Willie’s 1938 Wurlitzer amps in south county Saturday October 27th 12 to 6

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We would freak out until we found Montavani's belly dancer album, and then all would be good. 8)


I can make it. Let me know what I can bring.


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Joe, anything from the list on the first page not already taken is great. Looking forward to seeing you!


Looking forward to seeing you and everyone.
I'll bring some nuts.


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The basement is ready for some audio action.

Tomorrow the LaCleach horn will be replaced with Willie’s Wurlitzers. Say that fast three times!


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If anyone gets lost, my cell
« Last Edit: 31 Oct 2018, 12:51 pm by daves »


I’m thinking I’ll probably get there at around 2.

I’ll bring some 2015 & 2016 Schlafly Pumpkin Ale. If you like Schlafly Pumpkin but have never had it with a couple years on it, you’re in for a treat!


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Sounds great, Kevin!


Wish I could have made it. An all-nighter (for work, no less!) killed that, sadly. Heop you guys had a great time!

Most importantly, though, how did it sound?


Dave and Family
   I want to thank you so much for hosting that event, what a great chance to show one of my projects and revisit old
 friends and make new ones.
  Needless to say I had a great time, and most importantly. What was the name of that 10 year old Belgian "Monk" made
 Beer again?? I've got to get some more of that stuff.



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It was a day of very good music, gear, and like minded friends ready to enjoy some of Willie's newest amplifier adventures. People ventured upstairs to hear the 1961 Citation II amplifier with the modern Ming Da kitchen sink preamp with the IMF Reference 80 MKII speakers, which were qute nice. As an unexpected bonus, they also got to witness Colleen ace her driver's exam, expertly piloting her minivan through the slalaam course to its parking spot nearest the garage.

Downstairs in the mancave, the primo circa 1990 system with the Thiel CS3.6s, Threshold S300MKII, and FET One MKII handled everything with ease. There was minimal hash and high end tizziness sometimes associated with the Thiels, as a fair share of the sand amps can tip them into a more aggressive and etched presentation. Perhaps the extensive use of gear, cds, and warm bodies help mitigate the worst of the Thiels' sins.

In the kitchen Willie again provided proof that he is the master of the arcane art of vintage tube ministry. His push pull Wurlitzer 45s were superb, like a fine pair of ageless Scotch reserves, flavored and bruised gently by the sun dappled autumn days of decades past, steeped in all knowledge of how to see into the music we love. They unfolded Miles Davis' "Miles Smiles," allowing the room for supple bass lines, intertwined horns, and sympathetic percussion to attack, captivate, and recede, again and again. Even at the humble kitchen table, we realized we were at the brink of being in a club in the later 1960s, seeing his bandmates smile and nod at one another over a winning run at the lead. Only a great fully realized amplifier can engender that - and Willie created the magic time machine we witnessed.

Quality loves quality, Willie, and the Trappistes Rochefort 10 is Beer Advisors top rated beer for almost the last decade. The 6, 8, and 10 are pegged at that label due to their specific gravity, and I would say the numbers would also dovetail with my preference. I love to have a 10 when I really want to sit down for a spell, contemplate, and listen fully to an album like John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" or Pharoah Sanders' "Karma." Single malts don't quite get me there, but the Rochefort certainly does! You need to go to Friar Tucks on Watson, down the hill by Grant. It is in a strip mall offset from the street just a bit, immediate past(west) of Grant's Trail stoplight.

Thanks again, everyone, for coming, and special thanks to Willie for his generosity this time with his Wurlitzers, and Don last time with his Nelson Pass homebrew. This willingness to share and come together is what makes GAS special.


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Willie explaining to Ken a few of the details.


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A view from the table.


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Left to right
Dave, Ken, Liam, Phil, Joe, Willie, Bo, Steve, Jim
We waited until Kent , Mike, and Mark left so we would have only the handsome dudes for the photo op
« Last Edit: 29 Oct 2018, 04:56 pm by daves »


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Sounds like a great time was had by all.  I am sorry I missed it but Honey-Do's intervened.  Oh Well !!


It was an excellent time as always. Thanks again Dave for hosting and thanks to Willie for bringing the rebuilt Wurlitzers!

I’ve only been there for a few iterations, but IMO both your main and kitchen systems sounded the best I’ve heard so far.

Floyds greatest hits on the Theils with the Threshold was absolutely awesome!


Willie, I got the chance to check out your Wurlitzer amps, and they are a wonder! Dave graciously spun some Stevie Wonder, which is glorious in any event, but your Wurlitzer amps made them sound divine!


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"Superstition" was a real treat with the push-pull 45s. They really make a difference in the added heft, although I think the interstage transformers also helped. A very clear bass line, plenty of pop and snap to the drums, and the horn lines throughout were very clear, cutting and punchy, without any bloat or overhang. I loved listening to the album with these amps!