a lot of great things about these chip amps. Something else fun to try.


Wow... This build is just so impressive. The veneer work, with everything else being black really makes it pop! In addition to the subs with the built in amps... Sheesh man, way to separate a peasant builder as myself from a master like you! I'm just struggling to get a good consistent all black finish on my Oticas :lol:

WELL DONE! :thumb:


Well thanks Chewie - that's too kind! It's nice to hear from another Wisconsin resident. I think I recall from something that you're near Milwaukee? In any case, if you're ever out near the Eau Claire area give me a shout! Love to meet you and swap build stories as well as show you the system in person if you'd like. I also have a pretty well put together shop if you need any help with the Otica build.


Yes Sir! I'm about 45 minutes north of Milwaukee!

I would absolutely love to stop by if you're available next time though! Eau Claire is one of the most well rounded cities in WI in my opinion. Such a beautiful city/township with lovely people all around! "Bigger" city, with the north woods vibes! I wouldn't hesitate to move there! I actually drive through Eau Claire about once a year when visiting my best friend, who used to live in New Auburn, but now Minneapolis. Regardless, I still drive through Eau Claire to get there.

We can certainly compare notes to my Oticas (which I'm sure will be playing by then), and maybe I'll bring a front end component or two to compare with what you have! Also - if you're ever down in my neck of the woods, please stop by! I love extending my house to fellow enthusiasts!

I sincerely appreciate your gracious offer of extending your shop as well... which is absolutely gorgeous by the way! But, I'm pretty well on my way to finishing my bad boys up. The HPLV tip I got for my gun was far too small for the paint I used, so it seemed to bead up (probably drying mid air?) and created a more textured finish than the satin I was going for... Which I wouldn't have minded so much, if it was more consistent. Going to try again this weekend with a different sprayer, and hopefully can lay the paint on thick enough to "pool" to create a smooth finish... but not thick enough for a ton of orange peel, or dripping. Fingers crossed! :icon_lol:

Maybe should have started with something smaller like the desktop minis lol. Live and learn! Worst case, no matter if I truly fudge it up this weekend... can always just go over it with Duratex and call it a day :lol:


That's awesome Chewbacca! Also, if that paint doesn't work out you could always sand it off and veneer it! I'm actually from the Oshkosh area - are you just a little south of Fond Du Lac? I'm going to send you a PM with my info so we can potentially meet up at some point. I still go back to the fox valley every now and then to visit friends and family.