1917 (An excellent war movie)

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1917 (An excellent war movie)
« on: 26 Jan 2020, 03:14 pm »
Went to see the WW1 movie 1917.  IMHO, It's one of the better war movies I've seen.  To me, the story is a powerful one that should not be forgotten.  The story line is based on real world events that occurred during the war, with some liberties taken. 

The movie is not for the faint of heart, as some of the scenes are rather graphic.  The movie will keep you on the edge of your seat when watching, and to me, the single shot method works for this film. 

Anyone who is a history buff should really enjoy this movie.  Compared to much of poor quality of current films (mostly from Hollywood) being made, this film stands in stark contrast. 

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Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jan 2020, 03:17 pm »
I agree 100%, just saw this the other night. I was expecting a "typical" war movie but this was instead a great story of heroism being told.


Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jan 2020, 03:31 pm »
The movie also provides a feel for what life was like for those soldiers involved.  It's important that history is taught to each generation,  and movies such as this hopefully pique interest with the population to investigate so that the lessons are not lost to time.   

Wind Chaser

Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #3 on: 26 Jan 2020, 06:04 pm »
Story? What story? Seemed pretty vapid to me. And ridiculous beyond comprehension. Case in point.


Our two heroes come upon an abandoned country abode with a few other small farm buildings nestled in a small courtyard positioned down a hill from their vantage point. Not a soul in sight, nothing going on as far as the eye can see in the valley below. So they cautiously approach the house, one from the front and the other from the rear. One enters the front and meets the other outside around the back of the house. Two biplanes appear in the sky and our heroes recognize them as their own.

Then another plane appears and a dog fight ensues. The friendly planes take out the enemy plane which then crash lands right in front of our two heroes. They rescue the enemy pilot from the burning wreckage, who in turn stabs one of our heroes to death while the other fetches water. The one fetching water shoots the enemy pilot and kills him dead. He then comforts his dying friend... WHEN SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE there’s a whole fucking legion of friendly forces that were hiding behind the house the whole time with several trucks and all.  :roll:  Did they have a Klingon cloaking device? If this vapid story as told is supposed to be historically accurate, how did they pull that futuristic shit off in 1917?


Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #4 on: 26 Jan 2020, 10:02 pm »
Disagree with your assessment.  WW 1 was when traditional methods of conducting war came face to face with the 20th century industrial revolution.  Air warfare was in it's infancy.  So, the story as told certainly was well within the bounds of  believably.

Rob Babcock

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Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #5 on: 15 Feb 2020, 03:09 am »
I just got back from seeing it, great film! :thumb:  Many war films from the earlier days tended to glorify war, and some were made to help with recruiting.  This one is not that kind of fillm.  It portrays war as brutal and parts of very graphic/shocking.  Untold by many films is the collateral damage of war and the fact that civilians bear most of the brunt of it. That is definitely not lost on 1917.  The movie was assembled to be basically one long shot and effect works well.  The cast is uniformly great with many wonderful cameos/small roles by notable actors.  Highly recommended! :thumb:
« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2020, 08:56 am by Rob Babcock »

Charles Calkins

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Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #6 on: 15 Feb 2020, 06:47 am »

     Can you imagine a GREAT war movie without John Wayne ridding in to save the day and win the war??????



Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #7 on: 15 Feb 2020, 08:20 am »
Story? What story? Seemed pretty vapid to me. And ridiculous beyond comprehension. Case in point.


It's called a movie. Things don't happen in real time. Despite the 'one take' effect the movie covers an entire day in 2hours! There was a whole sequence that you yourself just laid out prior to that unit showing up. They weren't hiding there the whole time. It was implied that a good chunk of time passed by when they show up. Their reveal is to show the disconnect between ground forces and higher ups.

And everything that happened in the movie I believe was sewn together from real stories. Nothing in that movie stretched believability. In fact you seemed to have missed the whole point of it.

The movie ends exactly how it started (don't want to spoil the image).
And only a day had passed.
How many more days did he have left? Or was that his last? Why didn't he talk about the Somme? What did he see there?

It was a damn good movie.


Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #8 on: 15 Feb 2020, 01:42 pm »
Disagree with your assessment.  WW 1 was when traditional methods of conducting war came face to face with the 20th century industrial revolution.  Air warfare was in it's infancy.  So, the story as told certainly was well within the bounds of  believably.

I'll give you that one but no way in the good Lords green earth could that kid jump into a river in Belgium in early April, go through what he did, come out and not be hypothermic ?? But the real kicker was when he delivered the Generals letter, all nice and crisp, 100% BS ...........

regardless, I gave it 4 stars .......

Mike B.

Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #9 on: 15 Feb 2020, 04:21 pm »
From the previews I have seen it looks like a hollywood image of the trench wars of WWI. My uncle Jess fought in the trenches in France. Diseases like foot rot, and dysentery took down many men. They often stood in water and were muddy and cold much of the time. Throw in the smells and it was a living hell.  I suppose no one what's to see that paying theatre prices today to be entertained.


Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #10 on: 15 Feb 2020, 04:33 pm »
From the previews I have seen it looks like a hollywood image of the trench wars of WWI. My uncle Jess fought in the trenches in France. Diseases like foot rot, and dysentery took down many men. They often stood in water and were muddy and cold much of the time. Throw in the smells and it was a living hell.  I suppose no one what's to see that paying theatre prices today to be entertained.

This is a British movie,  not Hollywood. 

Wind Chaser

Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #11 on: 15 Feb 2020, 04:39 pm »
It's called a movie. Things don't happen in real time... It was implied that a good chunk of time passed by when they show up.

It was NOT implied, however the director and editor could have done one of a few things to have implied it. To the discerning eye it was poorly executed.


Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #12 on: 15 Feb 2020, 05:18 pm »
From the previews I have seen it looks like a hollywood image of the trench wars of WWI. My uncle Jess fought in the trenches in France. Diseases like foot rot, and dysentery took down many men. They often stood in water and were muddy and cold much of the time. Throw in the smells and it was a living hell.  I suppose no one what's to see that paying theatre prices today to be entertained.

As mentioned above it a British film, directed by one of the best directors working today, cinematography by THE best living cinematographer. The film is dedicated to the director's grandfather, who served and 'shared the stories'.

The movie does include graphic depictions of how bad it was. Does accidentally shoving your bleeding wounded hand through a corpse sound enough like hell? I think so.

The trailer did what trailers used to do - show what's at stake without ruining the movie.


Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #13 on: 15 Feb 2020, 07:30 pm »
It was NOT implied, however the director and editor could have done one of a few things to have implied it. To the discerning eye it was poorly executed.

I haven’t seen it yet (might tonight)... but count me in the camp that wishes directors or editors would more often use quick visual signals to show the passage of time.

Wind Chaser

Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #14 on: 15 Feb 2020, 07:43 pm »
I'll give you that one but no way in the good Lords green earth could that kid jump into a river in Belgium in early April, go through what he did, come out and not be hypothermic ?? But the real kicker was when he delivered the Generals letter, all nice and crisp, 100% BS ...........

Good film making requires attention to detail. For a serious film like this details are all the more important.

I'll give it 2.5 stars.


Re: 1917 (An excellent war movie)
« Reply #15 on: 16 Feb 2020, 10:13 am »

The trailer did what trailers used to do - show what's at stake without ruining the movie.

I hate that. But I read somewhere that if I trailer is longer than 2:00, it gives away the ending. I haven't tested that theory though.