Room correction / dsp vs none discussion

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Room correction / dsp vs none discussion
« on: 30 Dec 2019, 05:06 am »
So check out my other posts my room is quite difficult.

Just sat down after adding three ats acoustic panels to my front wall and did some critical listening with my 2.0 w Tekton pendragons running through my marantz sr6012 via both “pure direct” (no dsp mostly a direct signal throughout) vs “music” mode which activates the audessey dsp and the svs pb13ultra sub.

My primary takeaways were a bit more tightness with pure direct, but a deeper and slightly larger soundstage with music mode. I didn’t notice much in clarity between the two but pop house type decay measures seemed larger, which I guess is part of my soundstage observation. Bass of course is crazy good with both the amazing pendragons AND the svs sub.

I can’t know more without additional serious hours of listening but I’m finally settled in a system hardware config and now just trying different processing modes and those were my main findings. Interested to know anyone else’s electronic dsp correction experiences including rew/roon, audessey, Yamahas deal, or others.

Happy new year!