Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?

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Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #20 on: 28 Dec 2020, 08:59 pm »
@decooney, I hope if you get a chance, you'll post something about these AVA amps. I've read many of your posts on various forums, and you have both a good ear and extensive knowledge of the components involved. Would like to hear how AVA stacks up for you, and I'm sure the many who read your posts would, too.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #21 on: 28 Dec 2020, 09:49 pm »
@I.Greyhound, appreciate the update and explanation. Makes sense after reading the R vs. SET model comments in other threads too.     

A colleague was asking if I'd go ahead and evaluate the SET amp a while back, but I think he moved on to something else. Was still kinda curious to evaluate it.

The prior plan was to pair up either the SET 120 or 400 amps up with my personal upgraded Triode 6SN7 tube preamplifier, with high quality OCC singled ended RCA cables, and my own R-2R Ladder Tube DAC.  I've tried this setup with other Class A/AB MOSFET based solid state and various tube amps with very respectable results. The goal was to see how much can be achieved with these lower cost ava value amplifiers; and to help out a few friends asking and trying to decide.  I noted your prior evaluations the past few years of the AVA and PASS amps, along the same lines of interest - thanks for your eval notes over time.   

The AVA amps are low in price but they compete with amps costing twice as much.  If  you are looking for fancy chassis then look elsewhere.  They  certainly make my Parasound A21 sound mifi in comparison.

The R series amps are worth a look as well.  I can't say whether the R or SET amps are better than the other.  They just sound different.  The SET just has a beautiful midrange and tone.

Although system synergy certainly plays a most important role.

There is no risk buying an AVA amp due to a great return policy.


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Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #22 on: 28 Dec 2020, 10:54 pm »

The AVA amps are low in price but they compete with amps costing twice as much.  If  you are looking for fancy chassis then look elsewhere.  They  certainly make my Parasound A21 sound mifi in comparison.

The R series amps are worth a look as well.  I can't say whether the R or SET amps are better than the other.  They just sound different.  The SET just has a beautiful midrange and tone.

Although system synergy certainly plays a most important role.

There is no risk buying an AVA amp due to a great return policy.

@I.Greyhound Fan,
For sure.  Function first for me, and frequently recommend it this way to colleagues looking for best value sound.  I much prefer not paying too much for a fancy faceplate, and in this case if it means nice sounding gear can be obtained for 1/2 price with no middleman sales layer to pay, makes it accessible to more audiophiles. And, CNC machining a fancy bling billet anodized faceplate is an option if someone or a DIY'er really wanted to add it later themselves, fwiw. I actually like the simple stealth look of the stock faceplates myself.   

I'm working on possibly demoing some other JFET/MOSFET amps next year.  Just finished with a John Curl Parasound "+" series amp, nice amp, yet not a standout synergy in my setup. I suspect the AVA SET amps would be closer, maybe.  If a local friend buys one, I'll try it.  Past four years I've been trying and testing various amplifiers with my custom designed speakers to figure out which have the best synergy. 

Did you end up keeping any of the AVA "SET" or "R" amps for yourself or further evaluation? Any chance to try again with AVA preamp?

thanks, just having fun.  :)

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #23 on: 28 Dec 2020, 11:21 pm »
I am happy with my Pass amp but could be happy with any of the AVA amps and the FET Valve CF preamp.  When I decide to downsize (moving on from a 100lb amp and 55lb preamp) I will  most likely go with a LUXMAN SS integrated or possibly an Ayon if I still have a need for tubes.

I don't think I will be taking home an AVA pre and amp to review any time soon.


Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #24 on: 28 Dec 2020, 11:37 pm »
While AVA Frank replied to me over the summer indicating the SET 120 and SET 400 effectively have the same circuit design and the same Exicon MOSFETs (and "sound the same"), (with fewer of the same MOSFETS on the 120) I'd like to see an internal photo shot of the 400 to compare torroidal transformer sizes and quantity of caps.

The 400 is twice as tall as the 120. The chassis for the 120 could not possibly accomodate the toroid in the 400. Can't imagine why the 120 would have the same caps as the 400.

OTOH it is also nice to have the option of the volume knob when going with the small chassis. Astonishing, really, to go out the door with the pre/amp thing all brand-spanking new and done for about a dozen franklins. People drop serious cash and absorb impressive heft and complexity to obtain... something else.

Only one way to know.


Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #25 on: 29 Dec 2020, 04:20 pm »
None of our clients have ever complained about buying too much power from us.   :)

When in doubt, go for the SET 400.  It has about 4 x the heat sink area and power transformer capability, much large raw power supply, much larger regulated power supplies, 4 x the power, and the actual weight is nearly double that of the SET 120.  Same circuit concepts but executed with much higher voltage, current, and power capability parts.

We are running very busy right now and have been all winter so far.  Thus our lead time to build you a new amplifier is about  6 weeks right now.



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Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #26 on: 9 Apr 2021, 03:14 pm »
I am happy with my Pass amp but could be happy with any of the AVA amps and the FET Valve CF preamp.  When I decide to downsize (moving on from a 100lb amp and 55lb preamp) I will  most likely go with a LUXMAN SS integrated or possibly an Ayon if I still have a need for tubes.

I don't think I will be taking home an AVA pre and amp to review any time soon.

Good to know. After doing a more thorough check on the return policy, and the responses received regarding a request to try both SET amps one after the other, I won't be taking an AVA amp home either. The Quicksilver amps sound fantastic, no need to make a lateral move, if that. 

Agree with your thoughts about consolidation and downsizing, I'll be doing the same in a few years and the Luxman SS integrated or Pass SS integrated will be in my sights as well. Strong resale value and well established companies not going anywhere.  Enjoy the Pass amp! 


Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #27 on: 9 Apr 2021, 03:41 pm »
Regarding our satisfaction guarantee return policy, any unit coming back must then be resold as used or as a demo at a reduced price as they are then can no longer be considered as "new".

So allowing a prospective client to "try out" two of our amplifiers back to back assures we loose money on at least one of them.

If we had some available demo units for "try out" purposes, this could be possible, but we are running so busy that I don't even have a shop sample here for my own use most of the time. Every new unit is going out the door after a couple of days running in my reference system, no used or demo units of our new production equipment normally available.


I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #29 on: 9 Apr 2021, 06:26 pm »
Good to know. After doing a more thorough check on the return policy, and the responses received regarding a request to try both SET amps one after the other, I won't be taking an AVA amp home either. The Quicksilver amps sound fantastic, no need to make a lateral move, if that. 

Agree with your thoughts about consolidation and downsizing, I'll be doing the same in a few years and the Luxman SS integrated or Pass SS integrated will be in my sights as well. Strong resale value and well established companies not going anywhere.  Enjoy the Pass amp!

I hope that I did not give you the impression that I do not like AVA gear.  I meant that there are no new amps and preamps for me to review.

I have a friend that had QS gear and he loved it until he moved on to bigger and better things.


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Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #30 on: 9 Apr 2021, 08:41 pm »
I hope that I did not give you the impression that I do not like AVA gear.  I meant that there are no new amps and preamps for me to review.

I have a friend that had QS gear and he loved it until he moved on to bigger and better things.

No, you did not give that impression to me, nor was it taken that way other than you tried them and enjoy your Pass too.  Gotta "try" all them to know for sure what pairs up well with ones speakers and your ears. I design and build my own speakers so demos are key to find the right fit.  In my case I was looking for a secondary amp and to rotate in once in a while. A demo of a low cost high value SS amp, to share with audio friends asking for recommendations was another interest.  Determining which amp would have a good synergy with my speakers would only occur by trying it first-hand and deciding which one to keep. No big deal.

The QS amps referred to by me are nothing remotely close to what was available even just a few years ago. Also, upgraded by me with ultra high-end caps and really good triode input/driver matched tubes - and the latest larger version transformers powered by KT150s. I'd put them right up against the $20k Conrad Johnson KT150 monos without breaking a sweat. Amp designs on a different level than all prior versions. That's why you see wanted ads, people looking for them, with a 6-8 month backlog on purchasing new ones.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2021, 05:08 am by decooney »


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Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #31 on: 16 Apr 2021, 01:30 pm »
OP, how big is your room, and how loud do you listen? For the last two years I've used an SET 120 with 93db speakers in a large room with cathedral ceilings. I frequently listen at loud levels. I've never felt I was lacking power, and my system sounds freaking awesome. While I strongly suspect the SET 120 would be all the amp you would need, I'll still play it safe and recommend the SET 400. After all, it's not my money.


Re: Good AVA power amp match for Quicksilver and Salk?
« Reply #32 on: 16 Apr 2021, 01:43 pm »
OP, here. Room is 2836 cu. feet. About 30 x 14 x 6.5 feet. It's a weird room.

I went with the SET 400 for the following reasons:

(a) Want to really hear what my 87 db Salks do with more than enough power. Want some of that Class A magic without a $5k+ price tag.

(b) May want to move to a larger room or electrostatics down the road.

(c) Greyhound and other reviews convinced me this would be an excellent value, keeper amp.

(d) Return policy.