DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.

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I.Greyhound Fan

Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #20 on: 30 May 2020, 03:29 am »
For a Solid State DAC I've settled on the Aqua La Voce S3 for the last year. If I get the urge for the tube sound I swap in the Musical Paradise MP-D2 Mk III Deluxe.

The Aqua is a great sounding DAC.  I doubt that the Paradise would sound any better but you won't know until you try.  The S3 is on my radar.  I would love to hear how it sounds compared to my Luxman DA-06.

I would not put much stock in $1K DAC's sounding better than $10k DAC's.  I  have owned quite a few high end DAC's in the $3K to $6K range and none of the lower priced DAC's sounded as good as the more expensive ones.  I have also heard a few other DAC's  of friends and we did DAC shootouts.  In just about every instance the more expensive DAC's sounded better.  The biggest differences are width, depth and height of sound stage and especially the separation between instruments.  You get what you pay for.  But I certainly agree that the gap has closed some.  I also have found that some systems like mine are very sensitive to changes in  DAC's.  DAC's are definitely system dependent.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #21 on: 30 May 2020, 04:07 am »

The Musical Paradise is not better just a different flavor as is the Directstream Sr. which hasn't been used for a while.  Sometimes I just swap them out for a change.  My Aqua started out as an S2 but I sent it back for the upgrade last year after the Munich show.  Took quite a while to break back in as a majority of the guts were swapped out.  I can imagine some buyers giving up before the break-in was complete. I just put it in a spare room with an old Oppo and a test disc on repeat for a couple of weeks.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #22 on: 30 May 2020, 02:40 pm »

The Musical Paradise is not better just a different flavor as is the Directstream Sr. which hasn't been used for a while.  Sometimes I just swap them out for a change.  My Aqua started out as an S2 but I sent it back for the upgrade last year after the Munich show.  Took quite a while to break back in as a majority of the guts were swapped out.  I can imagine some buyers giving up before the break-in was complete. I just put it in a spare room with an old Oppo and a test disc on repeat for a couple of weeks.

Agreed!  I also agree with breakin.  I like to give electronics 50-100 hours of breakin, more if using Teflon Caps which need 500 hours.  Same goes for speakers and phono cartridges.

How do you like the S3 vs the S2?  Is it analog and organic sounding?

I got to hear the La Scala DAC and loved it.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #23 on: 30 May 2020, 03:13 pm »
For a Solid State DAC I've settled on the Aqua La Voce S3 for the last year. If I get the urge for the tube sound I swap in the Musical Paradise MP-D2 Mk III Deluxe.

The Aqua is a great sounding DAC.  I doubt that the Paradise would sound any better but you won't know until you try.  The S3 is on my radar.  I would love to hear how it sounds compared to my Luxman DA-06.

I would not put much stock in $1K DAC's sounding better than $10k DAC's.  I  have owned quite a few high end DAC's in the $3K to $6K range and none of the lower priced DAC's sounded as good as the more expensive ones.  I have also heard a few other DAC's  of friends and we did DAC shootouts.  In just about every instance the more expensive DAC's sounded better.  The biggest differences are width, depth and height of sound stage and especially the separation between instruments.  You get what you pay for.  But I certainly agree that the gap has closed some.  I also have found that some systems like mine are very sensitive to changes in  DAC's.  DAC's are definitely system dependent.

I must admit to spending precious little time reading about La Scala DACS. Can you talk a little more about the S2/S3 versions, and how does the Optologic DAC differ from them? I've never heard any of these models.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #24 on: 30 May 2020, 03:19 pm »
I'm really enjoying my new Bricasti M3 with network board, no more USB cables and dongles just Ethernet only to a network. Big improvement over the Comet and at twice the price expected.

Hello, Kemper.

With the ethernet connection - I assume this means one must have either their modem nearby, or ethernet wiring from the room with the modem patched into the audio room. Is this correct?

I haven't read anything about the Bricasti M3, but I've seen references to it.



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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #25 on: 30 May 2020, 03:28 pm »
Michael, Yes it does mean wired Ethernet cables, M3 to router and server to router. That lets me move server out of view but it must be cabled. My router is behind my left speaker and 4' from M3, Ethernet cables don't have length issues USBs have. The M3 is an upgrade in my system and I'm loving it.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #26 on: 30 May 2020, 04:11 pm »
Hmm. As luck would have it, neither of my audio listening spaces have a router in the same room. I may be able to run an ethernet cable to one room (as long as my dear wife doesn’t see me drilling a hole in the floor!), but there’s no possibility of accomplishing it for the other space. Powerful WAF issues prevent my running cables along the floor or ceiling.


Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #27 on: 30 May 2020, 04:28 pm »
Currently using a Digital Amplifier Company DAC2 HSV with a Sparkler Audio s503 CD player as transport. The DAC DAC2 HSV has its own volume control and is connected directly to a DAC 2-Cherry amplifier.

The Sparkler s503 utilizes the Philips TDA1543 16 bit nos chip. As a stand alone CD player the Sparkler presents a sweet natural sound that the tda1543 chip is known for. IMO one of the better stand alone nos CD players available.

I have had some of the DAC gear over time (STM, Mono blocks, original DAC-HS) with great results and highly recommended them for SS listening. DAC came out with the new DAC DAC2 and 2-Cherry so I'm giving them a try. So far after a couple of weeks I gotta say I'm not missing the nos sound of the Sparkler. The DAC set-up produces a wonderful detailed huge relaxed sound stage, with right bass. I say right because its not bloated or anemic just very natural in presentation. Very clean where musical nuances add to the listening experience yet there is a "meat on the bones" quality. Not the dry sterile sound one might expect but more like very good expensive Class A sound. The DAC set-up is all balanced but DAC does make XLR-RCA adapters at a cost if needed. The input is coaxial only and DAC makes a very good USB-Coaxial converter.

My speakers are Charney Audio Companions with Omega RS7 Drivers.

So far really liking my DAC DAC2 HSV and this might be the end game for me. 

FWIW I have had many dacs over the years SS, tube, nos chips, saber chips, and delta chips.




« Last Edit: 31 May 2020, 04:48 am by rodge827 »

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #28 on: 30 May 2020, 05:56 pm »

I must admit to spending precious little time reading about La Scala DACS. Can you talk a little more about the S2/S3 versions, and how does the Optologic DAC differ from them? I've never heard any of these models.

Jack D would be the one to ask.  I heard the La Scala (it possibly could have been the more expensive Formula DAC that I heard, but I don't remember for sure as I was concentrating on the speakers) at SunCoast audio in Sarasota Fla. in February when I flew down there from MN to listen to a couple of pairs of Fyne Audio speakers that I am interested in. 

I have a friend that has the La Voce S2 after going through several high end DAC's like the PSA DSDse, Metrum Hex and a few others.  He likes the smooth organic and natural sound of the S2.  No digitis.  Whats nice about the Aqua DAC's are that they are modular and can be upgraded as Jack did to his S2.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #29 on: 30 May 2020, 07:04 pm »

If your router is reasonably close to where you need a hard wired connection that a WiFi extender will do the job easily.  I used one for several years with no issue.  If by chance you have Comcast internet service they have their own called Xpods.

As to the difference between the La Voce S2 and S3 the basics are that though they are both still R2R style DACs the S2 used the Burr Brown 1704 chips and the S3 uses a programmable FPGA.  In addition to changing the processor engine the other supporting daughter boards were also changed out.The Optologic is another technology used in the two higher level models.  David Abramson's review on Stereo Times will give you a better idea of the differences and the parts that were changed out.  The La Scala also has a tubed input stage which the other two models don't.  Some people either like it or don't.  I met a guy from Larry's area on Audiogon that started out with the S2 who after trying to different variations of the La Scala finally went to the La Voce S3 and much prefers it to the higher priced model.  The basic character of the La Voce didn't change with the upgrade it just gained more in the bass and detail department making it more of a complete DAC and less of a "midrange champion." When I was looking into Aqua DACs to start with almost five years ago the US distributor at the time, Mark Sossa, who I knew as a dealer recommended the La Voce to me over the La Scala.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #30 on: 31 May 2020, 01:28 am »

You might want to see if you can get a demo of this DAC from Boris.  Built down the road from you in Eden Prairie.  Joe on AS has one and loves it.


I.Greyhound Fan

Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #31 on: 31 May 2020, 03:21 pm »

You might want to see if you can get a demo of this DAC from Boris.  Built down the road from you in Eden Prairie.  Joe on AS has one and loves it.


Thanks for the tip.  The DAC looks interesting but I am not keen on those golf ball looking knobs.  I may contact him and see if he will loan me one for a review and to see if it sounds better than my Luxman.  I have heard of this company before as I have a friend that bought gear from him.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #32 on: 6 Apr 2021, 04:30 pm »
Bottom line what is the best dac? From the expensive I read Ares Cereat Kassandra & Briscati. I myself looking at Audio Note dac 2.1 sig, Prima Luna Evo 100, Lampizator Amber 3, Border Patrol SEi, Musical Paradise MP-D2 Mk3 Deluxe.

Any other suggestions for a non digital dac? I will look into the Aqua dac. BTW are you guys fans of the simple analog devices AD 1865 chip?


Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #33 on: 6 Apr 2021, 04:44 pm »
AD1865 is my chop of choice. Currently upgrading my speaks and then a new ANK 2.1sig prob by the Fall.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #34 on: 6 Apr 2021, 10:59 pm »
So AD1865 better than the Phillips TDA1541?


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #35 on: 6 Apr 2021, 11:13 pm »
Also someone online who has the ANk to 2.1 sig dac says the stock AN Dac 0.1x was better! Have you heard this?


Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #36 on: 7 Apr 2021, 12:59 am »
So AD1865 better than the Phillips TDA1541?

Depending on implementation yes but to each his own. I have a Sparkler CD player that uses the TDA 1543 chip and sounds fantastic too!

Also someone online who has the ANk to 2.1 sig dac says the stock AN Dac 0.1x was better! Have you heard this?

Interesting that one persons opinion can carry so much weight. I have never listened to the AN 0.1x so I can’t comment.

Back in 2007 I had an ANK 2.1 sig built for me with a plethora of upgraded parts...AN Silver coupling  caps, AN IV transformers, all Black Gate power supply caps, upgraded Black Gate caps on the AD1865 digital board, upgraded tube sockets, all resistors were AN 2w tantalum, ANV wire from output on analog board,NOS  Siemens Helasky 6dj8 tubes. My transport was a highly modified 47 Labs Flatfish with upgrade Superclock and filtered battery power supply.

The sound quality was incredibly natural and very analog sounding. Unfortunately a few years later the banking crisis happened and my business took a dump, had to sell off most of my gear. I currently have a lot of the necessary parts to build another 2.1sig and will most likely do so later this year.


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #37 on: 7 Apr 2021, 05:33 am »
Thanks for sharing that! So you don't believe a 0.1x can beat a 2.1x sig? BTW we may have cc another financial crisis soon!😃


Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #38 on: 7 Apr 2021, 10:16 am »
Jay’s Audio DAC-2 Signature

I use this along with Jay’s CDT2-MKII dedicated transport utilizing I2S connection. Best digital I’ve ever had in my system. Replaced Border Patrol DAC SE and Woo Audio WTP-1 transport.

Don P


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Re: DACs, DACs, and More DACs! Let's talk about DACs.
« Reply #39 on: 7 Apr 2021, 02:02 pm »
It appears that the Jay's DAC is unavailable probably as a result of the devastating AKM fire, hope they can start making chips again soon.