Any GR Research Speakers in the Atlanta Area- audition request

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Esoteric Junkie

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Hello Audiophiles,
Is there anyone in the Atlanta area that has build any of the GR Research speakers, in particular the NX-Otica or NX-Treme speakers?  I am looking for someone within a reasonable driving distance that would be willing to do a demo.  Also, I am interested in hearing the GR Research's servo subwoofer setup. 

Thanks in advance.


Early B.

There's a pandemic going on. It's best to err on the side of extreme caution. Not sure folks are receptive to opening up their homes for auditions right now.


I'm sure there are many people who are ok with auditions. 


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Agreed. No harm with following basic protocols.

I meet up with friends and families as usual.


Everyone is only allowed in with masks, I make sure to sanitize their hands and all upon entrance. Keep a little more distance and goes without saying no handshakes or any sort of physical contact!

And once they leave, I spray all around the furniture! Which I do anyway! LOL!

Early B.

Agreed. No harm with following basic protocols.

I meet up with friends and families as usual.


Everyone is only allowed in with masks, I make sure to sanitize their hands and all upon entrance. Keep a little more distance and goes without saying no handshakes or any sort of physical contact!

And once they leave, I spray all around the furniture! Which I do anyway! LOL!

Protocols are fine, but not foolproof. A 100% effective approach is to not have house guests. Auditions are a non-essential activity, so no need to put yourself and loved ones at risk.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 17
Protocols are fine, but not foolproof. A 100% effective approach is to not have house guests. Auditions are a non-essential activity, so no need to put yourself and loved ones at risk.


Agreed and understandable.

It is indeed pretty bad in the USA right now.

Maybe if I lived in the States I'd probably think the same way!

Hope everyone stays safe!

Early B.

Agreed and understandable.

It is indeed pretty bad in the USA right now.

Maybe if I lived in the States I'd probably think the same way!

Oh, you're not in the USA? Yeah, Americans are very non-compliant (including the President) which is why we haven't been able to get the pandemic under control. Here in Atlanta, the city is still under "Phase I" which means only essential employees come to work. Everyone else is supposed to shelter in place. Nearly all of the schools are doing remote learning.   

Danny Richie

It is very dangerous for some people and I am not advocating throwing caution to the wind, but it is not as easy to catch and spread as the media makes it out to be.


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All I can say is WOW!  As an emergency physician on the front lines and treating teenagers to 30-40 year olds who test positive , I am appalled.  Sorry I just had to put my foot down.

Early B.

It is very dangerous for some people and I am not advocating throwing caution to the wind, but it is not as easy to catch and spread as the media makes it out to be.

That may be true (or not), but it doesn't change how we should respond. Americans are still dying from COVID-19 -- we know that to be true. It's a pretty simple concept -- stay at home.

OP - you don't need a home audition. Just buy, build, and enjoy them. That's what I did, along with probably 95% of other GR Research customers.   

Danny Richie

Guys, I am very aware of the specifics. I have a son-in-law that worked for two weeks on a Covid floor at a hospital in Dallas. I've received some very first hand information on everything from the inside (so to speak).

Hey, I even went to the dentist the other day. They took my temperature, and asked relevant questions to determine if seeing me was high or low risk. And then they stuck their gloved fingers in my mouth. 

We have to do the same and be wise. We make those same choices with our friends and family too. Do we go into the grocery store or not not go into the grocery store?  Do we go out to eat or not go out to eat? Do we go into a guys house or not go in his house....?

You know if you don't have it and I don't have it then we can't catch it from each other or give it to each other.

So if two of you out there decide the you are certain to the best of your knowledge that neither of you have it and you want to hang out and listen to music together that's okay. That's up to each person to decide. And this isn't the place to cast judgement on them.

If you guys want to talk about this stuff here to some extent you can. I have had to talk about it and make updates regarding how it has effected by business, my supply chains, and ability to process orders.

But keep the politics out of it. You guys can't go there with this here.


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That may be true (or not), but it doesn't change how we should respond. Americans are still dying from COVID-19 -- we know that to be true. It's a pretty simple concept -- stay at home.

OP - you don't need a home audition. Just buy, build, and enjoy them. That's what I did, along with probably 95% of other GR Research customers.   

To be fair, people are still dying world-wide, Asia, Africa South & Central America, Europe, Australia. Its not a uniquely American problem.

Numbers can easily be (and likely have been) skewed, inflated, misinterpreted & misrepresented.

Why would you compare the whole of the US against France? Why not US against EU or France against California? that have a more comparable population? And even then, can we trust the numbers as concrete evidence? Esp the early numbers before testing was widely available? Chances are Europe's numbers are much higher, esp cases, likely 2-4x higher than currently stated, when you look at nations/states with similar population sizes.
Same goes for New York, why is the current death toll 2.5x higher than the 3 most populous states a that have almost 2x more cases, but less than 1/2 the deaths?

Point being, it's a far more complicated situation than most are willing to admit or even question the standard narative.
It IS a dangerous virus, but its biggest risks are for those 70+, those with compromised immune systems, and those with other complications and risks, and for some my carry less life threatening complications that affect quality of life.

That said, caution SHOULD NOT be thrown to the wind. It's on you to weigh those risks & make your own decisions, if you're going to be around people who are at risk, you should probably follow protocol, as should they. If you don't feel safe, then you should probably stay home, and away from others. If you do feel safe, then you take on those risks yourself.
It might be selfish, but that's a moral judgment. We make those same choices every time we drive a car, or get on an airplane/ship. There are always risks, and its on you.

Is it okay to destroy hundres of thousands if not millions of livelyhoods & businesses while big-box stores/Amazon get labeled "essential" and make BILLIONS because you're scared? To some, yes, it's the "greater good" to others, its not, esp when it leads to increases in abuse, substance use, and suicide. Meanwhile 190+ thousand have still died regardless of the shutdowns & mitigations?

The reality is that no one has the answers or solutions. no matter how much moral posturing, politicians or media try to display, its all a game to create division and destruction rather than unity & trust.


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Respectfully, working in an INPATIENT COVID ward For two weeks and working in emergency are completely different.  I see everyone who comes to the hospital including 16 y/o teenagers who only have a slight headache and joint pains who test positive.  Guess what, NO FEVER!  Temperature checks are equal to using band aids to treat gun shot wounds.  The only way to know that you do not have it is to test for it.  You may have no or minimal symptoms and still have it and spread it.  This is what I have been posting since March.

Below is the map from Johns Hopkins.  No media affiliation there or number inflation, but they are one the nation’s top medical schools and medical centers.
Simple interpretation of the data...the US has 5% of the WORLD’S POPULATION but has 21% of the WORLD’S TOTAL DEATHS and 22% of TOTAL POSITIVE cases in the world.

If you think that things are bad now, just wait until it mixes with the Flu and RSV and death rates skyrocket.

Danny Richie


Respectfully, working in an INPATIENT COVID ward For two weeks and working in emergency are completely different.  I see everyone who comes to the hospital including 16 y/o teenagers who only have a slight headache and joint pains who test positive.  Guess what, NO FEVER!  Temperature checks are equal to using band aids to treat gum shot wounds.  The only way to know that you do not have it is to test for it.  You may have no or minimal symptoms and still have it and spread it.  This is what I have been posting since March.

Yep, they've had people on the floor that tested positive and have no symptoms. They've had people with some symptoms. They have a bunch of people triggering false positives and false negatives. They are not real confident in the testing. And I personally know an elderly woman at a rest home that did trigger a positive and had no symptoms. She then triggered a negative on the next test.

They've also had people that waited to long to come in and they are pumping what looks like chocolate milk out of the their lungs.

They lost four people while he was there. One was 97 years old. One had been in a nursing home for 17 years and was built like a barrel. One was a cancer patient that had been give 6 months to live. They were in their 7th month. I can't remember what the forth was, but they also had other issues.

So far they treated and released everyone else that has been in with it.

How they treat and handle patients would also be a surprise to most.

Early B.

So if two of you out there decide the you are certain to the best of your knowledge that neither of you have it and you want to hang out and listen to music together that's okay. That's up to each person to decide. And this isn't the place to cast judgement on them.

This is a perfect example of noncompliance. It defies the concept of shelter-in-place. As long as people decide to hang out together during a pandemic, the end result is apparent -- dig more graves.     


Well this certainly took a turn quickly. I figured as much early on. It is a different Age now - things have changed so drastically since this began, but it has become so Polarized now. Sad. True discussion is impossible via a Forum.

Good luck Danny! Everybody take care and stay safe!

Danny Richie

This is a perfect example of noncompliance. It defies the concept of shelter-in-place. As long as people decide to hang out together during a pandemic, the end result is apparent -- dig more graves.     

It is really not a matter of compliance or non-compliance. It depends on where you live too. Rural areas are very different than the big cities. We've had multiple big drag racing events with 2,000 or more people (no masks) several times this summer and not one reported case of anything form any of it.

You have to understand how it spreads and how to be cautious. It is not air born. If it were then the mask everyone are wearing would do nothing.

We can't live in a cave. We have to go buy groceries. We go out to eat. We get our hair cut. We get our cars serviced. People have gone back to work. If you can go out to eat with your buddy and share a meal together then you can probably get together and listen to some music.

Again, if neither of you have it then you can't get it or spread it.

We have to be wise and take precautions, but at some point we have to get back to doing what we need to do.

Early B.

It is really not a matter of compliance or non-compliance. It depends on where you live too. Rural areas are very different than the big cities. We've had multiple big drag racing events with 2,000 or more people (no masks) several times this summer and not one reported case of anything form any of it.

Texas is mostly rural, but has one of the highest new cases of infection in the country, and all of them aren't city folk. Just sayin'. 

Also, these articles refute your rural argument:



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You have to understand how it spreads and how to be cautious. It is not air born. If it were then the mask everyone are wearing would do nothing.

If it is not airborne, then how is it spreading?
« Last Edit: 13 Sep 2020, 04:52 am by diyman »


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