Cable Burn in Question

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Cable Burn in Question
« on: 9 Feb 2005, 03:24 pm »
I was wondering.

I have an entire set of cables to burn in, in my case (4 power cords, Speaker cables, IC's, and digital coax), I am gong to just hook up the entire system minus the speakers and run it full blast for a week straight. I want to burn in the Reference system listed below, minus the speakers. Although I can hook them up to a pair of the Onix 750's or Ref 1's if I MUST.

I was thinking about taking the most dynamic cd I own or pink noise, setting it on repeat, and letting all of the cables burn in at the same time... together. That is fine for all of the other cables, but will that signifigantly burn in the speaker cables? Or do they need a load on the other end to really burn in effectively?   What if I wired some binding posts to a couple of drivers that have the speaker leads cut?  I could see that being just like no load at all tho.... but I am not sure.

Is there any way to do it, quietly? I'd rather not put up with the ol "ball and chain" on this issue. I can just see it now.

I was also thiking about getting those PC burn in adapters from VenHaus, and stringing them all together and then plugging them into the frige or my box fan. But really, all of the cables need broken in

Any ideas would be cool.

I already know about facing two speakers together out of phase.  I can do it, I just would rather not if I can get around it.  Also, without spending any or very little money.

2 Channel Reference System:
Onix Strata RSL-1/Grande Loudspeakers (Pre-Paid) / Dodson 218 DAC / PS Audio GCC-250 Control Amplifier (250wpc @ 8 ohms, 500wpc @ 4 ohms) / Onix CD-1 CDP (transport) / PS Audio P-500 Power Regenerator / Full Setup of Onix "Statement" Cables (Power Cords, Interconnects, Speaker Cable, Digital Coax)


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #1 on: 9 Feb 2005, 03:50 pm »
Hook up the entire system including the speakers, take the most dynamic CDs you own and listen to them "full blast" for a whole week (allowing for bathroom breaks, sleep, eating etc. of course) and enjoy it.  This will cost you nothing except electricity costs.  Stereos have feelings too!  They are much like human musicians; they don't like playing to empty clubs they feel much better if someone is listening.  So while they could rehearse in the woodshed for a week making lots of noise they'd probably rather take center stage for the big gig with you holding the sweetspot ticket stub.


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #2 on: 9 Feb 2005, 05:59 pm »
I wonder if there is some sort of device you could concoct from Radio Shack. Like plug the speaker cables into speaker terminals/posts, and these speaker terminals are soldered to a wire that is soldered to a fat resister, or capacitor, or something that could "simulate" a load?

Or, I have 2 x 5 1/4" drivers from the 750's that I hade to take out because the voice coils are jacked up. What if I cut or ripped out the voice coils? Would that still be enough of a load? Hooking up a speaker that doesnt work?

Any EE's in da house?


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Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #3 on: 9 Feb 2005, 06:10 pm »
I don't think most EEs believe in cable burn in.  Take one set of cables/interconnects and burn them in.  Leave another set not burnt in.  Have someone randomly select one of the two sets and hook them into your system.  Listen.  Keep doing this for about 10 times.  At the end of the day, tally your results.  

Personally, as an EE, I'm unsure, but then I've never had two of the same cables/interconnects to test (or the time or desire to do so).


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Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #4 on: 9 Feb 2005, 06:31 pm »
I agree with Nathanm. Hook it all up, crank it full blast, I am sure you will hear a difference as they break in (your ears that is) they will be broken.

Just hook it all up and enjoy your system. If you notice a difference in two weeks or 2 months, then you should be happy. I'm sure they will be broken in.

Heck, I noticed my bulbs are brighter in my homes new addition a few weeks later.


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #5 on: 9 Feb 2005, 06:32 pm »
I've done the experiment with IC's and cannot hear the difference.  However, that's because my system isn't resolving enough.. snicker..

The things that I've heard actually change with time are capacitors and speakers.  

I've found new electronics sound strident/tight/cold for the first 50 hours and then the imaging, pace, and other stuff starts to fall into place over the next 50-150 hours.  I've experienced it over and over with DIY stuff and new manufactured hi-fi gear.  New speakers generally sound harsh at first then relax after a while but their character doesn't change.

Cables?  Never heard a difference.  Other have and I feel certain that something happened for them... it may have been cable burn-in... I don't know.... I suspect something else is changing/burning-in in many of the cases where cable burn-in was realized.

Anyway, you can do exactly what you described to perform this cable burn-in ritual... but there needs to be an 8ohm resistor joining the ends of the speaker leads.  What size, how much exactly, I don't know.  But I'm sure someone here does.



Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #6 on: 9 Feb 2005, 06:35 pm »
I'm not debating wether or not cable burn in works or not.  It's one of "those" issues... just like wether cables themselves make a difference or not.

What I am trying to figure out is how to present a "speaker like" 4 or 8 ohm load on the other end of the cable so that I can do this whole "break in" thing without having the wife whine and complain.  Doing it silently is the ideal way.

Dan Banquer

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Cable Burn In
« Reply #7 on: 9 Feb 2005, 06:42 pm »
You need to coat the cables in extra virgin kosher chicken fat and fry them until a they are a light brown. Then put them on a napkin or paper towel to remove the excess chicken fat. When they have cooled you can then put them back in your system.
If you do all of the above then please contact me as I have a bridge you maybe interested in purchasing.


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #8 on: 9 Feb 2005, 06:52 pm »

I believe it is possible to put a resistor across your speaker cables and do what you suggest.  I've never tried it myself, but here's a discussion thread of various people trying to "burn things in without 'hifi'":

You could also try to find someone with a Hagerman Frycleaner: or Audio Dharma cable cooker:

From my personal experience, I haven't found copper cable to take more than a couple of days at reasonable volume to burn-in, but silver ICs can take significant time.  And IMHO, speaker cables take the least amount of burn-in time...


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #9 on: 9 Feb 2005, 06:59 pm »
Thank you Phil.  THIS is the kind of post I needed.


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #10 on: 9 Feb 2005, 07:35 pm »

Running your amp without a load on it may very well do some damage to it.

If you wish to run a signal through the speaker cables to burn them in, they should be terminated in a load resistor. Something you can get at Radio Shack will not be big enough to disperse the heat. I use a pair of 8 ohm 250 watt load resistors for amp burn in. I usually measure the amp output at about 4-6 watts and that heats up the resistors quite a bit.

I do have both the Hagerman Fry-Kleaner Pro and the Audio Dharma Cable Cooker. If you would care to send the cables out to Colorado, I would be happy to burn them in on either of the two devices for a week for you, no charge.  Just report back here if you think you can hear any differences :D


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #11 on: 9 Feb 2005, 07:41 pm »
Wayne, that is an awesome offer.  Let me get back to you.  I may have to take you up on that.

I am going to see if I can find someone locally with a Darma Cable Cooker.

I have 4 power cords (I guess I would just hook those to a fridge tho), a 10' pair of speakr cables, a pair of interconnects, and 2 digital coax cables.

I am moving back to Colorado in June... but I dont think I want to wait that long. lol


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #12 on: 9 Feb 2005, 09:28 pm »
Quote from: budyog
Just hook it all up and enjoy your system. If you notice a difference in two weeks or 2 months, then you should be happy. I'm sure they will be broken in.
No, no you don't understand!  Listening to music should be a chore, a laborious process of slavishly performing arcane rituals in the hopes of affecting real or imagined changes in electronic minutia! Yesss!

ctviggen's suggestion was definitely the best;
Have someone randomly select one of the two sets and hook them into your system. Listen. Keep doing this for about 10 times. At the end of the day, tally your results.
I mean, who wouldn't wanna do that?  That sounds like a fun weekend project!  Same tune 10 times in a row!  NOW we're talking fun!  Do audiophiles know how to party or what!? Woooo!:rock:


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Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #13 on: 9 Feb 2005, 10:03 pm »
I think Marbles from the "sports bar" should be invited to every cable breakin ceremony and have a bourbon taste test at the same time. After a few shots and many cds, they will be broken in and sound "marvelous".

Remember: Do not burn them in too much, the might start a fire!

"Just listen" and you will hear what you want to hear! :beer:

Bob Wilcox

Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #14 on: 12 Feb 2005, 12:03 am »
What I am trying to figure out is how to present a "speaker like" 4 or 8 ohm load on the other end of the cable so that I can do this whole "break in" thing without having the wife whine and complain. Doing it silently is the ideal way.

I tried this method and do not recommend it. The resistors can get very hot - fire hazard hot - if you put enough volts into them. If you can get access to a cable burner, that would be ideal.

I purchased the FryKleaner Pro and it has benefited every cable I tried - even those in the system for many months. As someone mentioned, silver cables are difficult and may not burn in satisfactorily using other methods.



Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #15 on: 12 Feb 2005, 02:38 am »
FWIW, I've had great experience with a Mobie cable burner.  Unfortunately, it doesn't do speaker cables or power cords, but for ICs and digital ICs, it's been fantastic...


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #16 on: 12 Feb 2005, 03:11 am »
Thankfully I am getting all of my cables burnt in on a Dharma Cable Cooker.

Awesome!!  Just Awesome! :)


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #17 on: 12 Feb 2005, 03:15 am »
Quote from: budyog
I think Marbles from the "sports bar" should be invited to every cable breakin ceremony and have a bourbon taste test at the same time.

You are now my favorite AC member :-)  As long as the single barrel bourbon is am I  8)


Cable Burn in Question
« Reply #18 on: 13 Feb 2005, 01:13 am »
Personally speaking I have never concerned my self with trying to burn a cable in before listening. I have been more concerned with cryogenically
treating the cables to get the best out of them.  All of the cables I have been using recently start off good and get better over 4 or 5 weeks of use.  I have not had to suffer with something that is unlistenable when first put in the system and hopefully is good after break in.  YMMV however,  Scotty