Caintuck Audio the "Betsy"break in

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Caintuck Audio the "Betsy"break in
« on: 29 Nov 2018, 05:48 pm »
 I recently picked up a pair of Caintuck Audio's the Betsy on the used market. These speakers had between 30-40 hrs on them. I'm wondering what the break in period for these is. I did a search,and nothing came up. Any info you have would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Caintuck Audio the "Betsy"break in
« Reply #1 on: 30 Nov 2018, 10:46 pm »

nature boy

Re: Caintuck Audio the "Betsy"break in
« Reply #2 on: 30 Nov 2018, 11:04 pm »
Try Randy's "Betsy Section" on the Decware forum. He's the one who builds them.



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Re: Caintuck Audio the "Betsy"break in
« Reply #3 on: 1 Dec 2018, 11:48 am »
I saw Randy suggest that break in might be up to 100hrs.


Re: Caintuck Audio the "Betsy"break in
« Reply #4 on: 1 Dec 2018, 02:07 pm »
Many speakers takes 100-200 hours to break-in. Omegas are recommended up to 400 hours. Just play and play them. They probably sound good now, but break-in will open them up more.


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Re: Caintuck Audio the "Betsy"break in
« Reply #5 on: 1 Dec 2018, 04:21 pm »
It isn't just break in.  Open baffle speakers change dramatically when moved around in a room (maybe more than regular box speakers).  Some open baffle speakers seem to do better when they are 3, 4 or 5 feet from the front wall rather than just 2 feet so it's worth playing around.  The distance to the side walls also changes things.  You really have to play with them to get them dialed in.

If the original owner only had 30 or 40 hours on them they probably aren't broken in and probably never really found their optimal position.  Get some hours on them and move them around then tell us what you've discovered.


Re: Caintuck Audio the "Betsy"break in
« Reply #6 on: 1 Dec 2018, 08:19 pm »
    Thanks for the responses. I probably have another 30 or so hours on them. They definitely sound better than when I first received them. I have them set about 39” from the front wall.  The holographic sound is wonderful! I’ll post back once I get some more hours on them. Thanks again!!