SOLD: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands

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SOLD: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« on: 5 Oct 2018, 07:09 pm »
I want to thank the AudioCircle members who were willing to join the queue waiting for David to audition the Harbeths.  I think all of you are already owners of British speakers(...including a couple Harbeth owners.)  Your patience and politeness  were much appreciated.  Since my first contact with David a snow storm, family matters, and holiday obligations led to the delay in finalizing this sale.

I know David will be happy with the 30.1s and I hope he posts a little review to help the uninitiated understand their charms.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ __

This is a beautiful  pair of Harbeth 30.1 speakers with cherry veneer.  About 30 months ago I contacted a Pathos dealer to find a good match for my Harbeth C7s. He persuaded me to upgrade my speakers rather than my amp.  To paraphrase his sales pitch...the 30.1 would be better in every aspect, but for the bit of bottom-end that I probably wouldn't even miss.  He was right!!

I have listened to these speakers powered by tubes and SS.  They are great with either if you give them enough power.  My First Watt F6 puts out about 35 watts  for the 6 ohm load.  That amp has never been stressed.  On the other hand my Almarro A318B, rated at 18 watts could generate the most glorious midrange, (especially vocals) but I felt the pairing was less dynamic.  In fairness to the Almarro I have to concede I trimmed the bias (and output) a bit to save on air-conditioning costs...and the F6 is a great Nelson Pas creation.

Harbeth rates 30.1 frequency response as 50Hz - 20kHz +/-3dB, and efficiency as 85dB/1W/1m and  recommends an amp with  minimum of 25 watt. Many members of the Harbeth Users Group are happy with 10-12 watts from tube amps.  With the right music in the right space that is probably more than adequate.

The Skylan SKY-4P24 stands were designed specifically for the 30.1.  Alan Shaw, the speakers' designer, gave Skylan  his stamp of approval.  They retail at $560.  I use Herbie's Square Fat Dots to further isolate the speakers as they sit in the spiked stands.  The eight Squares will be included.  (Another $66)  The speakers with Cherry cabinets retail for $5490. 

I am asking for $3400  I will cover Paypal fees and shipping to lower 48 states.  Speakers will be shipped in original double-boxes.  Skylan stands will be disassembled and shipped in their original box.  If you want to pick-up here I can offer a small discount.  If you want to meet within 50 miles of Rochester that can be arranged.

« Last Edit: 26 Nov 2018, 05:05 pm by tjhendry »


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Re: FS: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #1 on: 6 Oct 2018, 01:49 am »
I’ve had the pleasure of hearing these speakers at Tom’s house a couple of times. They truly look and sound magnificent and have been lovingly cared for. They do everything that the many positive reviews say they do including throwing a sound stage that will raise the hair on the back of your neck. This is a great deal for some lucky audiophile. Buy with confidence!



Re: FS: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #2 on: 7 Oct 2018, 05:49 pm »
"Lester's" comments about my speakers were unsolicited...but much appreciated.  He has been a well-known and respected contributor on this site for quite a while and he speaks the truth.  ("Lester" would never prevaricate, even for a nip if Islay whisky!)   

When writing my listing post I didn't want to be overly effusive.  The Harbeth 30.1 Domestic Monitor has been reviewed so often I assume a lot of people in the Audio Circle are familiar with them and with the accolades. 

"Golden Ear Award 2013" ‐ The Absolute Sound
"Outstanding Overall Performance" ‐ Super AV Awards 2014, Hong Kong
"Recommended Component 2013" ‐ Stereophile
"Best Product 2012" ‐ High Fidelity, Poland
"Editor's Choice" ‐ hifi & records magazine, Germany
"Best Hi-Fi Component" ‐ Audio Accessory, Japan
"Highly Recommended" ‐ AudioTechnique, Hong Kong
and more...

Paul Seydor in Absolute Sound declared the 30.1s to be  "the best compact two-way speaker system I have ever heard, regardless of design type, cost, or complexity.... The Monitor 30.1 is a constant joy and pleasure to listen to, consummately natural, unbelievably beautiful."

Stereophile's Sam Tellig found them to be  "resolving and ravishing... Timbres so true, and resolution, too. Whatever amp I used, the tonality was superb. Never, ever, fatiguing."

A very thoroughly detailed Polish review reprinted in  6moons audio concluded with this endorsement: "This is a beautiful speaker with beautiful engineering and a beautiful sound – a true classic."

Many of you already knew that about the Harbeth 30.1s.  I probably should have emphasized their merits in the original listing.  Instead I wanted to forewarn anyone who thought  their beloved flea-powered SET  amps might be a great match.  That combo has been debated within the  Harbeth Users Group.  Several people swear by the Audio Note OTO SE.  I love the EL84 and the Manley Stingray, an amp I used for years, would be a much better match for any speaker rated at 85dB efficiency.  I trust Alan Shaw when he says these speakers deserve at least 25 watts to really show off their virtues. 

One of the greatest virtues of this speaker is that it will never bring listener fatigue.  Even a "Lester"  marathon, be it Bach or Berne,  can be enjoyed  for hour after hour after hour. 

Originally, I didn't provide closeup pictures because they are usually used to show flaws.  Honestly, there are none.   Someone asked to see more pictures so they have been added and cane be seen below,


« Last Edit: 18 Oct 2018, 02:36 pm by tjhendry »


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Re: FS: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #3 on: 15 Oct 2018, 06:20 am »
What's on that RACK JACK ? to know the source signals !


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Re: FS: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #4 on: 15 Oct 2018, 07:25 pm »
I understand that additional photos would not show defects (that do not exist), but would like to see 1 or 2 more photos that better illustrate the wood veneer quality.   Is it Cherry?


Re: FS: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #5 on: 15 Oct 2018, 07:49 pm »
Hi, vkohl.

Enquiring mind wants to know what's on the rack...
Glad to tell you.

Top to bottom:

VPI Scout JR. w/ Audio Technica AT33EV
Rothwell MC1 step-up transformer
E-Sound CD E5 Signature Edition  w/ASI-tek "Statement" Mods
Audio by Van Alstine Fet Valve CF RB preamp w/ Vision Q phono section 
First Watt F6
Blue Circle Music Ring balanced power line conditioner and distribution center

Synergistic Research, Silnote Audio, and WyWires power cables
Audio Sensibility OCC Statement Silver interconnects
Townshend Isolda speaker cables

Hi, jreale.

Re. Speakers themselves:  They are Cherry... unblemished and I will get some pictures posted tonight.


Re: FS: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #6 on: 15 Oct 2018, 08:55 pm »
Not the best pics but should be adequate.  Fading light on a gray day so color is not quite right, but details are good. If you want more send PM.  I'm heading out to see and hear Sun Ra Arkestra soon so these will have to do for now.

PS Speakers have been in smoke-free, pet-free, child-free listening room.


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Re: FS: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands.... new pics added below
« Reply #7 on: 17 Oct 2018, 06:38 am »
thank you ! : that's a sweet system !


Might be nice to let people see the drivers...



Thanks for advice, but the grill covers are not coming off.  Maybe that sounds less than "nice", but I will explain why I am not going to "show the drivers".

The Harbeths are voiced to sound best with the covers on.  I previously owned Harbeth C7 ES3 speakers.  I listened to them with and without covers and agreed that they sounded slightly better with covers on.

Taking the covers off the C7s was delicate, but not difficult.  Taking the covers off the 30.1s is near-imposssible!  The speakers sound great.  If my car sounded great I wouldn't feel a need to remove the valve cover.

If you google "removing grill covers from Harbeth 30.1" you will find some interesting results.

A great review on an Australian site concludes with the mention of two cons: the stands used for the review, and the fact that he could not remove a cover. 

Read the full review bearing in mind that the stand he used was designed for Harbeth (or Spendor or Rogers) speakers that have  BBC-style cabinets with thin wall requiring open space beneath them.  My Spendor BC3s and the Harbeth C7 need that, but the 30.1's  high-density fiber-board  cabinet breaks that tradition and is best served by a stand such as the Skylan.
When the reviewer couldn't remove one of the covers he decided to not risk damaging the finish he loved on speakers he praised (even though they didn't have Skylan stands.)

I had never tried to remove a cover until recently receiving your helpful suggestion.  My fingers were not up to the task and having heard no "sound" reason to proceed further chose not to.  Some anecdotal records of other 30.1 owners' experiences with grill covers can be found on these links.
 (Spoiler alert - the preferred method involves strong Neodymium magnets.)

If anyone is interested in a pic of drivers, one can be found on the following.

« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2018, 06:20 pm by tjhendry »


Sorry if my pics caused any confusion.
The earlier M30 has biwire terminals.  Designer Alan Shaw thought the 30.1s would be better without them.
That is a difference more easily spotted than the miniscule '.1" on the label.

I don't know why my pic uploaded sideways.
But the tiny ".1" is clearly there.

« Last Edit: 5 Nov 2018, 03:28 am by tjhendry »


Are these still available? Why are you selling them? Are they set up to listen to?


Hi, David.

The Harbeths are still available.
There have been nibbles and tire-kicking but no sale.
I will send you a PM with answers to your other questions.

Thanks for your  interest.



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Rochester, New York


Re: SOLD: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #16 on: 27 Nov 2018, 10:05 pm »
A wonderful visit, listening experience and purchase from Tom. Thank you Tom.
After a rainy trip home I've had further delays myself with a scheduled doctor's appt with my Father and an unexpected trip to the emergency room as my Wife hit her head. All good.
Just set up the M30.1s on the same stands where rested the Celestion SL600s for 35 years. They are having an audition for sound and, being larger, acceptable appearance in the dining room/listening room. 
Looking forward to the adventure and will get back with an update of my initial impressions.



Re: SOLD: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #17 on: 29 Nov 2018, 12:43 am »
An updated photograph will follow. My listening chair as shown in the first photograph is a restored chair from a hotel restaurant in France that with my height has my ear at only 38". As specified by Mr. Shaw the tweeter should be sited at the ear level so I've placed the speakers on the Celestion stands for now that are lower than the standard stands and better line up my ears with the tweeters. Instructions with the speakers indicate that 'well stocked bookcases can greatly improve the low frequencies.' And ' Prepare yourself to hear unexpected details in even your most cherished recordings that you previously did not realize were there.' All recommendations were spot on. As good as the Celestions were, the layering of the soundstage is quite beautiful and natural without any artifice. All sorts of details are revealing themselves without being spotlighted by elevated treble . Horns have nice bite. The left hand of piano recordings is provided much more body and warmth without any one note quality to the bass. The upper end is crisp but tuneful. Voice has warmth and body and despite a certainly extended high end compared to the ancient Celestions there is never any shrill or edge. Very much pleased and highly recommended. Thanks again Tom.


Re: SOLD: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #18 on: 29 Nov 2018, 07:53 pm »
Hi, David.

It didn't take long for you to grasp the essence of the 30.1...all sorts of details reveal themselves. 

They are not exciting speakers, but you can find other stirring emotions as you listen to the music they deliver.  And that is what I hope you will do for  many hours over many years.  It was a pleasure to share some time with you.  Thank you for your kind words. .




Re: SOLD: Harbeth 30.1 and Skylan stands
« Reply #19 on: 1 Dec 2018, 09:13 pm »
The Harbeths have found a home. At least until spring makes my garage more hospitable.