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« on: 22 Jan 2019, 06:42 pm »
  Convince me that streaming sounds better or is just better than using a servers library using SS drive or dedicated CD/SACD transport.  :popcorn:  :thumb:



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« Reply #1 on: 22 Jan 2019, 07:03 pm »
I can convince you that I am 71 years old and moving toward downsizing everything in my life. I am thoroughly enjoying a very simple system comprised of OPPO UDP 205 and a pair of JBL 705P speakers. I run Tidal through my old iMac with very satisfactory results. For me, with my goals, it is an ideal option.
Of course, I remain aware of the extreme likelihood that the streaming prices will rise and that advertising will creep in and eventually take over most of the page. Until then or until I die, this streaming thing seems quite fine.


« Reply #2 on: 22 Jan 2019, 07:09 pm »
Hard to admit in public (a little anyway!) but I am trending more and more towards convenience over ultimate sound quality.

That is not to say that I don't care about sound quality anymore - but it is to say that it is increasingly taking a back seat to ease of use.

I dismantled my DIY active setup with streaming and separate DAC and 2 amps, external Xover etc.

In its place I have put an older Sugden integrated, a set of Acoustic Energy Aegis Two speakers, and am using a Focal bluetooth connector to stream music from my iPhone.

It makes me happier than what I had before, and it super simple for anyone to use.

To answer your actual question, I find that using a dedicated netbook running Logitech Media Server, a Raspi type player, a dedicated DAC all sounds better with FLAC or HiRez streamed.

But then I have access "only" to my captive music, vs what Apple Music can offer at admittedly lower rez.

I'd say it is about 10-20% "worse" via Apple music vs the bigger more complex rig.

Charles Calkins

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« Reply #3 on: 22 Jan 2019, 08:57 pm »
  Convince me that streaming sounds better or is just better than using a servers library using SS drive or dedicated CD/SACD transport.  :popcorn:  :thumb:


         I have a Cambridge stream magic 6. It is very convenient  for me. I can listen to all my tunes I have on my PC.
         Over 500 internet stations available. It sounds pretty good not as good as an SACD or A good CD.
         I turn the thing on. Choose an internet radio station and it plays all day long. As I say very convenient.



« Reply #4 on: 22 Jan 2019, 09:50 pm »
I listen to a lot more music because I can stream tidal through my phone, and listen wherever I go.
These days, I stream to my earstudio es100 bluetooth adapter when I'm out and about.

And with Tidal, I have found a lot of new music/artists that I would not have found otherwise.  For a long time I thought Tidal was too expensive, but after using it for a while, I think its a worth it.  Don't buy CDs anymore, just stream on Tidal.  Since I don't own the CDs, I don't know if the CDs sound better lol.  Im fine with that because it still sounds good to me.



« Reply #5 on: 22 Jan 2019, 10:57 pm »
Streaming why?  For me anyway it has opened up the world of recorded music. I am discovering and enjoying music that otherwise I never would have known about much less purchased.  I still have and listen to many LPs and CDs, and a few SACDs.  I have been in this hobby for over 50 years so I have amassed rather sizable collection of physical media.  I still enjoy playing my records and I derive some satisfaction from owning this music.  But streaming offers convenience, sound quality and a vast library of music.  In my system there is no sacrifice in sound quality associated with streaming.  I use a Lumin T1 streamer/DAC and roon.  I currently subscribe to Tidal and Qobuz (Qobuz just went online in the USA today btw).  Roon integrates music from my local flac files and my subscription services.  All subscription files are at least CD quality with a significant number of hi-res and MQA selections.  The hi-res music on Qobuz in particular is really impressive sounding.  Music I stream is virtually indistinguishable from CDs of the same selections.  But I have to add that roon is the system/software that makes it all work so seamlessly.

I realize there are others who would rather own than rent their music and I understand that but for me, streaming is just another way to enjoy music.  I am glad I have all these options and am happy that I don't have chose one over the other.


« Reply #6 on: 23 Jan 2019, 01:16 am »
Since you are an industry participant, I cannot imagine you have not already settled on an opinion on this matter. Therefore you must be trying to instigate or incite. The “why” in your question is a just another way to spot this.


« Reply #7 on: 23 Jan 2019, 01:23 am »
  Convince me that streaming sounds better or is just better than using a servers library using SS drive or dedicated CD/SACD transport.  :popcorn:  :thumb:


Chuck, if you need convincing then you basically have 'no clue' .........


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« Reply #8 on: 23 Jan 2019, 06:07 am »
(this only matters if you can stream lossless, IMO, compressed music sucks and worth the hassle to buy and rip)
* Difficult part about streaming is that you will never know the source and how good of a copy it really is.  You still don't know that with a CD or downloaded file but at least it's easier to analyze and compare with other copies. 
* No artwork
* I don't know why folks don't do both, it's so much more enjoyable to load up a new song I don't personally own and give it a spin.   It's also much more convenient for others to listen to their music on my setup.
* I've already become more selective on what I buy and I'm sure long term I will stop buying CDs and Vinyl but I will miss the artwork.   
* I can see not having a NAS and all the costs associated to it (SSDs, HDDs, UPS, STDs) , I won't be asking my computer to be ripping CDs anymore taking away another usage model.   
* I've also been planning to box up a wall of CDs to stash in a closet and only keep recent and much loved CDs on hand.

I do hear differences from the CD vs Tidal, but there's been no clear advantage of one over the other.  I don't know if bands release different cuts or if Tidal tweaks them for streaming.   

I know if I didn't have a good internet connection, I would have complete different viewpoint.

With movies, the blu-rays are still significantly visually better than streaming, but yet I only stream those now.   


« Reply #9 on: 23 Jan 2019, 10:48 am »
Another vote for streaming - to find and hear new music. How many 100's of times can you listen to the same songs over and over again? Also, great for background music.

I think the sound quality is secondary. You need to balance how much you want to spend to up the sound quality.


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« Reply #10 on: 23 Jan 2019, 10:54 am »
I split my listening between iTunes ripped CDs and Tidal.

To add to the discussion, I've heard modern MQA recordings via Tidal sound noticeable better than ripped CDs.  MQA was via ethernet and ripped CDs was via 10ft USB cable, both going thru PS Audio DirectStream Junior.  Without MQA Tidal sounds nearly identical to CD and convenience rules over any sound quality difference.

BTW have an mid-fi audio friend who has never owned a turntable, CD player, or used a computer to listen.  He's in his 30's and only uses Tidal.  He controls via a smartphone, uses ethernet to download to a Yamaha RX-A1060 A/V receiver (considered an upgrade from his BluSound Node 2 and Parasound Halo A23 power amp).  Welcome to the future.


« Reply #11 on: 23 Jan 2019, 12:31 pm »
For and as a few posters have noted,  convenience.  I also am getting older, as are my ears.    I stream to discover new music or to just play music.  I've been using Tidal for a while and just recently ( thanks to Qobuz beta) have been using them as well.  The wife really enjoys streaming vs say screwing around with my TT.  I stream using a Lumin and it couldn't be more simple and it sounds good to.  Like I noted I also have my LP and CD collection and a few rips and downloads, but streaming has been the main use in our home since Tidal and now Qobuz

nature boy

« Reply #12 on: 23 Jan 2019, 12:47 pm »
Convenience, musical discovery, sound quality (= CD quality), and less clutter (CD and vinyl collections take up space).

I still maintain a large CD and vinyl collection, but I'm adding to it less and less these days. However, my back up tube collection (tube amp and preamp) is growing. Go figure😁.



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« Reply #13 on: 23 Jan 2019, 09:53 pm »
I have a dedicated music server in my main system downstairs in the dedicated room. 

Upstairs in the "second" system, I have a Google Chromecast audio feeding an iFi iOne DAC feeding an Almarro A318B driving a pair of Klipsch Heresy IIIs shoved up against the wall.  I tell you what, the streaming system sounds better than it has any right too.  Even using Spotify 320kbps that has all my daughter's playlists (she's 12), it's very musically satisfying.  In the old days, streaming used to be a trade off, better convenience at the cost of enjoyable sound.  Not any more - now you can get really nice sound even with a modest system like mine (well, modest compared to the downstairs system, teehee).


« Reply #14 on: 24 Jan 2019, 01:00 am »
  Convince me that streaming sounds better or is just better than using a servers library using SS drive or dedicated CD/SACD transport.  :popcorn:  :thumb:


Streaming can be cut off at any moment. Licenses come and go, titles come and go and these companies hemhorrage funding. Maybe for some people it sounds better. Then again some people thought mp3 sounded better than uncompressed.

Meanwhile CDs are dirt cheap. So I'm stocking up while I can before the inevitable CD revival/nostalgia arrives.


« Reply #15 on: 29 Jan 2019, 07:55 pm »
[Edit] ...

i misread the first entry of this thread.

Nope.  Cant convince you.  Sorry.   :icon_lol:


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« Reply #16 on: 31 Jan 2019, 07:32 pm »
Convenience is king

The majority of my listening is from my personal library on a NAS or from Spotify which I play in my main theater room through my Oppo Sonica DAC or anywhere else in the house through HEOS Speakers.

I also have a HEOS Amp in my Home Office driving a pair of Mini Towers that were otherwise collecting dust making up a pretty decent budget friendly two channel system that I listen to most of the day while working from home.


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« Reply #17 on: 31 Jan 2019, 07:38 pm »
Streaming can be cut off at any moment. Licenses come and go, titles come and go and these companies hemhorrage funding. Maybe for some people it sounds better. Then again some people thought mp3 sounded better than uncompressed.

Meanwhile CDs are dirt cheap. So I'm stocking up while I can before the inevitable CD revival/nostalgia arrives.

That's true.  I still have local copies of my core, "desert island" music.  But a lot of other music I hear via streaming that is just not worth the time/effort to obtain the physical version.  So streaming that type of music is fine.  If it disappears tomorrow I don't really care.  On the other hand, my copy of the SACD set of George Szell conducting the Beethoven Symphonies will never leave my hands.  Along with a ton of other really great recordings (like Kleiber's recording, Michelangeli's recordings, the Kronos Quartet recordings, etc...).  But, more recent releases, if they disappear at some point, meh.  I'm glad I got to hear them, but no great loss. 


« Reply #18 on: 31 Jan 2019, 09:02 pm »
When I started to upgrade my system two years ago I decided to get best I could afford, and built my system around streaming . I use android shield for Hi-rez streaming both Qobuz & Tidal , I don't like Sportify. Vast library of music is available through those two streaming services and satisfies my needs , my system goes like this Android Sheild > OPPO 205 >( connected via wireworld 75 OHM Coax) to PS audio Directsream > Don Sachs' Pre-amp( Tube ) > Quiicksilver 60 watt Mono( tube amps made for horn speakers ) ( silver European cables  )> Daedalus Poseidon Speakers , the imaging & the Sound quality of Hi-rez music is absolutely Nirvana to me
Don't' think I am downsizing my music listening experience in this life time , when I am dead and gone what difference does it make wither sun rises or sun sets
at least i would have enjoyed things in my life time Cheers ! :thumb:


Jon L

« Reply #19 on: 31 Jan 2019, 09:30 pm »
Personally for me, listening to music MUST be the main event, not background or casual.  I sit down in my listening chair with the sole purpose of listening to music, nothing else: no surfing the net, fiddling with smartphone, etc.  If it's music I don't care much about, I do not want to own it or waste time and money streaming it.  If it's music I care about, I want to own it.    :dunno: