Latest JansZen upgrade

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Latest JansZen upgrade
« on: 31 Dec 2019, 01:01 am »
I just got back my JansZen Valentina loudspeakers, upgraded by David Janszen.  For now he is calling these the P8 (passive) model.  I believe I was the second one to have this done.  The upgrade officially sunsets the older model.   The big change was going with 8" dual woofers in the usual MTM layout replacing 7" drivers.  David still sells the powered Valentina with internal amplification, but that model is still using 7" woofers.  He also upgraded the crossover.  Non-customers will not find the change visually obvious until they hear the new sound.

These loudspeakers can now really rock.  Before I committed to the change I made the trip a couple months back to the Capital Audio Fest when I heard that David would be using them in his room.   I only needed about 10 seconds to convince me.  The improvements blew me away.  The sound is considerably more solid, full bodied, and the bass was so much tighter and controlled.  Imaging was also improved.  The mid-range and tweeters are of course still served by twin ESL panels in each cabinet.  I visited the room a number of times over the weekend and the room was filled with people really enjoying what they were hearing. 

I have for some time used a pair of Rhythmik subs, and I am still using them.  Subs always contribute to the total effect, but new buyers may not even consider subs unless pipe organ is their thing.

New P8                                                                                    Prior model


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #1 on: 3 Jan 2020, 02:18 am »
Must admit that I am more than a little surprised by the lack of response to this post.
jsm71 has got some great news about an already excellent electrostat becoming even better,
And no one responds!!
Well jsm71, I am both excited and excited for you.
Glad your listening enjoyment has greatly improved!
In my correspondence with David Janszen I have found him to be a very pleasant and helpful person to deal with.
I am pleased that he has made this significant improvement to his speakers, and, that they are available as a relatively inexpensive upgrade to present owners.
All good.
Keep enjoying jsm71.


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Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #2 on: 3 Jan 2020, 02:51 am »
I've never had an opportunity to hear those JansZen's but the company's reputation is well known by us ESL builders.  I would love to learn how they tamed the standing waves in the cabinet, behind the ESL panel.


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #3 on: 3 Jan 2020, 03:08 am »
Thought I read somewhere about some unusual exotic damping materials lining the inside of the cabinet.
Can't remember where I read it (but a long time ago) or what it was.
Did stick in my mind at the time as unusual.
Not much help is it though?!


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #4 on: 6 Jan 2020, 03:24 pm »
Update on my earlier impressions as the woofers are breaking in. 

I find that the bass is so solid that I've turned off my subs for most listening, especially where studio engineers made sure the recordings had plenty of punch.  The total balance and bass integration is clearly best as David has them designed.

The speakers have three bass settings so you can adjust for your room.  The settings are -3dB, flat, and +3dB.  I've always used the +3dB setting because I have the speakers out a bit for maximum sound stage and imaging.  Now I'm going back and forth between the +3 and flat.  I find I still like to use the subs when listening to orchestral pieces, especially where great halls were used for the recording.


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Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #5 on: 7 Jan 2020, 01:22 am »
I worked at Audio Lab in Phoenix AZ in 1973, we sold Janszen, remember them as being well made.  I had ESS AMT4s at the time.  A friend in 1979 found a used pair of Radio Shack Janszens, told him get em.  He played organ and loved them.  Glad to hear the owner ( he is son of the original?) keeps innovating.  They sounded great on all types of music.


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #6 on: 7 Jan 2020, 06:03 am »
I'm packing mine up Wednesday to send to Janszen for the upgrade. Surely looking forward to it!

Maybe the revised model will generate a new round of reviews. I think that would be good for Janszen.


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #7 on: 7 Jan 2020, 02:18 pm »
dwmaggie, yes David Janszen is the son of Arthur Janszen.  JansZen Audio has taken on a fair amount of work refurbishing his dad's original KLH 9s that could be found out there.  I live just a short drive from David's workshop in Columbus OH, and I got the chance to hear a pair that were ready to ship to a customer.  His website has all the details on what the company does to fix these up.  I'll just say if I had the room I'd pursue a pair of these.


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #8 on: 7 Jan 2020, 02:29 pm »
Mike, I'm sorry you had to pack up the speakers.  I know what a pain that is.  Although I originally bought the speakers in person, I insisted on getting the packing boxes in case I needed them some day.  It is still a bit of work to hand deliver them.

You shouldn't have to wait too long for the upgrade I hope.  They were still refining the cutting technique to enlarge the baffle holes when mine were in the shop.  They seem to have it perfected now.


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #9 on: 8 Jan 2020, 06:15 am »
Mike, I'm sorry you had to pack up the speakers.  I know what a pain that is.  Although I originally bought the speakers in person, I insisted on getting the packing boxes in case I needed them some day.  It is still a bit of work to hand deliver them.

You shouldn't have to wait too long for the upgrade I hope.  They were still refining the cutting technique to enlarge the baffle holes when mine were in the shop.  They seem to have it perfected now.

I have a friend coming over to help me pack them, so it won't be too bad. I'm assuming that the improvements will be worth it (though I have no complaints now). Maybe once I receive the pair with the upgrade, I'll try repositioning to eliminate a bass null at about 40 Hz -- it's one reason I use subwoofers with these speakers. If memory serves, I did a lot of trials and measurements 5 yr ago, when I got them, but maybe I overlooked the one magic spot. (Not likely!)


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #10 on: 6 Apr 2020, 04:19 am »
Hi Mike
I think enough time has passed for your speakers to be upgraded and returned to you.
I am wondering about your assessment.
How much difference do you think the upgrade made?
How happy are you with the upgrade?
Don't suppose that you have any information about new reviews?
Looking forward to hearing your observations and comments.


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #11 on: 6 Apr 2020, 10:40 pm »
Hi, Bruce. The speakers came back in mid-February, and I got them into place a few days later. I'm enjoying them very much.

I am glad I sent them in, as I believe David J. is a great speaker designer, and I hadn't updated mine since purchase, 2014. Still, I am not in a great position to understand the improvements from the larger woofers. For one thing, the speakers were away for about a month and a half, and my aural memory is not up to that challenge. More importantly, because I use two subwoofers and a DSP system to cross over and smooth the bass, I had great bass in my room even before the upgrade. Though the Janszens have response to 15 Hz (!) in my room, I use subs to fill a room null that's unavoidable in any reasonable seating position.

I have noticed that the high-frequency response is even flatter than before, which I like. I attribute that to the crossover changes. It was always far better than most speakers, and now, there is less of a HF bump around 6-10 kHz, at least in my room, and I appreciate that very much.

I have had the Janszens now for almost 7 years and have yet to hear a speaker I would prefer to own. A friend has Wilson Alexias, which at almost 10x the cost are IMO at the same level of sound quality. And in a different room, I might like the Muraudio SP1, which I think is about twice the price; but in my room, the Janszens take the cake.

« Last Edit: 7 Apr 2020, 06:44 pm by Mike-48 »


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #12 on: 15 Apr 2020, 10:28 am »
Other than Mike above and myself, I am aware of at least one other who has done this upgrade.  We all are very pleased with the results.

I believe one of best improvements is that the speakers can now be placed out into a room if space permits and they no longer require wall support for strong bass.  I hadn't tried that when I first posted my impressions of the upgrade.  I had the speakers just a couple feet away from opposing corners in my room.

I have moved my speakers more into the room, more away from the side walls, and have kept my subs set back some.  This has improved all aspects of the soundstage, particularly depth.   Being an electrostatic loudspeaker the top end clarity has always been superb, but it just seems better integrated now.  Like Mike, I have also kept my subs for better balance, although I've dialed the crossover down more than before.


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Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #13 on: 25 Dec 2020, 12:29 am »
Hey folks. I have this same post at a different point of this Circle. But this is apparently an old post so maybe someone will check in. Anyhow, I’m intrigued with the JansZen’s. However, I’ve read nothing about their sound in a mostly HT application. We have a large Great Room, 25’ x 40’ x 16’. We’re wanting a system which will supply this entire area with beautiful sound but also fun HT. I love the concept of an all powered speaker for simplicity and also component compatibility.
              Can anyone comment on this environment and use. Actives up front and passives on the sides and in the rear? 60/40 HT to music. Thanks all. Happy Christmas!


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Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #14 on: 25 Dec 2020, 02:29 am »
I don't know about HT but you've sparked a thought of a surround Janszen system.  OMG, that would be amazing.


Re: Latest JansZen upgrade
« Reply #15 on: 25 Dec 2020, 03:21 am »
Hey folks. I have this same post at a different point of this Circle. But this is apparently an old post so maybe someone will check in. Anyhow, I’m intrigued with the JansZen’s. However, I’ve read nothing about their sound in a mostly HT application. We have a large Great Room, 25’ x 40’ x 16’. We’re wanting a system which will supply this entire area with beautiful sound but also fun HT. I love the concept of an all powered speaker for simplicity and also component compatibility.
              Can anyone comment on this environment and use. Actives up front and passives on the sides and in the rear? 60/40 HT to music. Thanks all. Happy Christmas!
The usual models are rather directional, so they wouldn't be my choice for blanketing an area with sound. However, Janszen recently introduced an option for wider dispersion. You might contact Janszen and ask about the application.