Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3

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Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« on: 7 Mar 2005, 12:11 am »
I would like some feedback from those of you that have heard the Super 3 mated with a sub.

I have done a lot of research, but not much listening yet, and would like to gather some opinions of people that have heard the Super 3's with a sub.



Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #1 on: 7 Mar 2005, 02:13 am »
Sorry I haven't heard a sub mated with the Super 3s, But I have listened to them. The Rava http://www.adireaudio.com will mate well with those speakers. It has the speed to keep up.

I had a buddy over tonight to listen to my setup, using Omega 8's and the Rava. He was blown away with how everything flowed. His setup cost quite a bit more than mine. He cd player alone is what I paid for my entire setup. He said he was ready to sell everything to get the sound he heard tonight. That should tell you something. If you notice on the Omega site the recommended sub uses an Adire amplifier plate and woofer.


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Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #2 on: 7 Mar 2005, 03:17 am »
I am looking at the same set-up as you and http://www.creativesound.ca/details.php?model=CLARUSX10150 is the closest thing I see to the recommended sub on the Omega site.   The amp is a little bit less powerful however.  I have heard great things about the Rava though you have to hunt around Adire's website to find it. FWIW, the Creative Sound sub is $50 cheaper than the Rava

Poking around I did find this (http:// http://www.easy-audio.com/products/haudio/woofers/rava.htm ) on the rava


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #3 on: 7 Mar 2005, 04:00 am »
That looks like a nice little sub there Mitchel. If you notice the shipping is $50 to the US. The Rava is roughly $437.88 with shipping. The other sub will be $399.00. For $38.88 more you get 100 more watts and a much larger cabinet. This should increase the bass response and ease the load on the amplifier. The Rava also has a detachable cord and comes with a 3 year parts and labor warranty.

I suppose if the room is really small the Creative sound model will be adequate.


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #4 on: 7 Mar 2005, 04:07 am »
That SX10 driver in the CSS sub is an Adire XBL_2 driver.

It might actually move more air than the 12" driver in the Rava...


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #5 on: 7 Mar 2005, 04:15 am »
I'm curious of how clean the bass will be with a 10 inch woofer in a sealed enclosure half the liter size of the Rava . Any ideas?
It would seem that amplifier will have to work awfully hard.


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #6 on: 7 Mar 2005, 04:19 am »
Having heard the CSS sub, I was truly amazed that a 10" driver had such clean intense output. I didn't believe that it wasn't a 12" for a short bit.

I haven't actually heard the Rava, so I can't comment on it compared to the CSS. But that little CSS sub is more than a bit impressive.


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Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #7 on: 7 Mar 2005, 05:29 am »
Hi bsuhy,
I just recently bought a REL Quake sub to mate with my Super 3 just to fill the bottom end. I thought I will find this 8" wonder limiting in my 23 ft X 18 ft. room with a 10 ft. ceiling but I was wrong. The bass output was very good and sufficient for my needs. I set it up with the cross over point at 30 hertz and the integration was seamless. I set the gain at less than 1/4. To be exact it is only 5 clicks. This is my first time to use a sub and all dials are functional. You can hear a change, for better or for worse, with every click on its dial. If funds are adequate buy 2 and have a stereo set-up. YMMV. Have fun.


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #8 on: 7 Mar 2005, 06:52 am »
What ever you decide to buy..make sure it's a sealed subwoofer.


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #9 on: 7 Mar 2005, 03:33 pm »
I'm using dual VMPS smaller subs driven by a 400x2 Samson amp.
They keep up with the Super 3's, speedwise.


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Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #10 on: 7 Mar 2005, 04:56 pm »
GHM: How do you have the Adire connected to your Clari-T?  Do you have the sub-out jacks installed or do you do it another way?  Thank You


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #11 on: 7 Mar 2005, 05:13 pm »
Mitchel I have the sub outs installed on the ClariT. I'm running the Rava with both stereo outputs off the ClariT. This gives you 6dB more gain. I'm considering ordering another Rava and run the subwoofers in stereo.

By the way the sub outs on the ClariT work great !


« Reply #12 on: 8 Mar 2005, 02:55 am »
Thank you for all of the great replies.

I have looked at the Rava, and it is still at the top of the list. I ( well, okay, my wife ) sure wish it came in a nice piano black finish. I might just have to order one.

The Clarus sub interests me as it is downfiring, has a nice looking cabinet, and I have read good things about it. I wonder if I can upgrade the amp on the sub to the 250/360 sub. It only costs $83 more than the sub100 they offer with the stock unit.

Thanks again.



Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #13 on: 15 Mar 2005, 01:06 am »
I have the TBI (formerly VBT) Magellan VI and am contemplating purchasing the 3Rs.  A number of people here have commented that this would be a good match.  My question is: do people with the 3Rs run them full range and use the sub to fill in the lower octaves or do they use the crossover to take the heat off of the 3R driver?

Thanks in advance.


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #14 on: 15 Mar 2005, 01:52 am »
I'm not sure about the other guys.But I feel as though I would be defeating the purpose of using noncrossover speakers by putting passive parts in the signal path.
I would let the 3s run full range and cross the subwoofer over right before the 3's low frequency response drops off drastically.

I have my subwoofer crossed over around 55 to 60 hz . Your room will probably play a factor in where you cross them over. It takes some fine tuning but it can be made to sound seamless.


Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #15 on: 16 Mar 2005, 02:07 pm »
Thanks for the response GHM.  I'm inclined to agree with you for most speakers, but I'm wondering if the 3R could benefit from being relieved of lower frequency duties (my sub has a fixed high pass crossover of 70hz).  I'm thinking there might be increased clarity and/or dynamics.

I had a pair of Spica TC-50s and a kinergetics sub in days of yore and the Spicas benefited from using the crossover.

Anyone else with experience using 3Rs and a sub?  To crossover or not crossover, that is the question.


Louis O

Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #16 on: 16 Mar 2005, 02:15 pm »
Hi bsuhy,

The Rava is a very good sub and the CSS, I really like. I was told about the plate amp being discontinued. The Hypex amp they were using was really good. I don't know if they found a replacement yet. The driver is sourced from Adire and it's a 10" sealed box and down firing. The things I look for in a sub are basically 4 the order on the low pass and I do like sealed box alignments. Both the Rava and the CSS are a great value too. The newest sub I heard and ordered is the ERA. They have 2 models and both are closed box, 4th order on the low pass, and down firing. They build both 8" and 10" models. the design was done by Mike at Aerial and he did a wonderful job with they amp and the necessary EQ. I heard the 10" models with the Grande 6s and the synergy is great. It's a very musical sub and very similar to the CSS. Right now there isn't much info as they are so new, but the prices are $799 and $999.

Thanks again,

Louis O

Opinions on subs to mate with the Super 3
« Reply #17 on: 16 Mar 2005, 02:21 pm »
I really like wiring the sub so the speakers are run full range. I do agree with GHM on this. What I typically do is after I find the right location, I set the sub between 60 and 70Hz. The sound and blend is very good this way and woirksd great in my room.

Hi Songforyou,

I have the TBI as well and it works very well with the Super 3s. I actually took it to the CES. This sub is very musical and fast. Setting it up with the Super 3s was very easy and gave a great foundation to the music.

Thanks again,


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sub for Fostex drivers
« Reply #18 on: 17 Mar 2005, 09:07 am »
Hi.   I've been using REL Strata and they sure can keep up with Fostex drivers - be they in BR cabinets or rearload horns.

The Strata is sealed box


i couldnt make up my mind, so...
« Reply #19 on: 9 Apr 2005, 02:51 pm »
I just couldnt make up my mind, so I ordered 2 subs and will keep the one I like best and send the other back.

I know a lot of people think that sealed is best, but one of the subs I have to hear is the HSU VTF-2. There are just too many great reviews of it. I am thinking this could be the sub that goes back, but they have a 30 policy and I just have to pick up the shippingg.

I wanted to get an Adire Rava, but they are out of Shiva drivers until the middle of next month, so that was out.

In lieu of the Rava, I orderd a sub that is supposed to be identical in tems of response, the Acoustic Visios MRS10. It is a nice looking sealed sub, and seems to me to be just like the Clarrus, but with a 250W amp. It will have a high WAF, and for what I need I think it will fit the bill. Check out these links:

For a review:

I had a link that had a nice post from Dan Wiggins about the MRS10, but i cant find it. He said that it should track within 1db of the Rava, and actually said the MRS10 outperformed it.