i miss my tempest

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i miss my tempest
« on: 15 Jan 2005, 05:32 pm »
:cry: remote volume broke in shipping-haven't bothered to send it back till yesterday after setting a date with klaus a few weeks back.
hooked up yamaha my rxv1 to my odyssey amps -what a bummer-just not the same.
worst thing is bass is easy to locate now-before it was perfect.
also  bright  -no depth or stage to speak of.just flat sounding compared to the tempest.

one wierd thing is on my jack johnson cd-on and on- the first track he was always above the right speaker-with the yamaha he is in the center.
i've used 3 different players(dvd-cd) with the tempest all had him above the right speaker .

all other tracks he is he is in the center no matter if the tempest or yamy.
kinda strange huh-all conectiona are still analog so its not the dac in the rxv1