Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.

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Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« on: 5 Mar 2005, 06:03 pm »
Hi Vinnie:

I did an experiment with the Sharp unit...Connected it to a pair of Gershman X-1 and SW-1 two way towers with passive 10" woofer towers, weighting in at 89 db, with impedance dips close to 5.8 ohms.  

This amp rated at 20 watts per channel had more volume, bass, "slamm" than my 40 watt per channel monoblock OP Chip amplifier!  I cannot believe it.  

So, my question is, should I get another of the same Sharps, do you think I will be able to make them into a "mono" amplifier set up?  What will I gain? Sometimes, some amplifier designs do not allow monoblocking, but I am very, very, very intrigued.  

You need to hear what I am hearing now with the Sharp.

Response would be great.


Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #1 on: 5 Mar 2005, 09:58 pm »
Looks like you have taught yourself a lesson. This really doesn't surprise me about the Sharp. I've already learned most specs are meaningless.



Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #2 on: 5 Mar 2005, 11:25 pm »
There seems to be something about digital chip design that renders traditional specs simply meaningless.  I am still debating what is it.
Do not want to sound like a mad preacher, but there is something inherently impossible about what the Sharp is doing.  Does it have the right to control the bass as much as my 200 watt/channel McCormack and even more?  

GHM, Have you tried the Sharp?


Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #3 on: 5 Mar 2005, 11:52 pm »
Not yet Paul, but I have seriously considered it. If I ever buy some of those FTA 2000 Bob Brines speakers I will have to snatch one up.
I'm becoming additive to the sound of the ClariT. Just for grins I may take a trip to the ATL in the next day just to do some comparisons.

This unit truly changed what I thought about power needs and specs.
People laugh at those 6wpc..and think man those guys are nuts. They (ClariT owners) must listen at whisper levels.

This is hillarious too me. Since I've had 600 wpc amps and other amps with different wattages in between the 6 wpc ClariT.

The guys running the Paradigm 100s and PSBs Goldi's for example have no clue as to what their missing and it has nothing to do with watts. I've watched 350 wpc amplifiers clip on the Studio 100s with ease. The ones that make these claims of needing so much power don't realize the component that's holding the music back is the speaker with all those corrective crossovers in the way.How powerful an amplifier is or speced to be is not the way to judge what will actually move your soul .

I have also read , designers haven't really figured out how to measure these new amplifiers. They need a different way of measuring distortion and wattage because the old method doesn't seem to add up.


Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #4 on: 6 Mar 2005, 12:55 am »
GHM, get the Sharp while you can.  It is already sold out at Overstock.Com.  What really impressed me about the Sharp is its ability to drive and control speakers that other amplifiers find "complex" well and not at whisper volumes.  The Sharp has a max volume setting at 40 and at around 30, it is loud enough, producing pronounced bass.

I know that sensitive, single driver, full range speaker without the crossovers can be driven well, they were driven well with all my other amplifiers, but the digital part of the Sharp is simply impressive with "real" life speakers.  

My jaw is still on the floor thinking about the sound, and what a glorious sound it is with the Gershmans, sort of pseudo watt puppy, glorious vocals and bass, bass, bass.  

What do you think about your amp and the Omega grande?  Do you like the bass or what sort of bass does it produce?

My Zhorn or horn loaded cabs makes bass, which is supposed to be low, around 40hz, but not the type of bass that "feels"  full range.  Maybe the other speakers I have simply might have more of a hump in a low range that is noticable to my ears.


Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #5 on: 6 Mar 2005, 01:49 am »
Paul the bass is clean a tight in the 8s but not deep. This is of course the limitations of the speakers. I have supplemented this with a sub. I may add a second sub in a couple of months and run stereo subwoofers. Right now it sounds like I have full range speakers in the great room. Sealed bass is simply amazing when it's right. I like some air moving bass but not to the point where it gets irritating. If you know what I mean.

Sounds like your having some fun! :D
I will have to take a closer look at the Sharp. Who knows could be one of my next new toys.

Vinnie R.

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Re: Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #6 on: 6 Mar 2005, 02:34 am »
Hi Paul,

Quote from: Bemopti123

This amp rated at 20 watts per channel had more volume, bass, "slamm" than my 40 watt per channel monoblock OP Chip amplifier!  I cannot believe it.  

This is exactly what I've been saying on the other Sharp thread!  I am enjoying my modded Sharp SD-EX111 more than my modded NAD C320BEE and T531 combo (both heavily modified).  The NAD is rated at a very conservative 50 watts per channel, and the seems like the power of the Sharp is very close to the NAD...but the modded Sharp has better detail and dynamics  :smoke:    I am still stunned by this...

Quote from: Bemopti123

So, my question is, should I get another of the same Sharps, do you think I will be able to make them into a "mono" amplifier set up? What will I gain? Sometimes, some amplifier designs do not allow monoblocking, but I am very, very, very intrigued.

I plan to perform the "direct to power amp" input RCA modification early this upcoming week (I haven't forgotten)  :wink: .  Yes, you can use the Sharp as a mono amplifier.  You would simply use two Sharps, and run one channel to one unit and the other channel to the other unit.  

You can't bridge the Sharp's channels, so you won't get a power gain, but running only one channel for each unit will give you complete isolation between the L  and R channels (no crosstalk), which should give you improvements in transparency, soundstaging, stereo imaging and    
separation.  The amp may actually act like it does have more power because the power supply will be working half as hard.  This should be evident with music with lots of transients.  

If you want to use the Sharps as monoblocks only, I can perform custom modifications for your application.  It would be best to disable all the other circuitry of the Sharp (cd, am/fm, preamp).  Even better would be for me to remove just the amplifier section, and put it in another enclosure with a custom toroidal linear power supply (more VA's, more uF's, HEXFRED's, etc)  :flame:

Let me say this: Red Wine Audio is all about customization for YOUR needs.  Just because something custom isn't on my website does NOT mean that I cannot or will not perform such custom work.  Just email me and we can work out the details.  I am up for any challenge...this is what I do  8)

"Anything you want..." -- Full Metal Jacket  :mrgreen:



Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #7 on: 6 Mar 2005, 03:25 am »
Ordered another unit from before it being sold out.  

Honestly, I am more interested in the amplification section of the Sharp rather than anything else.  This idea of making it monoblock, all on its own, sound enigmatic, intriguing.....If I am getting all of this sound from the stock, how much more of an improvement will I be able to get soundwise if it goes monoblock?  I do not want to break the bank, but if it gets better sound and control in mono, it might be worth tearing it apart.  

Can you calculate the spec power output I will be able to get should it become monoblock?  What about the price?

Does it really matter if it is in one case with one power cord rather than two separate cases with two separate cords? With this sort of set up, I think two powercords and cases might be an overkill, but who knows?  

Do you think I will loose control or drive or will I gain more?  Sometimes a system as a whole might have more synergy and I am afraid of losing what I actually have.  

Anyway, let us see what our in house modder can provide for me and my urges!

Vinnie R.

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Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #8 on: 6 Mar 2005, 02:34 pm »
Quote from: Bemopti123
Do you think I will loose control or drive or will I gain more? Sometimes a system as a whole might have more synergy and I am afraid of losing what I actually have.

Hi Paul,

Sounds like you are really happy with what you have.  

Let me ask you... would you consider using the Sharp as an all-in-one player?  If you are enjoying what you hear from this machine, why not leave it as an all-in-one?  I believe you would be very impressed with  this player modified as an all-in-one.  The synergy is there in spades!  8)



Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #9 on: 6 Mar 2005, 02:51 pm »
I am happy with the unit as all in one component, but I would be willing to forego of the integrated features if, in an mono configuration, I will gain a lot more power and control.  What is the power output I could expect in a pure monoblock configuration?  What might this cost?

Vinnie R.

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Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #10 on: 6 Mar 2005, 02:58 pm »
Quote from: Bemopti123
I am happy with the unit as all in one component, but I would be willing to forego of the integrated features if, in an mono configuration, I will gain a lot more power and control.  What is the power output I could expect in a pure monoblock configuration?  What might this cost?


You can't bridge the Sharp's channels, so you won't get a power gain, but running only one channel for each unit will give you complete isolation between the L and R channels (no crosstalk), which should give you improvements in transparency, soundstaging, stereo imaging and
separation. The amp may actually act like it does have more power because the power supply will be working half as hard. This should be evident with music with lots of transients.

Regarding cost, I need to first perform this modification  (early next week) and figure what what it entails.  I will then add pricing info to my webpage.

If you wanted something custom, such as the removal of the amplifier section and having it installed in another chassis with a custom power supply, it is best to email me privately for a price quote as this is very specialized...



Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #11 on: 6 Mar 2005, 03:04 pm »
Okay.  Let me know what you find out.  And, I am eager to hear the news of how the amp sound with a preamp ins.  


Vinnie R.

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Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #12 on: 6 Mar 2005, 03:31 pm »
Quote from: Bemopti123
Okay.  Let me know what you find out.  And, I am eager to hear the news of how the amp sound with a preamp ins.  



Do you mean with the preamp stage bypassed (direct input to amp input)?  "Preamp ins" is simply the AUX input.  I just want to make sure there is no confusion...

I'll keep everyone posted!



Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #13 on: 6 Mar 2005, 09:29 pm »
The inputs to use an external preamp directly with just the amp section of the Sharp.

Vinnie R.

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Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #14 on: 20 Mar 2005, 11:16 pm »
Quote from: Bemopti123
The inputs to use an external preamp directly with just the amp section of the Sharp.

Hi Paul,

Today I looked into running the Sharp as an amplifier only (bypassing the preamp and connecting directly to the amp board).

I found that the input impedance of the amp board is quite low...1.48K  :o
Therefore, it would not be a good idea to use it with a passive preamp.  Is your preamp active, and what is its output impedance?

Looks like Sharp definitely designed the amp circuit to work specifically with the opamp based preamp circuit that feeds it....of course, this IS an all-in-one unit  :lol:



Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #15 on: 21 Mar 2005, 01:01 am »
All my amps are active, therefore, I think the mod would be a go, right?
My Final Music 5, I wonder if it is an op based preamp, but I know it also has decent gain.  I must assume that you did the mod, how did it sound with your preamp?


Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #16 on: 21 Mar 2005, 01:03 am »
Okay, I skipped the impedance issue of the preamps:

I have the following:

Final Music 5 battery or tube powered preamp.

First Sound Paramount Hot Rod MKII.


if it need be

Sumo Athena (1988?)

I do not know what is the impedance of these things.

Vinnie R.

  • Industry Contributor
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Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #17 on: 21 Mar 2005, 01:06 am »
Quote from: Bemopti123
All my amps are active, therefore, I think the mod would be a go, right?
My Final Music 5, I wonder if it is an op based preamp, but I know it also has decent gain.  I must assume that you did the mod, how did it sound with your preamp?


I do not use an active preamp, so I did not do the mod.  I supposed I can use the active preamp section of my modded NAD C320BEE, but this would be just switching from one active preamp (the Sharp's) to another.  

I don't feel comfortable using a passive preamp driving the low 1.48k input impedance of the Sharp's amp section.  

I do have a DACT CT101 linestage board laying aroud somewhere.  This might do the trick  :wink:


Sharp all in one unit=mighty titan of a sound.
« Reply #18 on: 21 Mar 2005, 02:18 am »
I guess I will need to do the mod and hear it myself with my preamps.   The reason that I wanted to hear your experience is to see whether the amp section was really good.  At the price level, there must have been compromises in the electronics.  Therefore, I wanted to hear what the preamps sounded like with the amp section of the Sharp.  Some might question why I would like to add one more stage to the amp, but this weekend I did a test.  I was fiddling with a pair of op amp monoblocks at 40 watts each.  At one point I added the First Sound and a pair of ultimate attenuators, to regulate the gain of the preamp with the op amps.  Then, I went direct, DAC to attenuators and the monos.  I could say that each had its sound characteristics, but definetly preferred the sound with the tube in the path.  There was more body, more slamm in the bass and it added something that made the music simply more musical, appealing.  The DAC and via the attenuators was more direct, but I can also say it was more RAW, in the sense that perhaps it had less control.  
