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« on: 16 Jan 2021, 03:17 pm »
Hello, All.
I'm Mike. I've loved great music, great sound, and great gear as long as I can remember. I've lived in the US for 50 years now (and became a citizen), but I grew up in England. One storied event of my childhood began when my father gave his old 78rpm "His Master's Voice" gramophone to the "jumble sale" at the village fair, but I cobbled enough pennies together to buy it back. I was 10.
Once I was allegedly adult I moved through brands like Luxman and early Denon, but my greatest love was my Martin Logan CLS speakers. I upgraded them myself twice, and eventually supplemented them with subwoofers, although I can't remember the brand. I've never heard a singer's breath or the air around a guitar string like I heard from them.
When my wife and I had children my priorities changed, and that included both finances and personal time. I could no longer justify an hour alone just listening, and I certainly couldn't spend my salary on audio gear anymore.
After a fairly significant hiatus of about 25 years, I began to drift back into high fidelity sound again.  My current system is a NAD M50.2 digital vault/player and a Rega P1 (with glass platter and Achromat, Edwards belt, and M110 cartridge) feeding a Schiit Mani into a Peachtree Nova 125SE leading to KEF LS50s.
I retired 12 months ago, and I'm now strongly considering building the CSS Criton 2 speakers, especially as they're now about to offer them with an upgraded tweeter.
See you around!


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #1 on: 17 Jan 2021, 01:29 am »
Welcome  :thumb: