Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition

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I've always been a fan of Birgir Gudjonsson equipment.  Currently, my headphone amp a a Dynalo amp built by Birgir.  I've been pretty happy with this amp driving a pair of Audeze LCD-3 headphones.

Below is a link to his latest builds (Pure Bipolar), which is described as a Dynalo MK2.  I would very much like to audition either version listed in the link below:

Anyone heard one of these yet?


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Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #1 on: 10 Feb 2020, 03:34 pm »
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2020, 10:16 pm by adydula »


Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #2 on: 11 Feb 2020, 02:32 pm »
Found this review on the Pure Bipolar headphone amp:

As it turns out, was  able to find one for an excellent price.  Very much looking forward to auditioning the Pure Bipolar with the LCD-3 headphones. 



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Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #3 on: 11 Feb 2020, 03:46 pm »
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2020, 10:16 pm by adydula »


Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #4 on: 11 Feb 2020, 04:48 pm »
Thanks,  will do.   

For now, still have the Dynalo.  Will be interesting to compare the deltas. 


Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #5 on: 13 Feb 2020, 03:22 am »
Found this review on the Pass Labs Headphone amp:

There are numerous comparisons to the Pure Bipolar headphone amp, and the Pure Bipolar more than held it's own.  I'd say that is a pretty high recommendation.


Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #6 on: 18 Feb 2020, 07:27 pm »
The Pure Bipolar amp arrived today.  After a brief listening session, it confirmed my suspicions regarding the headphone amp as an important part in the playback chain. 

First, it shares a similar sonic signature to the original Dynalo amp, which is a good thing.  The differences are primarily due to a balanced topology, higher Class A bias, and a larger power supply.  This is readily noticeable driving the Audeze LCD-3 phones.  The sound suddenly took on additional depth and dynamics.  Macro and micro detail also improves with the additional power.  For the LCD-3, the Pure Bipolar seems to enhance the overall playback markedly. 

I"m not sure the delta in improvement would be as noticeable with a low impedance headphone such as a Grado, but for a planar headphone such as the Audeze, the extra power is  readily noticeable.

Need to spend some additional time to get a better handle on the combination, but so far, so good.   


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Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #7 on: 19 Feb 2020, 02:34 pm »
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2020, 10:16 pm by adydula »


Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #8 on: 20 Feb 2020, 03:31 am »
Have had some time to listen to a variety of music with the Pure Bipolar amp, and as Bob Katz says, "This amp kicks ass!" :-)

It does a great job driving the Audeze LCD-3 headphones.  The music is produced from a deep black background, with not a hint of electronic haze whatsoever.  It almost reminds one of listening to tubes, only without any noise.  Planar headphones are not all that easy to drive, but when fed from a quality amp source, they can rival the best Stax Electrostatic setup. 

Bass is very deep, but not overbearing or hyped.  Acoustic stand up bass sounds realistic.  Violins and piano are reproduced with excellent timbre and presence.  Vocals are almost spooky. Listening to familiar recordings, I've heard new nuances that previously went unnoticed.  The amp allows the LCD-3 to "clear up" playback that before sounded a bit muddy before. 

In summary, the Pure Bipolar is a reference quality headphone amp that allows the listener to hear the headphone experience in a more enjoyable environment.   

The only issue is now one has to have balanced connections from the headphone in order to use it.    However, it's worth it.

Strongly recommended for audition.


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Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #9 on: 21 Feb 2020, 01:49 pm »
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2020, 10:16 pm by adydula »


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Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #10 on: 21 Feb 2020, 02:34 pm »
Here is my present collection of amps, down to 12, selling my Mainline to finance future purchases!!! I go again!

Whats not in the picture, are the several O2 amps, that I have modified for testing, and 5 really portable high performance OP 1688 Altoids tin amps, which also are excellent amps.
One is in Thailand, the other is in France....all based on the TI chip and AGDR designed pcb's...


Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #11 on: 21 Feb 2020, 02:45 pm »

I'll see what I can find out.  I asked about output power, and did find out that the the Pure Bipolar can output about 2 watts into a pair of Audeze LCD-3's (at 110 ohms), so it has serious overkill for the Audeze line.  I did see some specs regarding the original Dynalo MK2, but the pure bipolar is several iterations later, so I don't think they reflect the current version (which this amp is).

I also know that Spritzer puts high quality parts throughout, and works with Kevin Gilmore (who is one of the premier headphone amp designers).  Spritzer has pretty strong views on headphones and headphones, and is not afraid to call out products that are considered not to be well made or designed.   Personally, I trust his views and observations on the subject.  He posts often over at


Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #12 on: 21 Feb 2020, 02:46 pm »
Here is my present collection of amps, down to 12, selling my Mainline to finance future purchases!!! I go again!

Whats not in the picture, are the several O2 amps, that I have modified for testing, and 5 really portable high performance OP 1688 Altoids tin amps, which also are excellent amps.
One is in Thailand, the other is in France....all based on the TI chip and AGDR designed pcb's...

That, my friend, is quite a collection! 


Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #13 on: 25 Feb 2020, 03:13 pm »
Now that I have had some additional time with this setup, I'm convinced of the advantages of planar magnetic technology over traditional dynamic drivers.  Regardless of the type of music played, the sound from this combination is first rate.  It reminds me a lot of listening to Stax electrostatic headphones with a sufficiently powerful amp to drive them. 

I think there can be a misconception between power and loudness levels.  Many amps can drive planar and ESL headphones to ear splitting levels, but still not sound as good as they could with a sufficiently more powerful amp that will drive the headphones cleanly and clearly to realize their full potential at reasonable listening levels. 

The Pure Bipolar is just such an amp.  It is capable of driving pretty much any dynamic/planar headphone to the best of the headphones ability to sound as good as it can.   


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Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #14 on: 25 Feb 2020, 03:36 pm »
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2020, 10:17 pm by adydula »

Wind Chaser

Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #15 on: 25 Feb 2020, 03:40 pm »

Have you had a chance to listen to the SR1a? It's on my very, very short list.


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Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #16 on: 25 Feb 2020, 03:42 pm »
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2020, 10:17 pm by adydula »

Wind Chaser

Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #17 on: 25 Feb 2020, 03:52 pm »
I started reading up on these too, but I can't help but wonder why there have been so many have come and gone on hifi shark?


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Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #18 on: 25 Feb 2020, 04:08 pm »
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2020, 10:17 pm by adydula »

Wind Chaser

Re: Here are a couple of Headphone Amps I'd like to audition
« Reply #19 on: 25 Feb 2020, 04:36 pm »
I'm not interested in bragging or bragging rights. All I want is one set of headphones that can make me happy with every type of music I listen too. I definitely do not want to own or go through several sets of headphones and several amplifiers on some never ending curiosity quest.

There is one lesser expensive option that based on everything I've read will make me smile a lot and that complicates things... It might come down to a coin toss, but either way it will be something of a Hail Mary since I won't be able to audition either option prior to purchase. OTOH there's no where to go but up from the Philips, which btw I do enjoy.

Getting back to amps, thanks for pointing out the Jotunheim "R".