Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES

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Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #20 on: 23 Oct 2018, 02:18 am »
As for JakeJ's question asking, "which products are recommended with solid state gear and which with vacuum tube?"...

Since I attempt is to keep our cables as neutral as possible, none of them are voiced out to suit one or the other.  I personally use tube and SS preamps and tube and SS amplifiers in my systems, and I have never found a tendency of tube or SS preference for any of our Speaker Wires, IC's, or Power Cords.

To me it is mostly a matter of increasing resolution. If you like a polite sound, a lower level (less resolving) model will do. But if the goal is as much resolution as possible, walk up to the highest level that still fits within your systems budget.

Getting late here...


: )



Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #21 on: 23 Oct 2018, 09:13 am »

I do not own your cables BUT have read about them for some time. I have seen them advertised on Audiogon..interesting concept on the how's and whys in developing your cables.
I have B&W803d2 speakers and recently contacted B&Wof NORTH AMERICA to get their opinion on what kind cables I should be using for the betterment of the speaker and they replied 12guage oxygen free. My cables are 12' in length. The speakers are dual purpose, mostly for 2channel (TUBES) but I also with the use of a speaker switch incorporate them into my HT.
In my situation I feel changing my cables would b/c of the switches defeat the purpose of trying to improve anything in regards to speaker cables.
I have been contemplating eliminating the switch boxes...change cables when necessary...HT/2channel
Still undecided.
Have to look at your website...again
Cables Nakamichi 12guage copper.


Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #22 on: 23 Oct 2018, 09:13 am »

I do not own your cables BUT have read about them for some time. I have seen them advertised on Audiogon..interesting concept on the how's and whys in developing your cables.
I have B&W803d2 speakers and recently contacted B&Wof NORTH AMERICA to get their opinion on what kind cables I should be using for the betterment of the speaker and they replied 12guage oxygen free. My cables are 12' in length. The speakers are dual purpose, mostly for 2channel (TUBES) but I also with the use of a speaker switch incorporate them into my HT.
In my situation I feel changing my cables would b/c of the switches defeat the purpose of trying to improve anything in regards to speaker cables.
I have been contemplating eliminating the switch boxes...change cables when necessary...HT/2channel
Still undecided.
Have to look at your website...again
Cables Nakamichi 12guage copper.

Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #23 on: 24 Oct 2018, 02:53 am »

Thanks for your interest, and nice speakers.

My experience has consistently shown me that everything matters. Even if the switches *are* the weakest link, it does not mean you will not have sonic benefits with better sounding speaker cables. I feel that you will still easily hear the difference between a set of plastic jacketed #12 gauge stranded copper wire cables and even our least expensive Level 2.1 (#12 gauge solid copper) ANTICABLES Speaker Wires that cost only $8/ft per speaker.

You can see them here:!/IMPROVED-Level-2-1-Performance-Series-Speaker-Wires/p/14618506/category=3449817

Getting rid of the switch would be sonically good to do, so still keep that as a goal to work towards, but don't let that hold you back from making other improvements in your system if you choose to do so.

Hope that helps.


: )


Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #24 on: 30 Jan 2019, 03:05 pm »
My apologies for disappearing for quite a while. Happy to be back and looking forward to making regular posts again.

At the time of my last posting, Judy and I had made the decision to down size. With our son well established in a pace of his own, and with the passing of Judy's father (who had been living with us towards his end-of-life), our house was too big for just the two of us.

When Judy and I commit to a project, we hit it hard. Since my last posting, we found a new place, negotiated an offer on it, staged and sold our big house, moved into our new place, and have been busy painting walls, changing light fixtures and settling in. It was just last weekend that Chuck and I got my audio system 90% up and running (which was a major milestone for me), so now I feel good enough about things that I fee I can pick up some "dropped balls", such as Audio Circle.

Even though I am working the ITEXPO trade show in Ft Lauderdale all week for my "day job", there is still plenty of down time to be able to chime in here, so feel free to pitch out any cable questions, and I'll do my best to answer them.


: )


Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES (AXPONA Fun)
« Reply #25 on: 16 Apr 2019, 02:49 pm »
Judy and I drove through a snowstorm getting to AXPONA on Wednesday and a second snowstorm leaving AXPONA on Sunday, which was not fun, but we had fun while we were there. The next few days I'll post here a few of the interesting things that I experienced while at AXPONA.

I'll start today with the Slovenia company named Mag-Lev Audio who were demoing their levitating turntable.

Here I am with my hand under the spinning platter while it is playing an LP.

After everybody got over the fact that the platter was spinning while hovering in free air, two questions were asked...  How does it sound and how much does it cost. They said it is priced at USD$3,500 and it sounded quite good with the headphones they provided, running on hidden electronics.

I'll post more AXPONA fun soon.


: )


Spatial Audio

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #26 on: 16 Apr 2019, 03:27 pm »
Hey Guys,

We just arrived back from Axpona and I think it was a really enjoyable show. I wanted to mention that we used Paul's AntiCable products in both Spatial rooms for the introduction of the Spatial X3 dipole speaker. Once the systems starting breaking in on Friday - we were starting to get great sound. By Saturday afternoon, both system were sounding very natural and dynamic. I attribute a good deal of the performance to Paul's cables and am thankful for his interest in building up the cable looms we needed for the 2 rooms. It's great to work with a designer with such a keen ear who also understands the science and engineering of cable design.

Clayton Shaw
Spatial Audio Lab

Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #27 on: 26 Oct 2019, 04:46 pm »
Thanks Clayton.

Looking forward to teaming up again next weekend at Capital AudioFest and hearing the new M3 Sapphire speakers !

: )

Paul Speltz

Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #28 on: 30 Oct 2019, 06:22 pm »
Being that I have not yet been granted my own Industry Circle, I am not exactly sure the best way to post this announcement, so hopefully this is an OK place to do so. Please let me know if there would have been a better place.


Tomorrow morning I'm flying to Washington DC where AntiCables will be teamed up in 4 room with these 8 show partners:

Room #410 with Caprice Audio, Alta Audio, KR Audio

Room #508 with McGary Audio, Salk Sound, Exogal

Room #526 with Linear Tube Audio, Spatial

…and at the LTA Headphone Lounge with Linear Tube Audio

I will be bouncing around between the four locations, so I apologize if I miss you. If you want to chat, I'm the guy on the right (other guy is Clayton Shaw). Just look for me, and if I'm not around, ask one of the guys in the room to call me, and I'll pop up to the room you are in.

See you there!

Paul Speltz

Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #29 on: 2 Nov 2019, 01:53 pm »
Thursday when I was setting up my 4 demo locations (see previous post), at Capital Audio Fest, I bumped into Eric Alexander of Tekton Design. I had enough "spare" show cables on hand so we instantly decided to team up in his room. We talked about doing this for a couple of years now, but were never able to make it happen, so it was great running into him as he was just starting to set up.

The reason we both though it makes sense showing together, is we both have an unusual approach to our product offerings, and we both offer products that perform well beyond their asking price. Eric brought his new "Moab" speaker in red. Even though his speakers have the ability to play at very loud volumes (like horns), to me, these speakers sound even better played at low and moderate levels where are hearing is more "linear". What Eric has been able to achieve with his designs, is the immediacy of a horn in the very important midrange, without using a horn so no horn colorations. When I mentioned this to Eric he said,"exactly", with a thanks for nailing it on the head expression.

Electronics in the room were supplied by Mike of McGary Audio and Jeff of Exogal.

Capital AudioFest 2019:  Eric of Tekton Design, Paul of AntiCables, Jeff of Exogal.

If you are at the show, stop by at say hello.


Paul Speltz


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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #30 on: 2 Nov 2019, 03:19 pm »
Paul, perhaps you could tell us what cables they are using, the cheaper stuff or the more exotic.
I am also a fan of the Schroeder Method, and am surprised more aren't trying it out. Thanks!

Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #31 on: 3 Nov 2019, 02:12 am »

Thanks for asking.

Since we had no plans to work together (I didn't even know Eric was coming to CAF), all that I had to work with were the extra cables that I brought along for "just in case". I didn't have a proper digital cable, so Jeff from Exogal ran out and bought a Toslink. We used our Level 6.2 RCA ICs, which I think were perfect.

Between the amp and speakers, all I had left were a pair of my Level 6 Speaker Wires with Bananas (which were overkill by price, but justifiable by how good the components and speakers performed).  And everything was powered with the usual Level 3 Power cords (our top selling product).

Since the room had both the Exogal Power DAC, and the McGary tube amp, we switched from one to the other on the hour.

CAF was not super crowded, but this was one of the rooms that were often loaded with show goers when I popped in to hang out a bit.

At the after hours party (which I just returned from), I chatted with Kemper Holt of AV Showrooms and Enjoy the Music. Kemper asked how it was I ended up teaming up with Eric. He mentioned that he was part of how Tekton Design, Exogal, and McGary all ended up collaborating this weekend, but knew nothing of AntiCables being with them, so I let Kemper know it was unplanned and spontaneous.  Kemper mentioned having a pair of the Tekton Moab speakers...
  ...ah, so that is why he is so much in the know.

: )

Paul Speltz


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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #32 on: 3 Nov 2019, 02:19 pm »
Sounds like networking is an important part of the biz, NOT associated with cable boxes. Sounds like you had a great time!


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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #33 on: 3 Nov 2019, 02:22 pm »
Sorry, Paul, would like to ask a follow up question. Seems like graphene is going to revolutionize--everything. Any thoughts about its applications in the cable/audio world in the not too near future, thanks!

Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #34 on: 8 Nov 2019, 09:37 pm »

Sorry for the delay. Gosh what a busy week. It usually takes a full week to catch up after working an audio show, so sorry for the delay.

I have heard and read very little about Graphene, so you might actually be up on it more than myself. You mentioned it going to be the next cable revolution. If you have any links you can point out, I'd love to go there and learn more.


Paul Speltz

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #35 on: 8 Nov 2019, 10:42 pm »
Paul, do you have a pair of the Spatial Sapphires that I can audition?

Larry from Woodbury


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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #36 on: 9 Nov 2019, 02:54 pm »
Hi Paul, as you know I have been using your stuff for years.  Welcome to AC.  Getting ready to place an order for your Level-4-1-XLR-Interconnects.  You offer burn in as well as cryo.  Do you feel there truly is a value to do this?
Kind regards,


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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #37 on: 9 Nov 2019, 03:20 pm »
Hi Paul,
found this link on the internet, the bottom line seems to be that although many audio manufacturers "use" graphene, it may be more hype than not, as the technology isn't quite there yet and there is a race (worth billions) to successfully make sheets, etc.
This article is fairly new, and is applied to speaker production, but I would think the (successful) application for cables would be revolutionary, as well.
On the smaller scale, I have been using a (supposed) graphene based liquid by Furutech (nano liquid) that you apply to rca and other connections and it does work. Recommended by (tweak master) Ric Schultz. I personally have no scientific background, so all I can do is refer, but interesting for the audio community.
Hell, I don't even know if I can insert a link:

Paul Speltz

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Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #38 on: 9 Nov 2019, 04:46 pm » you have a pair of the Spatial Sapphires that I can audition?


Are you the gentleman that borrowed my original pair of M3 Turbo Master speakers for a week, if so, I should let you know, those were an early prototype pair that were nicely improved afterwords.

Talking to Clayton a couple of days ago, it sounds like my pair of M3 Sapphire speakers will ship later next week, so I am thinking they will arrive the week of Nov 18th.  I'll let everyone know here, and on Spatial Audio's "M5 Sapphire - All new M design introduction" thread, that mine have arrived, and that anyone is welcome to set up a time to hear them.

In the meantime, I am running a pair for M3 Triode Master speakers, which audiophiles are still coming to hear fairly regularly.  Since I now know that my M3 Sapphire speakers are being delivered soon I'll probably now be willing to sell the M3 Triode Master speakers at a nice price.

Give me a ring whenever you're ready to stop in, either now or after the Sapphire's arrive.  Cell: 651-341-1780


Paul Speltz

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Introduction from Paul Speltz of ANTICABLES
« Reply #39 on: 10 Nov 2019, 01:28 am »
Paul, I am the same guy.  I am looking forward to  hearing the new Spatials.  I will give you a call in a week or two and we can set up a time for me to come over and give them a listen.  I ended up buying a pair of PSB T3's but ended up selling them because they did not sound as good as my Magnepan 1.6's which I still own.
