Introducing the Danville Signal Processing dspNexus system at AXPONA2019

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The prototype of the Danville Signal Processing dspNexus system was debuted today at AXPONA 2019 running The Monoliths speaker system and the new HAL MS-5 Music Server.

This is their next generation DSP product for digital crossovers and much more.  Not sure if I told that to corndog71 when he stopped in for a listen.

This will either be an 8 channel or 16 channel DSP processor with upgradable DAC modules.  The entry level DAC will be the AKM AK4493 DAC with the high end DAC being the latest AKM AK4499 that they are working with samples of at this time.  For the debut it is running an AKM AK4495 like the dspMusikLCD.  The show system is a prototype 8 channel system.  The ADC is the AKM AK5397 like the dspMusikLCD.

The system will be available with DSP Concepts Audio Weaver version 7 software to program the DSP for use with an external PC.

The system will have analog, USB2Audio, S/PDIF and Bluetooth HD inputs with IR remote switching.  Volume, mute and function select will be by the remote as well as front panel control.  The USB2Audio input is XMOS and ASIO compatible for both Windows PC with a USB driver and native for MAC OS.

There is a phantom powered mic input with USB output on the front.  Next to it is the headphone amp jack for automatic selection of speaker or headphone use when the jack is inserted.  Volume control is the same for both styles of outputs.

There is an integrated Raspberry PI3 that is also connected via I2S Bus to the DSP with low jitter clocks supplied to the PI3.  This will be for future expansion to making measurements of speakers and rooms for crossover use and room correction.

The slated production is in June 2019 and I will update this as it gets closer.

Here are some pictures of the system in the prototype chassis:


Watching for updates.


Latest update from Danville Signal is September. 


September bump.  Any updates on the new digital XO ???


Last update was waiting on metal work. 

Hopefully soon.


  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 1083
    • Vista-Audio
Nice! In the pro audio circles, Danville DSPs stand among the best sounding ones.


The dspNexus prototype was excellent sounding with The Monoliths speaker system at the show.  This was with the original AK4495 DACs.  The AK4493 and new AK4499 are the next generation AKM DACs.  These should be a big step up knowing the last change.

Looking forward to testing it soon.


Latest update is that Audio Weaver 7.x software integration is nearing completion.  This will be the MS Windows based programming system for the dspNexus 2x8 or 2x16 systems.

Once the system flash memory is programmed, it will run with Windows and MAC OS USB2 Audio compliant output.  There is also work occurring to have Ethernet input as well for playback.


Late October/Early November bump.  Any updates on the new digital XO ???


Latest news is that they are close to finishing integration of the new LCD system and RPi4 for software. 

Availability is still TBD. 


Latest news is that the updated dspNexus motherboard and DAC boards have been built and new prototype in build to send for testing with The Magnetar speakers.

Hope to see this Jan 2020. 


Latest update from Danville Signal is the new dspNexus 2x8 prototype system for beta testing will be shipping in 2 weeks.

If the beta testing goes as expected, the productions dspNexus system will follow.


The dspNexus 2x8 prototype was shipped and will be here Wednesday for listening trials.