See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!

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Triode Pete

See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« on: 11 Apr 2018, 07:08 pm »
Getting ready to head to AXPONA early tomorrow morning! We will be in 3 rooms this year, Room 486 with fellow AC Sponsor Vinnie Rossi and Harbeth Loudspeakers; Room 610 with Hugh from Angel City Audio; and in Room 688 with Volti Audio and BorderPatrol Tube Audio Electronics.

Triode Wire Labs will have a few new Surprises on hand, the brand-new "Spirit II" interconnects and the "Freedom" Ethernet cable!

I hope to see many of you there! Come thirsty!!!  :beer:



Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #1 on: 11 Apr 2018, 08:14 pm »
Hey Pete

What's the pricing on the ethernet cables?

Tell us about the Spirit II vs the original.

Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #2 on: 12 Apr 2018, 12:56 pm »
Hey Pete

What's the pricing on the ethernet cables?

Tell us about the Spirit II vs the original.

Hi Emil,
Pricing on the “Freedom” Ethernet cable hasn’t been finalized yet but should be inline with the “Spirit 75” and “Spirit 110” Cables...

The “Spirit II” analogue cables have a superior dielectric and an outer organic cotton exterior sleeving, which leads to an audible improvement in transparency and presence... very natural sounding!

I should have these on display in Rooms 486 and 688 at AXPONA.


Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #3 on: 14 Apr 2018, 04:28 pm »
Some early feedback from Stereophile’s Jason Victor Serinus...
“For a very different sound, one had only to venture around the corner to the room shared by the Vinnie Rossi LIO preamplifier ($12,500 as configured) and pre-production L2 Signature monoblock amplifiers (shipping in June), Harbeth Monitor 40.2 40th Anniversary Edition speakers ($17,990/pair), and Triode Wire cabling. The beautiful, liquid warmth on SoundMirror's DSD256 Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra recording of Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 (Reference Recordings Fresh!), as well as the system's realistically lively depiction of piccolo, were a joy to listen to. My just-met listening partner, Franklin Winston of Bowling Brook, IL, insightfully called this a "melt into the music" system.”


nature boy

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #4 on: 14 Apr 2018, 06:06 pm »
Excellent.  Wish I could be there.


Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #5 on: 15 Apr 2018, 07:53 pm »
Scot Hull, owner of Part Time Audiophile, gave his impressions for Room 688...

There is a reason.

If we’re being serious, this is obvious — because there’s always a reason. It may be stupid, it may be incidental, it may be irrelevant, it may be serendipity, or God, or luck, or spooky-action-at-a-distance, but even then, there’s a reason. But in the case of “why this particular room sounds really good”, the reasons are a bit more straightforward.

Chalk one more up to Team Natural.

Today’s iteration of The System has quite a bit of newness. First up, the new “cladding” I saw on the amplifier and speakers — they match. That may not sound like anything special, but it’s kinda startling how nifty it is. The striking casework on the 18wpc BorderPatrol S20 EXS integrated amplifier (prices start at $18,500) was a lusciously striped ebony and was perfectly matched by the finish on the flanking Volti Audio Rival loudspeakers (more on those in a second). That amplifier is quite familiar to me, but for those just now coming to the party, I ought to mention the copper chassis, the cryogenically treated “inter-stage phase-splitter/driver transformers, the point to point hand wiring, and the dual external tube rectified choke input filter power supply design.” If that means nothing to you, understand this this is a 300b tube amplifier with eerie transparency, drive, and actual extension into both the lows and the highs, and not “just for a 300b”, but period. “Astonishingly great” is a quote I’ve used more than once.

But that’s not the new thing. The new (well, “-ish” at this point) thing is the thing I’ve already raved about: the DAC SE (prices start at $950). This DAC is deliriously underpriced, a price which is offset somewhat by what it doesn’t do: compromise. It won’t play MQA. It won’t play DSD. Hell, it won’t even play high-resolution digital files at all — it’s strictly Redbook (CD quality) only. But hook it up to a CD transport, or a Roon endpoint like the ultraRendu, and you have one of the best-sounding sources you can buy at any price. No shit.

The Volti Audio Rivals (starting at $7.900/pair, and with this finish, $8,400/pair) are also familiar to me. That is, I took delivery of my very own pair just prior to Capital Audiofest last year. What’s new here is a whole different look — veneer front and a textured-paint back. Check the photos for a high-resolution detail shot of that finish. The best part? No fingerprints — ever. Yeah, that’s a thing now. Anyway, these speakers also now feature an optional outboard crossover (price is still TBD), with matching finish. These speakers are absurdly easy to drive at 100dB, and easily can produce a 32Hz-20kHz range. Given my room at home, I cannot ask for (or handle) more — I’m loving the organic sound and the wild dynamics. I’m guessing you will too. I am still flabbergasted at the entry price. There’s just no way it’s gonna last — and with the robust uptake by the market that this speaker is seeing, I’m guessing that the introductory prices will come to an end (so if you were looking for a reason to get off your keister, consider this “fair warning”).

Last, but not least, are the new wires from Triode Wire Labs. I’ve long been a fan of the work of Pete Grzybowski, or “Triode Pete” (aka, “Pete Grizz”, for those of us with phonetic impairments), and the easy, natural sound he’s able to encourage out of an audio system. The fact that TWL is also rather reasonably priced is just icing on the cake. This is another brand (and the third in this room) that has yet to realize how absurdly underpriced their “sound” is. Whoops. Did I say that out loud? Ahem. Anyway, so, what’s new? Version 2 of the Spirit interconnect! Three main differences over the outgoing wire: a solid core, a new dielectric (that Pete swears is “better”), and a new outer organic cotton exterior sleeving. Overall impressions? The guys say “it’s better”, and while I’m inclined to agree, we’ll get a closer look at some point in the near future.

And one last treat tucked away behind the rack? A Pi Audio Uberbuss!

All in all, this room was absurdly fun. I’ve heard this gear in several combinations and permutations over the last several years. Many audio show enthusiasts have as well — for a reason. And it’s worth a think about why these brands they keep showing up together. Obviously they bring out the best in each other. While I have no doubt they’d work well with others — keep reading Part-Time Audiophile for many of those comparisons — but the INESCAPABLE fact is that they do work well together. Enough so that the recommendation to acquire the gear as a set is simple, straightforward, obvious and unhesitatingly easy to make. And make gain. And again.

They’re clearly having fun making great sound. I’d be very happy to wrap the whole room up and take it home with me. But then, I already have.“

(Beware of Mr. Dews!)

(with David Berning... he was really impressed with our Music Reproduction!)
« Last Edit: 16 Apr 2018, 03:27 pm by Triode Pete »


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Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #6 on: 15 Apr 2018, 08:16 pm »
Very cool. Congrats, Pete!!  :beer:

Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #7 on: 16 Apr 2018, 04:01 pm »
Some feedback from an AudioShark forum member who picked the Vinnie Rossi - Harbeth - TWL room AND the Volti - BorderPatrol - TWL rooms in his "Best in Show" TOP 3 Rooms!

"as it turns out, i was traveling yesterday and able to arrange a 7 hour layover in chicago which allowed me to attend axpona... what a fantastic show and it was great to hear all this great gear and, especially, talk with the manufacturers.

while all exhibitors had excellent demonstration rooms, there were three that really stood out for me and i just kept circling back to their rooms to listen. i am sure others' had their favorites but these three just impressed me immensely with the quality/character of the sound. it is the exactly the type of sound that i have been trying to get in my own system.

1> bandwidth audio -- if i were forced to pick a favorite, it would be these guys... absolutely stunning hand-wired tube amps: power, line-stage and phono-stage. they had them playing through tannoy turnberry speakers - a sublime pairing. after listening, it just made me want to sell all my gear and get that exact setup w/ the 2a3 mono amps. WOW! and, the two owner/engineers could not be nicer folks.

2> harbeth / vinnie rossi -- 30 seconds after walking into this room i fully understood the magic of harbeth speakers. they just immediately grabbed me with their full, rich sound. the 40.2s were of course great but the 30.2s were every bit as good. even the small p3esr pair was outstanding. anyone thinking of getting a pair of harbeths: just do it!

3> volti / border patrol -- they were showing the rival speakers. as one can imagine they are large and the external crossovers are larger than many speakers alone, but if one has the space... rich, immersive yet amazing "delicacy". only tube amps for these and the border patrol were more than excellent.

anyway, i really enjoyed these three in particular. as they say, ymmv and i am sure other attendees have their own favorites."

Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #8 on: 18 Apr 2018, 05:47 pm »
Some more Press Feedback from Rafe Arnott from Audio-Head...

"When you wander the halls of a big audiophile trade show, you start to get what many refer to as “ear fatigue” or what I call “burnout.”

Putting in several hours running from room to room to take in whatever is the latest, and greatest from high-fidelity manufacturers spanning the globe at AXPONA this past weekend, I realized I was starting to slow down late in the afternoon on Saturday, and so sought solace in what I like to refer to as a “safe space.”

Border Patrol, and Volti Audio stay connected with Triode Wire Labs in a fairly regular fashion at hifi shows, and their rooms always qualify as a place to recharge, and sooth myself. Chicago this year was no different with the three companies showing their beautiful hand-made DACs, pre-amps, amplifiers, cabling, and loudspeakers.

The sound here is always accurate without being analytical, warm without losing resolution, and features a wide, deep soundstage with satisfying bass definition, and upper register air, and decay off piano, cymbal, and high hat notes: ticking all the boxes for this lover of musicality, tone, and timbre.

Border Patrol was flexing sonic muscles with the 300B-tubed S20 EXS integrated amplifier (18 watts, $18,500 USD), and their small, but mighty R2R (ladder DAC) 24/96 SPDIF/USB DAC SE ($950 USD).

There were also the P21EXD (from $13,150 USD), and P20EXD/EXS (from $18,500 USD) power amplifiers in the room, but I did not hear those during my visit.

Volti had the Rival (100 dB, 20kHz – 32Hz, from $7,900 USD) in place, and TWL was featuring a mix of Obsession ($1,399 USD) and, Digital American ($699 USD) AC cables, American speaker cables ($699 USD), Spirit, and Spirit 75 interconnects ($299 – $329 USD)."

Thanks, Rafe!!!

Vinnie R.

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Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #9 on: 18 Apr 2018, 06:07 pm »
Hi Pete,

Congratulations to you, Greg, and Gary for all the great press!  I'm glad I was able to listen after-hours with you guys - your room
was SOLID as usual!

At one point, I thought I heard someone in the room whistling along with the music.   :singing:

So what libations were being served? 

Great show!  :beer:


Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #10 on: 18 Apr 2018, 10:23 pm »
Some feedback from The Audio Beatnik...

"Show after show, the Volti Audio room is one of the best. It was no different here as they paired with BorderPatrol Audio electronics and Triode Wire Labs to make great sounding music."

nature boy

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #11 on: 18 Apr 2018, 10:57 pm »
Well deserved Pete.  The Volti - Border Patrol - TRL room at Capital Audio Fest last November was one of my two favorites.  Look forward to trying a pair of your new interconnects.  The digital cables are FANTASTIC.


Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #12 on: 19 Apr 2018, 12:43 am »
Well deserved Pete.  The Volti - Border Patrol - TRL room at Capital Audio Fest last November was one of my two favorites.  Look forward to trying a pair of your new interconnects.  The digital cables are FANTASTIC.


Thank you, NB!!!

Another great review by The Audio Beatnik...

In the Harbeth Loudspeakers and Vinnie Rossi room (& TWL room!), I listened to the big M40s, and the sound was very good. I want to congratulate Vinnie for getting the best sound from the big Harbeth’s that I have heard. It sounded glorious!


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Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #13 on: 19 Apr 2018, 01:12 am »

A big congratulations to all involved!

I have a question about the Volti Rivals. [If this is 'other thread' material, I can delete it and ask in another thread.]

I see they are placed in the corners. I understand how this positioning may be ideal. However, if I were to place them in my current listening room, WAF would force them to be in a more traditional position (backs parallel to the front wall or slightly toed-in). Would this compromise soundstage, listening quality, create boominess, etc.? What is the closest to the front wall they may be placed without compromising too much SQ?



Volti Audio

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Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #14 on: 19 Apr 2018, 02:53 am »
Hey Michael,

I guess they were in corners, sort of.  I always think of speakers being in corners when they are very close to both of the walls of the corners, almost touching.  In our AXPONA show room this year, the Rivals were out from the corner walls a foot or more. 

The Rivals seem to do well in just about any position in a room.  Corner placement enhances the bass, which is to be expected.  But it's a good enhancement.  Vittoras on the other hand usually don't like to be in corners - something about 'which' frequencies are being enhanced I'm sure.  Against the wall is fine too, with similar enhancements to the bass.  I would still want to toe them in somewhat though. 

The set up at the show was my preferred way to set up any of my speakers - a wide spacing, sitting closer than it seems you should, with the speakers toed in right to the listening position.  It's a setup that gives me pinpoint, if somewhat narrow imaging, and a wide soundstage, with the music completely 'out' of the equipment and floating in front of me.  But that's not the only way to set them up.  I suspect most of my customers do not toe them in as much as I do, with their listening position farther back.  It's all good, just a different image and soundstage.

I think you'll find the Rivals are pretty flexible in terms of placement. 



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Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #15 on: 19 Apr 2018, 03:27 am »

Thank you for replying. I'm going to follow this up with a PM reply so as to avoid cluttering this thread.




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Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #16 on: 19 Apr 2018, 05:44 am »

The Rival's and the DS pair would probably be a phenomenal pairing.

Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #17 on: 19 Apr 2018, 07:14 pm »
Hi Pete,

Congratulations to you, Greg, and Gary for all the great press!  I'm glad I was able to listen after-hours with you guys - your room
was SOLID as usual!

At one point, I thought I heard someone in the room whistling along with the music.   :singing:

So what libations were being served? 

Great show!  :beer:


Hey Vinnie,
It's always a blast with your presence!!! Thanks!

We had the usual COLD libations going (including Guinness for Mr. Dews & Mr. Roberts) as well as something for our special friends!

We also had a phenomenal Bourbon from the makers of Pappy VanWinkle...

Pete  :beer:

Volti Audio

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Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #18 on: 19 Apr 2018, 08:07 pm »
Michael, please email me directly.  You can do so through my website.  Thanks, Greg

Triode Pete

Re: See you at AXPONA with a couple of surprises!
« Reply #19 on: 20 Apr 2018, 03:45 am »
Some Positive Feedback... thank you Carol & Dave Clark!!!

Vinnie Rossi LIO DHT preamplifier and L2 Signature monoblock amplifiers. Harbeth Monitor 40.2, Monitor 30.2, and P3ESR 40th Anniversary Editions loudspeakers. Triode Wire Labs power cables, speaker cables, and interconnects. Vinnie is such a nice guy and his rooms always sound so nice.
