Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps

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Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps
« on: 27 Oct 2020, 01:30 pm »
Anyone here running Spatial M5s with Cherry Amps?


Re: Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2020, 02:00 pm »
I also am very interested in the M5s for my Living Room (24x20x8).  Once I receive the DAC DAC 3, I will move it and the STM (w/MKII Upgrade & 60V PS) into that room and am shopping for floor standers for that area.
I have made initial email contact with Clayton Shaw (Spatial) just Inquiring about the M5s in my room.  I need to talk to him for more detail, but my initial impression is he felt the M3s would be more appropriate for my room size.
I am just really intrigued with the Open Baffle concept and believe Spatial would be my choice if I decide to go that way.


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Re: Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps
« Reply #2 on: 28 Oct 2020, 11:37 am »
I have been enjoying M5 sapphires since late 2019. I added a 2-Cherry amp shortly after. M5s and a cherry amp are a great combo and I have not looked back. My listening room is much smaller than yours. I have M5s about 7 ft apart and 3 ft into the room.  the speaker to the back of the listening chair is 9 ft. I also have a pair of subwoofers to supplement low frequencies- not necessary but make a difference. It is not just size of your room, but how far is your listening position from the speakers? M5 and Cherry can play fairly loud without distortion. It all depended on how you Dac and preamp (on int amp) are set up but I have turned up my preamp to 22 highest (full scale is 100). If you are seating at the other end of the your room, definitely M3 will be a better choice.


Re: Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps
« Reply #3 on: 28 Oct 2020, 02:05 pm »
I also have a pair of subwoofers to supplement low frequencies- not necessary but make a difference.

My main concern is related the bass.  I could add a sub or two, but hope that's not necessary.  I will be using the upgraded STM with 60V PS and the DAC DAC 3 when it arrives.  I don't currently plan to use a preamp, but that may change.  Remote volume control in the living area would be a great benefit.
The speakers will be about 9 ft apart and 2-3 ft from front wall.  Seating position is 11-12 ft back.

I bit the bullet and ordered a pair of M5s and am somewhat nervous as I've never heard open baffle speakers.  I spoke with Clayton Shaw and he has a pair of desktop Maraschinos and says they are a very good match with the M3s & M5s.  Sounds like your experience matches his comments.


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Re: Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps
« Reply #4 on: 28 Oct 2020, 08:54 pm »
I've been running Spatial M5s with a 2-Cherry King version for the last few months. The system sounds quite nice. My room isn't particularly small. About 13.5 ft wide in general and 35 ft long. Sitting and stereo area has a high ceiling (18ft) with loft surrounding it, and 8 ft ceiling behind the couch into a dining room that goes 12.5 ft farther. It's open beyond left speaker into hallway, and right speaker has a wall a couple feet away. Speakers are out from the front wall about 4 ft with some variability as there's a fireplace centered between them and small alcoves on each side. (Hell, I'll just add a pic) Seating is 10.5 ft from speakers set about 8ft apart.. So pretty good size space to fill with sound.

The M5s do an admirable job filling the room. The bottom end is good on their own, but I do have a Linn sub reinforcing the very bottom, crossed over at under 45hz. I like it better with.

From what I can tell the 2CHerry is doing a great job, very pleased and no complaints at all. Plenty of power. Presently an all digital front end consisting of Bel Canto CDt and Mytek Brooklynn Bridge (external PSU) feeding the Cherry and sub amp and the Spatials (all plugged into a AQ Niagara 1200). Connected with Zu Event interconnect and AntiCables 2.1 12ga speaker wire. It is a clear clean pretty darn refined sounding system for the money spent.


« Last Edit: 29 Oct 2020, 01:52 pm by gcurtis »


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Re: Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps
« Reply #5 on: 28 Oct 2020, 10:21 pm »
Many of the Spatial buyers including myself haven’t auditioned the speakers in advance. Clayton has a 60 days money back policy but you won’t regret getting his speakers. Make sure to place them about 3 ft or more away from the wall. I also placed acoustic panels behind the speakers and it made a audible difference to me.


Re: Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps
« Reply #6 on: 29 Oct 2020, 02:34 am »
Thanks for the input guys - that makes me feel a lot more comfortable.  Now I just have to be patient for four or five weeks until they arrive.  Hopefully, I'll have the DAC DAC 3 around that time also.
I'm sure I can manage 3 feet from the front wall, but not much more than that.


Re: Spatial M5 and Cherry Amps
« Reply #7 on: 3 Feb 2021, 05:31 pm »
OK, here's the setup - Lumin U1 Mini Streamer>Schiit Modi dac>Aric Audio Custom 6SN7 Linestage>Cherry STM>Spatial M5s.

The M5s have just over 400 hours now and this combo is outstanding in every way.  The Cherry STMs are an excellent match for the M5s - I do however have a couple of changes pending.  The weakest link currently is the Modi dac (while good, it's not great) which will be replaced by the DAC DAC 3 when it's available.  The STM is definitely not a weak link, but I will be replacing the STM with newly acquired Golden Cherry Monoblocks (thanks @AvsFan).  For me, I expect this to be my end-game setup.