My first purchase from Salk Sound

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My first purchase from Salk Sound
« on: 9 May 2019, 12:05 am »
After enjoying my EgglestonWorks and Sonus Faber Extrema for many years, I felt that life was too short to not try something else.  I wanted to get a modestly-sized tower speaker, and after much research I decided to go with Salk Sound.  Even then it wasn't an easy choice, but I really liked the design of the Veracity HT1-TL so I ultimately went that route (with black walnut, veneered bases, Cardas bi-wire posts, and front ports).  They haven't arrived yet, but Jim let me know that they just have shipped, and he sent me the attached pic.  They will arrive Monday, and I am really looking forward to hearing how they sound.  As has recently been discussed here, ordering sight-unseen (and "unheard") does require some kind of a leap of faith, but when you consider the quality of the parts, cabinets, and design that go into a Salk speaker, I felt the leap wasn't a big one.  So, for what it's worth, if you are in the position I was in several months ago, my experience as a first-time Salk purchaser has been extremely positive.

Too bad that Monday is still 5 days away.  Those FedEx Ground trucks don't drive quickly enough.   :)


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #1 on: 9 May 2019, 12:25 am »
Congrats on your beautiful new Salks! Enjoy them in the best of health and please share your impressions with us after you've had them running for a bit.


Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #2 on: 9 May 2019, 12:44 am »
Congrats! Those are beautiful loudspeakers  :thumb:


Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #3 on: 9 May 2019, 01:02 am »
Thanks!  If they sound as good as they look, all will be well.    8)


Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #4 on: 9 May 2019, 01:10 am »
Beautiful. Hope you enjoy them as much as i have my new Salks.   After a couple of weeks the sound is even more incredible than the initial impressions. 


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #5 on: 9 May 2019, 01:21 am »
Congratulations on your new speakers, hopefully you will get lucky like I did and FedEx will be a day early on your delivery.


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #6 on: 9 May 2019, 01:51 am »
Congrats on your new speakers. I went thru the same experience 12 yrs ago, & am still pleased that I made the leap. Enjoy.  8)


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #7 on: 9 May 2019, 02:22 am »
Walnut is so underrated..
And pictures never do it justice.
You're going to love it, I'm sure.



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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #8 on: 9 May 2019, 03:31 am »
I've had my Song 3s in walnut a while now. Very happy, completely satisfied. Just don't plan on sleeping the first night. Or two...


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #9 on: 10 May 2019, 02:57 pm »
Congrats! Please check back and give us an update (with photos!) after they arrive. Enjoy!!!


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #10 on: 10 May 2019, 04:22 pm »
Those are beautiful. I like the look of a simple 2-driver speaker. It shows off the cabinet work. And I love when you get huge beautiful sound out an understated package -- increases the magic. What led you to pick these over something like the Song3? I'm guessing you have some nice amplification for these. Enjoy!


Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #11 on: 10 May 2019, 07:36 pm »
Congrats!  I had a pair of HT-1 TL's quite a while ago.  I'm sure you'll love them!  I bought my first pair in walnut from Jim last year.  I seem to have gone with mainly cherry in the past but since I got them I've really warmed up to walnut.


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #12 on: 10 May 2019, 07:38 pm »
Those are beautiful. I hope you enjoy many hours of listening. I purchased a pair of SongBeat3s along with the SS7C Center around March 19. All in Walnut as well. Looking forward to delivery whenever that will be. I did a lot of research and finally decided to take the plunge and become part of the Salk owners family. Now I'm on the hunt for a new amp and sub so any suggestions are welcome. My current set up is a Pioneer SC-79 and a 7.1 system from RSL in my family room and old RSL CG6 towers in my living room that I've had for around 30 years. Definitely time for an upgrade.


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #13 on: 11 May 2019, 12:56 am »
Congrats!! The walnut looks classy :thumb:


Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #14 on: 11 May 2019, 03:55 pm »
Those are beautiful. I like the look of a simple 2-driver speaker. It shows off the cabinet work. And I love when you get huge beautiful sound out an understated package -- increases the magic. What led you to pick these over something like the Song3? I'm guessing you have some nice amplification for these. Enjoy!

:)  You partially answered the question: I too like the look of a 2-driver speaker, and I also love it when you get beautiful sound out an understated package.  And, 2-way systems seem to get me that beautiful sound most consistently. I'm willing to give up some max-SPL and extreme LF (these go down to 34Hz @ -3dB) capability in return for that purity.  You also give up some efficiency -- these are 84dB/1watt @ 1m, for example.  I wanted a full-range (34Hz qualifies, for me) 2-way with a Raal tweeter, so these fit the bill.

Thankfully, Monday is now only 2 days away.   :)


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #15 on: 17 May 2019, 11:49 am »
I too ordered my first Salk SC songtowers unheard in walnut and couldn't be happier! They sound and look amazing. I've had them almost a year now.


Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #16 on: 12 Jun 2019, 10:39 am »
These are beautiful, how do you like them?  Congrats.


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #17 on: 15 Jun 2019, 12:04 pm »
Earlier this week, I received an email from Jim that my BeATs were going to be ready for pick-up. Since I live about 15 miles from his shop, I asked if I could just come and pick them up. Jim graciously agreed so I took the day off of work and planned the trip.

Since it was my kids’ last day of school, my 13 year old son was available to come with me. We all know that a teen son would rather do almost anything on his last day of junior high than go with his old man to pick up some speakers. In this case, I felt it would be beneficial for him to accompany me on my trip to Pontiac. You see, he just finished his wood shop class where he gained an appreciation for working with his hands. While I feel that a solid academic education is critical, I think learning to create with your own hands using a medium (wood in his case) is beneficial to his educational experience. I dropped Jim an email that my son was coming and a small amount about the recent completion of his wood shop class.

Upon arriving, Jim’s wife commented to my son about his class. Then Jim greeted us and gave myself and my son a complete tour of the shop, all the while imparting many years of business and real-life wisdom on me and my son. He didn’t have to do this; but that’s the kind of guy he is. After a solid hour tour and discussion, it was time to load up the car. Jim, his wife and one of this employees, all met us at the loading dock where Jim himself helped load the crated speakers into my car!

When I got home and was setting up my new speakers, I was telling my wife about my trip to Salk. I told her that even more than the speakers, which I love, I am appreciative of the care that Jim and his team showed to my son and I. He didn’t have to spend a big part of his day with us, but he did. I know it’s an experience that neither my son nor I will ever forget. Jim even gave some sage sports advice to my son, who is a competitive soccer player from his many years as a competitive athlete himself.

Thanks again to Jim and his team for making my purchase such a memorable event. It’s something that will stay with me and more importantly, my son forever. He’ll always remember meeting Mr. Salk.


 think I can sum it up with one word: class.


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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #18 on: 16 Jun 2019, 02:45 am »
And a great story for Father's Day too!

R Swerdlow

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Re: My first purchase from Salk Sound
« Reply #19 on: 16 Jun 2019, 03:46 pm »
Upon arriving, Jim’s wife commented to my son about his class. Then Jim greeted us and gave myself and my son a complete tour of the shop, all the while imparting many years of business and real-life wisdom on me and my son. He didn’t have to do this; but that’s the kind of guy he is. After a solid hour tour and discussion, it was time to load up the car. Jim, his wife and one of this employees, all met us at the loading dock where Jim himself helped load the crated speakers into my car!

I am appreciative of the care that Jim and his team showed to my son and I. He didn’t have to spend a big part of his day with us, but he did.
You got that right :D!  That's the Jim & Mary Salk that we know and love.

Enjoy those new speakers, and Happy Father's Day.